CS1004 Homework #1
Due on February 8, 2005 at 11:00am
There are two parts to this homework: a written component worth 9 points, and programming
component worth 16 points. Submission instructions are available
Written questions
As to be described later in the homework submissions instructions, you
may submit this as a hardcopy, or as a file along with your programming
problems in one of four formats (Word, PDF, HTML, or plaintext).
- (1 point) Register on the class webboard. You can
do so by navigating to
http://cs1004.cs.columbia.edu/webboard.html and following the
instructions. (You do not need to make any posts now, but the
username/password will also be important later on when grades are uploaded to the
webpage.) You do not need to write anything in the submission
itself; our TAs will check to make sure you've followed this step.
- (3 points) As demonstrated in chapter 1 of Schneider/Gersting or in
the slides, pick one everyday activity you do and write out a
step-by-step algorithm for it. Make sure to use iterative or
conditional constructs as necessary. Your algorithm must have at
least 6 steps, and should assume a 12-year-old as a computing agent
(i.e., skilled in reading and writing English, able to follow steps, but
not aware of much more than that).
- (5 points) You're given the following brainteaser: "Three humans
and three monkeys (one big, two small) need to cross a river. But there
is only one boat, and it can only hold two bodies (regardless of their
size), and only the humans or the big monkey are strong enough to row
the boat. Furthermore, the number of monkeys can never outnumber the
number of humans on the same side of the river, or the monkeys will
attack the humans. How can all six get across the river without anyone
getting hurt?"
- (3 points) Write out the solution as a series of sequential steps.
- (2 points) In a few sentences, explain what underlying principle(s)
you used to decompose the problem into those steps.
"Programming" problems
As described below, you will submit this part of the assignment as two
files: a README file that answers the relevant parts of #2 and #3, and a
file named typescript that contains a demonstration of you compiling and
executing your Java program.
- (0 points) Get a CUNIX account already if you don't have one.
http://www.columbia.edu/acis/accounts for more details.
- (8 points) Create a website on your CUNIX account. The website
must have the following:
- (6 points, 2 point each) At least three HTML pages, each with a
title, and a few sentences of information, all linked to each other
and properly accessible from a web browser;
- (1 point) At least two other links leading to pages outside your
set of webpages;
- (1 point) An image on at least one of the three pages.
Use your creativity here! A simple example of a website might
be one with an "index" page with a picture of yourself, a "hobbies" page
with your hobbies, and a "resume/bio" page with a brief resume or
description of yourself. If you already have a webpage, either
make a specialized one for the class or modify it to conform to the
above requirements.
Particularly creative designs may earn up to
one point of extra credit. If you already are skilled at creating
websites, another one-point extra credit possibility is to embed a Java
applet on your webpage (feel free to copy somewhere on the web).
Briefly (few sentences) explain your webpage design in the README file,
and make sure to include a link to it (i.e.,
- (8 points) You're given the following Java "mystery" program, and
your task is to get it to compile and figure out what it's doing.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MysteryProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
int n = s.nextInt();
long j = 1;
while(n > 0) j *= n--;
System.out.println("The answer is " + j);
- (2 points) Cut-and-paste this into your CUNIX account in a
filename named MysteryProgram.java. (Note that pasting in an X
environment is a little tricky; you may find it easier to paste it
into a file on your computer and upload it from there.)
- (2 points) Create a typescript of the program's execution.
This can be accomplished by running the journal command on
CUNIX, which will start up a recorder of your CUNIX session.
Type in the commands (e.g., javac or java), and show the execution
of the program at least once. To exit the "journal", type in exit or
press CTRL-D. (Make sure to exit it as soon as you're done so
the script file doesn't get too large, and let the journal program
remove the control characters.)
- (2 points) In your README, use your
best guess to explain what this program does and describe it in one
sentence. (Hint: If you're
not sure, try different inputs in the program and see what it
computes. Make sure to start with small numbers, e.g.,
less than 10.)
- (2 points) Given a sufficiently large number for input, this
program will no longer do what it's supposed to as per part (c).
State in your README what the largest properly-functioning
number is, and make a guess (1-2 sentences of English) as to why
Java's having trouble with bigger input.