Project 2: Generalized Clue

Group 2: Alexis Goldstein, Eric Li, Adam Rosenzweig


Generalized Clue is a game that distributes a set of cards evenly among a group of players and has them try to guess the hidden cards through interrogation amongst themselves. The essence of this game seems to be discrete mathematics and probabilistic analysis, which are the foundations for some of the methods we have tried and described below. Our group submitted two players for the tournament, so our strategies below will be divided into discussions relevant to each player.

Group2PlayerEL ("Giant Fat Player Returns")


This game has several different aspects to it that require consideration. The primary strategic aspect is information tracking, that is representing and interpreting the information we gather about other players' cards and the hidden cards through observing their moves. This is what helps us win and is primarily offensive in nature. In addition to this, we need to carefully think about how we ourselves should move, i.e. who to interrogate, what cards to ask about, and what to reveal when questioned. These are auxiliary strategies both offensive and defense in nature in that they help us to extract information more efficiently while hindering the progress of our opponents. Below, we have separated the strategies into two categories based on what we've just described, the primary strategies and the auxiliary strategies. For all of our discussions, we use the following symbols:

  • N - the total number of cards
  • k - the number of cards per player
  • h - the number of hidden cards
  • p - the number of players

Primary Strategies

  • Core Player

  • The Core Player is the base of all of our players. Each player must implement all aspects of the game including interrogation, answering, etc.. Many of the auxiliary aspects like how to answer can be the same for players with different primary offensive strategies. To avoid redundant coding, we implemented a complete player using the most fundamental strategies for all aspects. For our primary strategy, we used a simple heuristic. We interrogate players in sequence one after the other. In each interrogation, we ask about all the cards that we are not sure about with regard to that player, i.e. we do not know for certain if this player has or doesn't have these cards. This method of interrogation guarantees that we gain information about at least one unknown card every round. This guarantees us an upper bound on the number of rounds it takes us to have certain information about all the cards and be able to make a correct guess. That number is (N-k-h)*p. It's relatively simple to enhance this strategy by padding our interrogation lists with cards we know for certain do not belong to the interrogatee in order to confuse the other players. Subsequent versions of the core player have this improvement. To keep track of what we know, we use a list to represent what we think is hidden. Ultimately, the hidden cards are what we're interested in, so this is the most straightforward way to find out what they are. If we find out that a card belongs to some player, we mark it as definitely not a hidden. When the number of cards we have left unmarked equals the number of hidden cards, then we know those are the hidden cards, so we guess. This strategy will always give a correct guess if given enough rounds. As for answering interrogations, we simply select the first card from our hand that matches one of the asked for cards to show the interrogator.

  • Card Weighting

  • After considerable thought and experimentation on how to use a matrix to represent the probabilities of each player having each card, we concluded that imposing the requirements of probability density functions on the probabilities of the cards has several weaknesses. One, it does not track conditional information, and two, it sometimes produces false inferences because of the simplifying assumptions made when calculating the probabilities. One way we tried to get around this is to use weights instead of probabilities. For each player, we keep a list of weights for all possible cards. When we are sure that that player has a card, the weight of that card becomes positive infinity. When we are sure that that player does not have some card, the weight of that card becomes negative infinity. For every negative interrogation response we observe, we set the weights of all interrogated cards to negative infinity. For every positive interrogation response, we add a small amount to the weight of all cards that were asked since we don't know which is the revealed card. The motivation behind this is that if A tells B it has some card in 1, 2, and 3, and A tells C it has some card in 1, 2, and 4, then we want to capture the idea that there's possibly a higher probability that A has 1 or 2. With that information, we can choose to guess before we have full knowledge of the cards. A safer alternative is to interrogate based on what we deduce a player probably has from the cards that are weighted highest for that player.

    Regarding the weights, initially we used uniform weights, i.e. we added 1 to the weight value each time regardless of the number of cards in the asked list. To make the sums converge for large games and to account for the fact that the probability of the cards in a group of cards belonging to a player is less if that group is larger, we switched to geometric weights inversely proportional to the number of cards in the asked list. For example, if A responds positively to a list of three cards, then the weight of each card in our weight matrix is increased by 1/3.

