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The problems which confront an effective Cookie Cutter parallel those of a hard drive file system. In fact, both the performance of the Cookie Cutter and file system could be measured by the amount of internal and external fragmentation or wasted space. Both face extensive variance in a number of dimensions. While the Cookie Cutter has to manage an unknown parameters like the number of vertices a shape will have and how many copies need to be placed, a file system has to balance wasted space with the accessibility of variable length records. We tried to adhere to the same basic guidelines that a successful hard drive file system employs.

We wanted an easy and efficient way to measure the wasted space that our cookie configuration affords us. While a file system must minimize wasted space and facillitate quick retrieval and storage of files, we focus only on minimizing the wasted cookie dough. If our player knows a cookie copy must fit at specific position and rotation, our player can maneuver the cookie template into position in near constant time. Consequently, speed really is not much of a concern to Famous Frugal Amos.

FFA's wasted space procedure, basically, the critical components for success, can be divided into the local and global optimizations of cookie copy placements.

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Stephen Lee 2003-10-14