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Informed State-Space Search

The second fundamental strategy, informed state-space search, is an application of the A* algorithm. Here we modeled the task of placing $ n$ cookies as a sequence of transitions between nodes in the search tree, where each transition consists of placing a cookie on the dough in a particular way. When we expand a node, we create a set of $ b$ candidate nodes. The worst case running time for this algorithm is $ O(b^n)$.

For each node $ n$, we decomposed our cost function, $ f(n) = g(n)+h(n)$, as follows:

Running the A* algorithm starting with the empty node (no cookies) until a goal node is reached (all cookies placed) would produce an approximately optimal placement. We note that this approach is highly sensitive to the parameters b (the number of nodes expanded from each node) and $ \alpha$, our overestimation factor. To avoid the exponentional running time $ O(b^n)$ and to force the algorithm to run in a reasonable amount of time, we need to ensure that $ \alpha$ is high enough and $ b$ is not too large. As $ \alpha$ increases and $ b$ decreases, the algorithm runs faster because it inspects fewer nodes in the tree, but the result becomes less optimal.

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