    The weakness of the weight method is that, though it seems likely, its not necessarily the case that A has a card in 1 or 2 in the example in the first paragraph. It could be that A has the 3 and the 4. The fact that 1 and 2 were asked for again could signify that other players either do not know if A has 1 or 2 or know for certain that A does not have 1 and 2. This is based on the crucially important deduction that players will not ask a player about a card that they know for certain belong to that player for fear that they might waste a turn if they're shown that card again. In that sense, it might be better to weight 1 or 2 less than the 3 and the 4. Based on this reasoning, we also implemented a version of the weighted player that uses inverse weights, meaning that we consider the cards weighted less to be the cards that are more likely to be owned by a player.

    We tested the weighted player against various other players as well as our own core player. The weighted player guesses correctly before the core player a majority of the time. We can, thus, conclude that the weighted player has noticeable advantage over the basic player. However, this advantage is small because the difference in guessing time between the weighted player and the core player is small leading us to conclude that our assumptions about the weighted player are not very accurate. We also had the same results with our geometrically weighted and our inversely weighted players. Some of this diminished effectiveness might also be attributed to the fact that placement of the players and the number of cards in play greatly affect the outcome of the game. However, we were of the belief that we can do significantly better.

  • Conditionals

  • One problem with the weight matrix is that weighting, like a probability matrix, also does not preserve conditionals. A lot could be deduced from conditionals when they are combined together that is not immediately apparent by examining weight matrices. The problem is coming up with an efficient way of representing conditional information and combining them to derive more information. After some deliberation, we chose the simpler brute force method of maintaining all of our conditionals in a list. We created a class of objects called conditionals. Since each conditional is derived from the response to an interrogation, we chose to store it in the format that it's given to us. A conditional has a player, a card list, and a boolean response variable. The card list is the list of cards asked to the player, and the response is the player's answer. We keep a list of conditionals for all interrogations that have gone on. At the same time, we also keep lists like those in the weighted player that indicate which player has which cards or doesn't have hich cards for certain. In our list of conditionals, we do not keep singletons, conditionals where the card list has size one. Singletons are updated into our player-card lists whenever we encounter them. The key to conditionals is the combination of multiple conditionals. Our conditional class has combination functions for merging various types of conditionals with each other. For example, combining a conditional for A has 1, 2, or 3 and A doesn't have 2, 3, and 4 produces the singleton A has 1. There are quite a few different combinations of conditionals, and we tried to implement as many as we had time for. In our player, every time it's our turn, we obtain all the conditionals that appeared since our last turn, and then combine each one with everything in our current conditional list, which we have maintained since the start of the game. All singletons are reflected in the player-card lists and then discarded. All other newly produced conditionals are appended to our conditional list. This is the key step in that we try to deduce as much as we can from everything we've seen so far. We also check all our conditionals against our player-card lists to guarantee consistency and make sure our singletons are also used in combining conditionals.

    The weakness of the conditional list is that it is immensely resource intensive. If we wanted to be thorough with our conditional merging, we would need to combine our new conditionals with all old ones. Combine the newly produced list with all old ones again, and repeat until we no longer produce any unique new conditionals. This is a process that can take a lot of computation time and memory. Also, we have only considered the combination of two conditionals. There are also multiple conditional combinations. For example, if A has 1, 2, or 3 and B has one in those three and so does C, then those three conditionals together can negate the cards 1, 2, and 3 in the hidden list. This situation could happen with more than three cards and three players as well, and therefore would involve more than three conditionals. Trying to combine all combinations of three conditionals from our list would require even more time than combining all combinations of just two. The problem has to do with selecting a combination of 3 items out of a list of n items. Lets say we're only dealing with 20 conditionals. That would mean we have to check (20 C 3) = 1140 different combinations. For real game situations involving more than two players, the game usually needs at least 60+ rounds. Since each round produces a conditional, we would have to check (60 C 3) = 34220 combinations. That's not accounting for all the conditionals produced in between and re-inserted into the list. Even with just two and three conditionals, there's this much computation, so combining more than three conditionals is not at all feasible. But that leaves out some important information that could advance our position significantly.

    In our test runs with the conditional player, it performed about on par with the weighted player, not doing much better or worse. We attribute this to the fact that we limited how many levels of conditional combining we did. Initially we had set a much looser limit on how much combining we allowed. But we kept encountering "Out of Memory" errors, so we had to cap the combination step. After much consideration, we concluded that we couldn't overcome the resource problem of using the conditional player to its full capacity without coming up with a much more efficient representation of conditionals. Thus, we moved on to other alternatives for boosting the effectiveness of our player.

