Localized Man on a Mission and Traceback

[CS4444] Project 1 - Rectangles

Group 3: Mark Berman, Stephen Lee, and Vladislav Shchogolev

Preliminary Analysis

Before we arrived at our final implementation, we considered a number of strategies and situations which seemed critical to a good player. Some of these represent different player behavior at the beginning or the end of a game, while others represent counter-strategies to particular players.

Final Implementation

Group 3's Final Player Implementation can be separated into three distinct components. The first component is essentially an offensive player which is a variant on the Man on a Mission player introduced by last year's Group 8. The second component, a defensive one, has vague similiarities to the chaser robots developed by last year's Group 3 and others. Finally, the third component glues together the offensive and defensive components by providing a switching algorithm to optimally choose when it is necessary to be offensive and appropriate to be defensive.