E6998-2 Archived Announcements
- 10/11: Sign up to present one paper by
- 9/23: Proposal guidelines are here.
Some useful advices are here.
- 9/22: Guest lecture cancelled. I'll be holding office hours.
Drop by and talk about project ideas, questions for papers, etc
- 9/20: Project suggestions are out; check your email.
- 9/12: I've made some adjustments to the course, to reduce your
- Starting from next class, I'll spend more than half of the
class time lecturing on the papers before we discuss them.
- You do not need to write reviews any more; instead,
answer the questions I post for each paper. These pointed questions
will better guide your reading. Reading questions for 9/17
is here.
- For those of you who have not
presented, sign up one paper from the
second half of the reading list. The idea is, you can learn how to
give a presentation after you watch me presenting papers; in
addition, you get more time to prepare. Your presentation must
fit within 15 minutes. Given this time limit, you should
generally talk about the problem, the authors' solution, and one
technical detail.
- 9/4:
- Subscribe to the course mailing list.
- Send me your picture (or Facebook page).
- Sign up to present one paper by email.