  • History Mining

  • Both the weighted player and the conditional player translated player moves into a different representation and updated that representation with each round in trying to reveal information about the cards that would otherwise not be apparent. We thought, instead of maintaining our own representation along side the history of moves, why not just examine the history of moves when we think we're ready to guess? Our reasoning is that in reality all of the information revealed by the moves is present in the move history. We just need to find ways to mine the history data to extract that information. So we turned to statistical analysis of the move history. The key idea that we used in our history mining is that a player will not ask another player about a card that the former already knows that the latter has in order to avoid wasting a turn since no new information is revealed if the interrogatee answers with that specific card. From this, we can deduce that the cards that will be asked about the most are the hidden cards, which others have mentioned in class, because a player has to ascertain that every player doesn't have that card in order to know it's hidden whereas he/she only has to ask the player that has it to know that it isn't hidden. Based on this deduction, we simply tallied the number of times each card was asked and selected the h most asked about cards as our guess. To our amazement, this method was surprisingly accurate. Not only that, we were able to guess correctly much further in advance than any other player. We estimated when we should guess by taking the upper bound calculated in the core player and multiplying it be a fractional factor between 0 and 1. The smaller the factor the earlier we guess. Of course, the earlier we guess, the less information we have and the less accurate we are likely to be. This did indeed prove to be the case. Even so, there were times we were able to guess correctly over 70% of the time with a factor of 1/2. That is if a game needs 200 rounds for the basic player to guess correctly, we could guess correctly with only 100 rounds. In our tests with the last player submissions of the other groups before the tournament, we guessed correctly at 100 rounds in a 200 round game while all the other players needed at least 170 rounds to guess. Thus, we beat them by about 70 rounds!

    Here's a test run of our player guessing early against other players. Some players have been omitted due to exceptions and infinite loops and compilation errors.

    This is another test run. We guessed 65 rounds ahead of the 2nd guesser and got it right, too. Must be our lucky day.

    As effective as history mining seemed to be, it was not without its faults. Our statistical player did guess wrong 30% of the time, and guessing wrong before everyone hurts our ranking severely since we become last making our player a "do or die" type. We increased the guessing factor to 2/3 to try to alleviate some of this, but it was only partially effective. In extensive tests, we discovered that, the success rate of our player was extremely sensitive to the placement of the players despite having a randomly chosen starter. We weren't sure why this is so, but for some player placements, our correct guess percentage was as low as 10%. Another important factor, related to the one just mentioned, is which players are participating in the game. Our statistical player does particularly well against some players and quite badly against others. We attribute this to the interrogation behavior of the other players. We assumed that they would ask about hidden cards the most, but there are ways to not ask about hidden cards the most and still not waste turns. This can be achieved by randomly choosing cards a player knows belongs to some other player to pad an interrogation with. Finally, the number of players and cards in the game also affected our performance. This we expected since the larger the game size, the more data there is to mine, so the more accurate our guesses are.

    Another idea we tried, also derived from the same assumption about interrogations as the previous idea, is that since players won't ask about the cards they know already, we can deduce that the cards a player has been asked least about are the ones that that player has. To our disappointment, this was not the case. We explain this by pointing out that each interrogation only reveals one card, so the other cards, even though they might belong to the interrogatee, are asked repeatedly until they are revealed. Also, if the interrogator doesn't use all other cards to pad the list, but randomly chooses a subset, then some of those cards will have been asked as few times as the cards the interrogatee has. Of course, there's the case where a card is never asked because its place is already known at the start of the game, but we exclude those cards that are not even asked once from our searches.

Auxiliary Strategies

These are strategies that help our player be more efficient in gathering information or hinds the opponents' progress. The strategies used are fairly fundamental and are probably used by most other players in class. Nevertheless, it's important to mention them.

  • Player Interrogation

    We interrogate players essentially in sequence. The only condition we add is that we check how much we know about a player. If in our deductions, we come to know all the cards of a player, we skip to the next player, and continue this way until we find a player who we do not know everything about. This is to guarantee equal speed of information gathering about all opponents. That way, we avoid the case where other people's interrogations provide us no information if we already know everything about the player that is being interrogated.

