Tentative Timetable

Sep 7
Class introduction and overview. Brief discussion of all 4 project problems. Students submit questionnaires.
Sep 8
Announcement of selected students. HW for Sep 12: Read thoroughly the description of project 1, and the NY Times article on group dynamics.

Project 1
Discussion: Sep 12, 14, 19, 21, 26. Presentations: Oct 3.
Project 2
Discussion: Sep 28, Oct 5, 10, 12, 17, Presentations: Oct 24.

Project 3
Discussion: Oct 19, 26, 31, Nov 2, 9, Presentations: Nov 16.
Project 4
Discussion: Nov 14, 21, 28, 30 Dec 5. Presentations: Dec 12.

Course wrap-up
December 7.
Peer review submission
December 14.

Ken Ross 2022-09-12