CS3134 Homework #6
Due on Monday December 13, 2004: written must be submitted by 5:00pm in 608 CEPSR or the dept. front office, and programming must be submitted electronically by 11:59:59pm.  There will be no late days accepted on this assignment as it is due on the last day of the semester.

There are two parts to this homework: a written component worth 10 points, and a programming assignment worth 15 points (plus extra credit of up to 7 points). See the homework submission instructions on how to hand it in and for important notes on programming style and structure.

Written questions

  1. (2 points) You're given the following list of numbers to work with.
    48, 21, 45, 1, 93, 87, 55, 100, 34, 97
    1. (1 point) Insert the numbers into a heap and draw the result (in tree form).  Assume larger numbers are of higher priority.
    2. (1 point) Draw the heap after one call of removeMax is executed.
  2. (5 points) Undirected/unweighted graphs.
    1. (3 points) Draw a 5-vertex, 5-edge undirected, unweighted graph, with no vertex incident (i.e., connecting) to more than three edges, that can produce the following BFS and DFS.  You can assume there are no “double edges” between a pair of vertices (e.g., every edge connects a unique pair of vertices), and that BFS and DFS don't need to work "in the same order" (i.e., starting at A, they can pick any edge incident to it when starting their search).

      BFS: A B D E C
      DFS: A D E C B
    2. (2 points) How many spanning trees exist for this graph?  (You don't need to draw each of them, just explain how you derived that number.)
    3. (2 points extra credit) Can you think of a way of algebraically expressing an upper bound for the number of spanning trees for a graph given the # of edges and the # of vertices in the graph?
  3. (3 points) Given the following graph:

    1. (1 points) List the vertices in topological order. Is this the only topological ordering for the graph? Explain in one or two sentences why.
    2. (2 points) Draw the adjacency matrix for the graph. Compute its transitive closure via Warshall's algorithm, and draw the resulting connectivity matrix. Are there any cycles in this graph? Explain in a sentence why or why not.

Programming problem

In this programming assignment, we're going take the concept of processing emails from HW#5 and use graph concepts to solve a related problem: determining relationships between people by examining email headers.  For example, if I have an email sent from A to B and another one sent from C to B, I can say that that A and C communicate "through" B.  Your goal is to write a program that uses depth-first search to support "searching" this web of connections to find paths between email addresses.

To do this, we're going to replace the Tree and EmailHeader class from HW#5 with a combination of a HashMap and a graph to enable quick lookup and traversal.  One key difference between the book and this homework is that we will implement the graph as a collection of EmailAddress objects and references between them, not as an adjacency matrix.  Here's what you should do:

  1. (4 points) Create an EmailAddress class.
    1. (1 point) It will have three fields:
      • A String representing the actual email address;
      • An ArrayList of friends (ArrayList is a class in java.util that functions similarly to a LinkedList, but supports an array-backed list).
      • A boolean representing whether or not this node has been visited before (defaults to false).
    2. (1 point) Write a method called addFriend that takes another EmailAddress object and adds it to our list of friends if it's not there already.
    3. (2 points) Write a method called getUnvisited that searches our list of friends for an EmailAddress that has not yet been visited, and returns it.  If there aren't any, return null.
  2. (8 points) Write an EmailList class.
    1. (1 point) Declare a HashMap of EmailAddress objects (HashMap is a class in java.util that implements a key-value pair-based hash table).
    2. (1 point) Write a method called normalizeAddress that takes a String and extracts and returns only the email part of it.  For example, it should convert "Janak J Parekh <janak@cs.columbia.edu>" to "janak@cs.columbia.edu".  If there are multiple addresses in the string, it should only keep the first one.  Note that some addresses may appear in the latter form by default, so you'll have to play with this and make it sufficiently flexible.  Also make sure it converts the email address to lowercase.  (Tip: the String method split or StringTokenizer can be used to do this.  I find that if you call original.split("(<|>|,)"); you tend to get pretty good results -- the email address is then contained in either the first or second cell of the resulting array.  Write a little test program to figure out the optimal way of setting this up.)
    3. (1 point) Create a method called addPair that takes two email addresses in String form.  It should first normalize these addresses using the previously-defined method.  Then, for each normalized address, it should try and look it up in (get from) the HashMap, and if it's not in there should create new EmailAddress objects and put them in the HashMap.  It should then mutually call addFriend on each of the objects (i.e., the first one adds the second one as a friend, and the second adds the first as a friend).
    4. (1 point) Write a method called resetVisited() that goes through all the EmailAddresses and resets their visited values to false.  Since the EmailAddress objects are contained in a HashMap, this is a little tricky; the way to do it is to a execute a set of nested calls that extracts the values from the HashMap.  If the HashMap is called hm, you can run hm.values().iterator().  You'd be given an Iterator object with the ability to "walk" through each of the EmailAddresses.  Alternatively, hm.values().toArray() converts the results to an array, but of type Object[].  In either case, you need to cast individual objects to type EmailAddress before you set their visited value.
    5. (4 points) Write the depth-first search methods.  Write one method that takes email addresses in String form, looks them up in the HashMap, and obtains the corresponding the EmailAddress objects.  If they don't exist, it should print an appropriate error and return.  Otherwise, it should call a second DFS method with the source and destination EmailAddress objects.

      This second DFS method takes those two parameters.  It first resets the visits of all the EmailAddress objects using the method described in #4.  It then actually does the DFS:
      • First, it creates a new empty stack using the Stack class (once again, in java.util). 
      • Second, it uses this Stack to implement depth-first search as described in class in great detail on 11/30.  (If you weren't there, either use the book as a model, or make sure you get the notes from someone -- the main difference is that it uses object references and not an adjacency matrix, and that it "stops" when the match is encountered if any.)
      • Third, if it doesn't find the destination, it prints an error message saying that there is no path between the two specified email addresses.  If it does find the destination, it instead prints out the contents of the stack, which serves as the path.  To do this, use stack.iterator() or stack.toArray() in a strategy similar to #4.  It will automatically "reverse" the contents, making it easy to print it in the right order.

      Neither DFS actually returns any value - it just prints out a result as appropriate.

  3. (3 points) Write an EmailGrapher "app" class with one method: main.  You can adapt your EmailSearcher class, as you will again be processing email files.  If you didn't like your homework submission, Janak's solutions for HW#5 will be released on Thursday, 12/2.
    1. (2 points) Have EmailGrapher create an object of type EmailList with which you will insert data and call DFS.  Modify the parser routine so it only keeps track of the headers, and only From: and To: at that.  As soon as it finishes processing a header, it should call EmailList's addPair method.  (You no longer need the EmailHeader class!)
    2. (1 point) Instead of asking for one word, ask the user for two email addresses on one line, separated by a space.  Split them, and call your EmailList's DFS with the two parameters (which will then print out the result).  Again, quit if the user doesn't enter anything.
  4. (Up to 5 points extra credit) Add the following functionality to your assignment.
    1. (2 points) Keep a count of every time an email address appears in an email -- this is most easily done by modifying the addFriend method, as that's called every time an email address appears.  Then, modify EmailList to print out the top 10 most appearing email addresses, and modify EmailGrapher to show this before you ask the user for input.
    2. (3 points) Instead of only tracking one To: address (the first one), track multiple To: and Cc: addresses.  This means setting up a relationship between the From: and all of the destinations (for simplicity's sake, don't make connections between the destinations themselves).  In short, this means you'll have to normalize the addresses more carefully, and modifying addPair in the process.
