"Data Structures and Algorithms" Robert Lafore 7/26/02 List of Applets --------------- Chapter 1 -- Overview (No applets) Chapter 2 -- Arrays 1) Array 2) OrderedArray Chapter 3 -- Simple Sorting 3) Bubble 4) Insertion 5) Selection Chapter 4 -- Stacks and Queues 6) Stack 7) Queue 8) PriorityQ Chapter 5 -- Linked Lists 9) LinkList Chapter 6 -- Recursion 10) Towers 11) mergeSort Chapter 7 -- Advanced Sorting 12) shellSort 13) partition 14) quickSort1 15) quickSort2 Chapter 8 -- Binary Trees 16) Tree Chapter 9 -- Red-black Trees 17) RBTree Chapter 10 -- 2-3-4 Trees 18) Tree234 Chapter 11 -- Hash Tables 19) Hash 20) HashDouble 21) HashChain Chapter 12 -- Heaps 22) Heap Chapter 13 -- Graphs 23) GraphN 24) GraphD Chapter 14 -- Weighted Graphs 25) GraphW 26) GraphDW