
The names of participating students are listed below. If you are listed but do not intend to take the class, please let the instructor know ASAP by email, so that he can determine whether to accept students from the wait-list.

Name Email ( unless specified)
Bhamidipati, Sravan sb3400
Chen, Qishu qc2166
Chin, Shane Albert sac2171
Cohen, Raanan rc2632
Gandhi, Harshil hmg2138
Jain, Nidhi nj2266
Javeri, Prachi psj2108
Jones, Ryan Louis rlj2122
Lee, Albert akl2140
Lu, Wanying wl2369
Mauskop, David dbm2130
Mo, Victoria vm2355
Negulescu, Ioan idn2104
Rao, Nandita nr2445
Rodrigues, Jose jgr2128
Rubin, Michael mnr2114
Shah, Manushi mds2207
Spencer, Jeremy jjs2195
Wagner, Brian bhw2113
Wu, Jiang jw3026
Yang, Jiacheng jiachengy@cs
Yu, Tianchen ty2275
Zhang, Yi yz2414

Ken Ross 2012-09-17