  • Interrogation Card Selection

    We always ask about the entire list of cards we do not know for certain with regard to the chosen interrogatee padded with all the cards we do know for certain do not belong to this player. This serves two purposes. One, it minimizes the amount of information players who rely on probability matrices and conditional lists receive. Two, it helps our history mining player in making sure that the hidden cards are asked more than the non-hidden cards at least by ourself. This helps remove some of the statistical noise that players who randomly choose cards for padding create for us. To further increase the noise reduction effect, we ask for each card in our interrogation list multiple times in our history mining player.

  • Answering Interrogations

    For this, we kept a list of what we have shown to each player. If any player asks us for a card we've already shown to that player, we show it again.

Group 2 Player

The submitted Group2PlayerEL actually had a combination of elements from each of the players described above. It used player-card lists to keep track of what each player definitely has and doesn't have. It keeps a list of conditionals updated with each turn to try to infer as much as possible from the other players' moves. It uses the history mining strategy with a factor of 2/3 for guessing. When the player is ready to guess, it will mine the history for the guess list, and then run it through the list of conditionals and the player-card lists to make sure that everything is consistent and no card that we know is not hidden is being submitted as a guess. After all verifications and substitutions are done, the guess list is submitted.

Tournament Results Analysis

In a few of the tournaments, the player ran out of memory due to the combination step of the conditionals. The same problem occurred when we did test runs. But we reduced the combination step until there weren't any memory errors on our tests. However, since the machines used in the tournaments differ from our test machines, we didn't foresee that the problem would show up again.

The average rank of Group2PlayerEL is not very high in general. However, this belies its performance. With respect to Group2PlayerEL, there are several important aspects to consider. First is that it is an aggressive guesser. It does not wait for full information to make its guesses, and because of the estimated round to guess, it is always first to guess. This alone merits acknowledgement since the first guesser has less information than everyone else and risks the most as was mentioned in class. Upon guessing, it either guesses correctly and takes first place, or guesses incorrectly and takes last place. The average rank is lowered by the frequency of last places despite many first place appearances.

A better measure of the player's performance is its ranking based on the number of times it came in first. As anticipated, in the smaller 2 and 3 player games, it performed poorly because of insufficient data to mine. In the 5 player games, its effectiveness begins to show itself. It was 1st once, and 2nd and 3rd for a good portion of the other games. In the 7 player games, it was almost always in the top 3. In the 7 player 2 and 3 card games it was 1st two out of three times. It performed best in the 9 player games, despite memory problems. It's consistently 1st or 2nd in the smaller 9 player games. And then its most decisive win is in the 9 player 8 card games where it wins 1st 663 times, which is more than three times the number of 1st places the next player had. One noticeable phenomenon is that it performs worse as the number of hidden cards increases. This is expected since there's a greater probability of having a wrong guess if there are more cards to guess. Here's a re-organized tabulation of some of the tournament results to illustrate our point.
Group 2 Tournament Results

A measure of effectiveness that is left out of the tournament results is the number of rounds our player guessed ahead of the second guesser. In our own test runs, we were able to guess as much as 70 rounds ahead of the next guesser. This large difference in guessing time is a clear sign that our player has a significant round advantage over all other players. Many of the other groups felt it safer to wait to guess so that in the worst case they rank above all the wrong guesses in the middle of the pack. However, we chose a high risk player because we felt it would be more rewarding when we did guess right so far ahead of the other players and more exciting to be riskier.

Group2PlayerAR ("It is...Green")

Primary Strategy

  • Underlying Mathematics of Probability

  • The probabilistic approach is embodied by the Group2PlayerAR5 player is based on the enumeration of the possible configurations of cards for each player. As information is gained through queries and inferences, configurations that do not satisfy the new information are subtracted. The mathematics of this probability is combinatorial. In addition, it satisfies the constraint that the sum across all cards of a player having each card is equal to c, and maintains that constraint via relatively simple mathematics.

  • Representation

  • To minimize calculations of possible configurations, the probability that a player possesses a particular card is represented as a fraction, unreduced, as an explicit numerator and denominator. In this representation, the denominator of the fraction is the total number of possible card configurations that satisfy the information known, and the numerator is the number of possible card configurations that both satisfy the information known and contain that card. To calculate the initial value of the denominator, calculate n C c, where n is the number of cards, c is the number of cards per player, and n C c means Combination (n, c). The initial value of the numerator is (n-1) C (c-1).

