There are several ways to use MutaGeneSys:
MutaGeneSys is available for use free of charge. If you use our system for scientific research that results in a publication, please cite our most recent publication (see here).
Q How do I enter query SNPs?
A (short) rs140504:AA, rs140504:AC, rs140504:A are all valid; rs140504:A? is invalid
A (long)
SNPs are specified using reference cluster IDs (rs#). See
for a complete set of reference cluster IDs. An rs# is followed by ":" and
then by one or two typed alleles. rs140504:AA, rs140504:AC, rs140504:A are all valid
entries. If only one allele was typed, enter rs140504:A, NOT rs140504:A?.
A space-separated list of SNPs may be entered directly into the text field. If you
wish to enter more than 1024 characters, please use the file upload feature instead.
Q How do I use the file upload feature?
A Click the "Browse..." button, locate the SNP file, and click "Open".
Entries in the file must be space-separater. You may break the file into
multiple lines, or enter all SNPs on a single line.
A sample snp file is available here.
Q How does MutaGeneSys use population selection?
A If you wish to restrict diagnostic hypotheses to a specific population,
please select your group from the population pull-down. We use standard
HapMap definitions of populations. EU stands for Utah residents with
ancestry from northern and western Europe. JPT+CHB stands for Japanese in
Tokyo, Japan and Han Chinese in Beijing, China. YRI stands for Yoruba in
Ibadan, Nigeria.
Q What is the coefficient of determination?
A MutaGeneSys uses a whole-genome marker correlation
dataset to identify whether any of the query SNPs are linked with
causal SNPs reported by OMIM (i.e. whether there are any proxies
to causal SNPs in the query set). Correlations between proxies and
causal SNPs are associated with a coefficient of determination (squared
Pearson's correlation coefficient),
a number between 0 and 1 that quantifies the correlation. The closer
this coefficient is to 1 -- the more significant the correlation.
Q How does MutaGeneSys use the genotyping technology pull-down?
A MutaGeneSys uses marker association data based on genome-wide SNP arrays.
We work with SNP array data from two companies: Affymetrix GeneChip and
Illumina HumanHap. If one specific technology, say Affymetrix GeneChip,
is selected from the technology
pull-down, MutaGeneSys will only use Affymetrix data to estimate disease
Q How do I interpret the output?
A MutaGeneSys processes a query and displays results on the Query Results
page. Output is presented in the following columns:
Q How much data is there in MutaGeneSys?
A MutaGeneSys currently contains 906 single-marker associations and
393 two-marker associations. These are specific to population, and
genotyping technology and resolution. Single-marker associations
also include the trivial associations of an OMIM SNP with itself.
The complete MutaGeneSys dataset can be downloaded from this site.
Q Where can I find more information about MutaGeneSys?
A Please refer to out Publications section.
If your questions were not answered after you read the technical
report, contact us.
This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant s IIS-0121239. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.