
The project will be graded by the TAs.

Four homework assignemtns will be distributed during the semester. Solutions will be provided after the due date. Homeworks will not be graded. Nevertheless, you should complete the homeworks to make sure you're on top of the material, and check your solutions against the provided solutions.

There will be a mid-term exam on March 6th. Note: if you get a better grade on the final than the midterm, then your midterm grade will be replaced with your final-exam grade. There will also be a final exam (cumulative, covering the whole semester) during the final exam week tentatively scheduled for May 8th. More details of the exams will be provided closer to the exam date. The relative weights of the various components are:

Homeworks 0%
Project 30%
Midterm 20%
Final 50%

Ken Ross 2024-01-16