  • Guaranteed Mathematics

  • This representation makes it simple to correctly adjust probabilities when certain information is gained. Certain information is when we learn that a player definitely has a specific card, or when we learn that a player definitely does not have a set of cards.

  • Learning a Card is Held

  • Upon learning that a player has a specific card, we can set the probability of that card being possessed to 100%, and adjust the probabilities of other cards downwards. Specifically, the denominator of all probabilities becomes the numerator of the card we just learned about, and the numerator of each other card becomes the number of configurations by which the set of configurations containing that card and the set of configurations containing the card learned about overlap. That is, the new numerator is the number of configurations that contain both the card learned about and the card whose probability is being updated.

  • Learning a Card is Not Held

  • Upon learning that a player does not have a specific card, we can set the probability of that card being possessed to 0%, and adjust the probabilities of the other cards upwards. Specifically, the denominator of each fraction is reduced by the numerator of the card we learned about. The numerator of each fraction is reduced by the amount by which the set of configurations containing that card and the set of configurations containing the card learned about overlap. This process can be applied iteratively for each card in a set that we learn the player does not have.

  • Approximations

  • The above mathematics are simple enough to calculate until uncertain information (that is, inferences) are brought into play. Without inferences, each fraction that is not equivalent to 1 or 0 will have the same value as the other fractions that are not 1 or 0 for that player. Bringing inferences into play produces unequal fractions and makes calculating the overlap significantly harder than in the purely certain case, where it is ((number of cards with values not 1 or 0) - 2) C (c - (number of cards we already know the player has) - 2). Bringing inferences in makes the calculation of overlap significantly more difficult because the number of configurations containing each card is no longer equal.

    Since this was too difficult to find a solution for without maintaining a list of the possible card configurations, which would be too memory-intensive, an approximation was needed. The approximation used was simply that the size of the overlap was the smallest number out of the calculated value of the overlap and the numerators of the fractions representing the two cards being overlapped. There was one more approximation required for handling inferences, again related to the calculation of overlap. When adjusting probabilities to account for a disjunction of more than two cards, we have to calculate the size of a more complicated overlap. This is because the overlap of three or more cards can be calculated as the sum of all the overlaps of two cards minus the amount by which those overlaps overlap. In experimentation, this overlap of overlap appeared to be roughly linear, so the approximation was subtracting a value that increased linearly with disjunction size from the sum of the two-card overlaps.

Auxiliary Strategies

  • Responding to Queries

  • Basic Method

    Initially, we simply responded to a query with the first card they asked us about which we had. However, this allows for a great deal of information to be given out to a sufficiently smart player, because they can eliminate multiple cards from the query based on an answer that should give just one card's worth of information back. It also can lead to giving back cards we have not returned before when we could give back the same card again.

    Most-Given Method

    A simple adjustment to this method is to keep track of how many times we have given back each card in response to a query. By returning whatever card from the query we have given back the most times before, we avoid giving new information when we could give old information again.

    Adding Randomness

    This still has the potential to allow a very smart player to infer more about what cards we hold based on what we do not answer. To resolve this potential risk, we simply add a small degree of randomness. Specifically, when looking at our cards, if there are multiple cards which have the same, highest number of times given in response, we choose randomly between them.

  • Making Queries

  • Selecting the Interrogatee

    The basic principle behind selecting who to interrogate is determining who we have the least information about. This is simple enough to base on the number of cards we are sure that the player either has or does not have. As a simple adjustment, we again select randomly between players about whom we have the same amount of information.

    Selecting the Query

    It is more complicated to select the contents of the query. As a simple thing, we clearly need to exclude all cards we already know the player possesses.

    Maximizing the Utility of New Information

    In addition to excluding these cards, we exclude the cards which we are already confident (but not certain) that the player possesses. This is on the principle that we will gain more knowledge if we assume they have those cards and try to learn about the ones we are less confident about. This can potentially lead to a negative response from the player, but one that will probably give us full information on the player's cards. Determining which cards we are confident about is based on a dynamic threshold: if the probability that the player has a card is above the average probability that the player has each card, then we are confident about it.

