CS3134 Homework #2
Due on October 14, 2004 at 11:00am

There are two parts to this homework: a written component worth 15 points, and a programming assignment worth 10 points. See the homework submission instructions on how to hand it in and for important notes on programming style and structure.

Written questions

Note that these questions are intended to be theoretical unless stated otherwise.  Don't worry about the actual implementation (e.g., arrays, etc.) - just answer the questions based on how stacks, queues and related data structures work fundamentally.

  1. While stacks and queues are rather primitive data structures, they're surprisingly flexible for solving a large variety of problems.  Interestingly, we can actually use a queue to support a list-style data structure instead of an array, even though it only has two operations (enqueue and dequeue).  In this problem, we'll explore how we can do this.  While it's not required, you can assume that there's a third operation supported in our queue for the purposes of this problem: length, which specifies the number of items currently in the queue.  While you don't need to write code, try and be as precise as you can - a few clearly-defined sentences, lists of steps or psuedocode should work for each.
    1. (1 point) Describe an algorithm to support a list-style (unordered) insert using a queue.
    2. (2 points) Describe an algorithm to support a list-style linear search using a queue.
    3. (1 point) Given (b), how can we support remove using a queue?
    4. (1 point) Suggest what the complexities (using big-Oh notation) for the above three operations are.  Explain why, using 1-2 sentences for each.
    5. (2 points extra credit) While it's tricky, you can actually sort the contents of a queue using just the queue and two extra temporary variables.  Describe an algorithm that you can use to do this.  (Hint: it's a little like insertion sort, but with some twists.)
  2. All three sorts we've covered so far (bubble, insertion, and selection) are rather inefficient in sorting large arrays. Let's assume I have a large array of elements ordered backwards. Sorting such an array takes O(n2) time for all three, which for large n (say, more than 1000) is rather slow. There are a number of alternatives we can develop that should run much faster.
    1. (1 points) As we described in class, a stack can be used to reverse items. Explain in a few sentences what sequence of stack operations would do just this. State, using big-Oh notation, the worst-case running time for such an algorithm, and explain why. (Hint: explain how the combination of many low-level stack operations "adds up" to such a high-level worst-case time.)
    2. (2 points) Describe an alternative algorithm that we can use if we wanted to only use the one array to store information, instead of having to create an additional data structure (like a stack) to manipulate the data. Such an algorithm might be called in-place - that is, the data elements are manipulated mostly within the array itself (a few individual external variables notwithstanding).
    3. (1 point) Approximate the worst-case running time of (b), using a similar analysis to (a) (that is, decomposing the high-level operation into a series of lower-level steps and combining their respective running times).
    4. (1 point) Of these two, which is more efficient, and why? Use 2-3 sentences to explain. An informal analysis of space and/or time usage should be sufficient. (Note: this does not imply that the approximate worst-case running times are necessarily different. They may very well be equal, but one of the two will still have their advantages.)
  3. While we've mostly done sorts with lists so far, sorts can be useful with other data structures as well.  In this experiment, we'll create an algorithm that enables us to sort a queue using nothing more than two stacks.
    1. (3 points) Given a queue filled with unsorted numbers and two empty stacks, describe an algorithm that will sort the queue (i.e., using only the queue and stacks to hold data and only the appropriate operations for each, describe an algorithm that will result in a queue full of the sorted numbers, in order, when it's done).
    2. (1 point) Approximate the worst-case running time of (a).  (Hint: how much "work" do you need to do for each number in the queue?)
    3. (1 point) What queue configuration would result in the fastest absolute time for your sort algorithm (i.e., even though (b) refers to the worst-case time, what configuration would produce the best scenario?)  What queue configuration would result in the worst absolute time for your sort algorithm?

Programming problem

Since the point of this course is to be able to design algorithms and then implement them, we're going to take your written answer for #3 and develop an implementation for it.  The book provides both Stack and Queue code, which you're welcome to download and use for this exercise by clicking the appropriate links in this sentence.  Before we implement #2, though, we're going to extend each class's functionality so that they're growable, and aren't limited to an initial number of items.

  1. (2 points) Make the Stack class auto-expandable.  First, change the constructor that it takes no parameters and assumes an initial length of 5 items, and remove the isFull method.  Change the book's insert method so that instead of causing problems when the stack fills up, the method first checks to make sure the stack isn't full, and if it is full, creates a new array twice the size of the old stackArray and copies the items over.  Finally, update the stackArray reference to the new array.
  2. (3 points) Make the Queue class auto-expandable using a similar strategy as you did in part 1.  Be careful that you maintain the order of the circular queue, although you can rearrange the location of the front and rear if you want to.
  3. (4 points) Create a class called StackSort.  This class will have exactly one method - sort() - which takes one parameter, a Queue, and sorts it according to your algorithm in 3(a) from the written portion of the homework.  You will create the two stacks and manipulate them, along with the supplied Queue, within this class.  The method doesn't need to return anything, since it's manipulating the original Queue by reference.
  4. (1 point) Write a class called StackApp, which asks the user, line by line, for a new number, and inserts the results into a Queue.  Keep on asking the user for numbers until the user enters a blank line to terminate input.  Then, have StackApp call the sort method in StackSort on the Queue, and finally print out the results of the Queue by repeatedly dequeueing it.
