
Homeworks will be distributed roughly every two weeks. See the timetable for a schedule. The five homework assignments will require handwritten answers and/or small amounts of programming.

There will also be two projects during the semester, to be done in pairs. The project details will be distributed at appropriate intervals during the semester. The first project will require developing a written report based on a review of the literature and of commercial systems. The second project will require implementing an aspect of a database system.

Homework assignments and the project will be graded by the TAs.

Students will need accounts on the AcIS machines at Columbia. Infrastructure details for the project will be provided later.

There will be a mid-term exam in class on March 13. Note: if you get a better grade on the final than the midterm, then your midterm grade will be replaced with your final-exam grade.

There will also be a final 3-hour exam from 1-4pm on Monday May 13.

Both exams are closed book.

The relative weights of the various components are:

Homeworks 25%
Projects 30%
Midterm 15%
Final 30%

Ken Ross 2013-04-10