
The names of participating students are listed below. If you are listed but do not intend to take the class, please let the instructor know ASAP by email, so that he can determine whether to accept students from the standby-list. (Members of the standby-list have been notified by the instructor via email.)

Name Email ( unless specified)
Martina Atabong maa2247
Rajan Bhargava rb3152
Frank Cabada fc2452
Adam Chelminski apc2142
Julian Edwards jse2122
Zeynep Ejder ze2113
Lampros Flokas lf2540
Yogesh Garg yg2482
Avidan Hessing ayh2114
Christie Ho cch2164
Stephanie Huang syh2115
Jillian Knoll jak2246
Chengyu Lin cl3529
Michael Lin mbl2109
Jiacheng Liu jl4784
Ling Liu ll2985
Zhimao Liu zhimao.liu
Yueting Lu yl3607
Kailash Meiyappan kkm2142
Vikas Mohandoss vm2446
Yufei Ou yo2265
Eashwar Rangarajan er2768
David Rincon-Cruz dr2884
Florian Shabanaj f.shabanaj
Ying Sheng ys2982
Sharan Suryanarayanan ss4951
Rajiv Thamburaj rjt2132
David Watkins djw2146
Jake Weissman jdw2159
Oliver Willens oyw2103
Bruce Wu yw2909
Lu Yang ly2352
Xi Zhang xz2561
