Homework Assignments

Homework assignments and solutions can be found on courseworks. The homework will be published on the date indicated in the table below.

No. Topics Out Due
1 Entity-Relationship Modeling, relational algebra 1/24 2/7
2 SQL, security 2/12 2/26
3 Object-relational DBs, Storage and Indexing, Query processing and optimization, materialized views 3/25 4/8
4 Transactions, Normalization 4/10 4/24

Part of the reason for shifting to non-graded homeworks is the advent of tools like ChatGPT. Try to answer the homeworks without ChatGPT (or just use ChatGPT for small hints) so that you can gain experience and understanding. Remember that the exams will be pen-and-paper in-class exams without access to such tools.

Ken Ross 2024-01-16