    Minimizing the Utility of Information Given Out

    Just to make it harder for other players to infer information from our guesses, we want to eliminate some other cards from our query, so as to obfuscate it. As Yaniv and Behrooz pointed out, there is a determinable amount to subtract from the query, which is equivalent to (c - (the number of cards we already know the player has) - 1). By selecting randomly from the cards not already excluded, we can obfuscate the query enough to make it difficult to infer what knowledge we have.

  • Inferences

  • Clearly, inferences are the way to get ahead of the other players in terms of knowledge. Unfortunately, before the tournament, no player had an inference engine that was significantly superior to the inference engine of other players, or even consistently valuable. Most games appeared to go until the point we calculated without inference at the beginning of the discussion. This is most likely due more to the obfuscation of queries than the weakness of the inference engines. Most of the time players appeared to benefit from inferences, pre-tournament, it was inconsistent and appeared to be lucky rather than a sign of a superior engine.

    When is it Worth Inferring?

    There are two situations when there is little or nothing to be gained by making an inference. The first of these is when the disjunction that would be created is satisfied by some information you already possess. For example, you can infer that a player has at least one of a set of seven cards, but you already know that he has one of those cards. While he may have more of these cards, there is no guarantee that the reply he gave to another query was not the reply he gave to you earlier. The second case when there is little or nothing to gain from an inference is when the size of the disjunction, after filtering out all the cards you already know the player does not have, is just too large. If the disjunction would tell you that the player has at least one of n - c cards, that amounts to no information. So extremely large disjunctions are not useful.

  • When to Guess

  • Full Knowledge

    Obviously, if we wait until we have perfect knowledge of all cards, we can guarantee that we guess correctly. However, if we wait this long, our score is at best based on the superiority of our inference engine over the inference engines of the other players. If all inference engines are approximately equal, as the pre-tournament ones appeared to be, then we are reliant on our positioning in the random order.

    Enough to be Confident?

    Because our inference engine is not sufficiently superior to grant us full knowledge before other players have full knowledge, we need to have some way of guessing, reliably correctly, before we have full knowledge.

    By Calculated Probability Each Card is Hidden

    The basic method is to wait until there are k cards which we are more confident are hidden than we are that the other n-k cards are hidden. This is achieved in a manner similar to the selection of "confident" cards for each player: a dynamically calculated threshold based on the average chance that a card is hidden.

    By the Number of Times each Card is Asked

    The other threshold, likewise dynamically calculated, which was used in the player is based on how the principle that David illustrated: the cards that are hidden are asked somewhat more often than most other cards. By eliminating from the list all cards that we know are not hidden, and keeping track of how many times each card is included in a query, we can infer that if we have k cards that are asked about more than the other cards we still don't know about, then those k are probably the hidden cards.


Overall, the player performs better in larger games, where its inference engine can begin to be useful. Due to the ignoring of disjunctions that are too large, early in the games, the inference engine is essentially useless. However, later in the game it begins to become effective and learn new information. The player's performance improves most dramatically as the number of cards increases, rather than as the number of players increases.

Tournament Results Analysis

Overall, the tournament performance was dismal, apparently due to very early incorrect guesses. It is most likely these guesses, which did not occur in the tests run pre-tournament, are the result of the guessing by the number of times each card is asked technique described above. It could be either of the two techniques, since both were used in parallel, but this one seems more likely and more risky. However, regardless of which of the two methods was the cause of the extremely premature guesses, it is clear that they were the result of poorly selected thresholds. As the dynamic threshold for the chance hidden method was adjusted upwards by 50%, and the dynamic threshold for the number of times asked method was adjusted downwards by 50%, these factors are most likely the cause of the premature guesses.


In conclusion, this project brought to light the difficulties of knowledge representation and information manipulation when trying to model systems above a certain complexity. It taught us that the factors to consider when trying to come up with an effective and accurate model are time, space, and accuracy. As we saw in the core player and the weighted player, if we want accuracy and reasonable space consumption, we almost always hit the upper bound on our time consumption in terms of rounds elapsed. In the conditional player, to guarantee accuracy and earliest information extraction, we needed much more space than we had. But in the history mining player, we reduced both time and space requirements by sacrificing accuracy. The situations exemplified here are what appear frequently in the real world of computing, and it is the coder who is mindful of these various tradeoffs and how to leverage them who will come up with the beste solution.