System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader Interface

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
Represents a symbol reader for managed code.
C# Syntax:
public interface ISymbolReader
The interface provides access to documents, methods, and variables.
See also:
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader Member List:

Public Properties
UserEntryPoint Read-only

Gets the metadata token for the method that was specified as the user entry point for the module, if any.
Public Methods
GetDocument Gets a document specified by the language, vendor, and type.
GetDocuments Gets an array of all documents defined in the symbol store.
GetGlobalVariables Gets all global variables in the module.
GetMethod Overloaded:
GetMethod(SymbolToken method)

Gets a symbol reader method object when given the identifier of a method.
GetMethod Overloaded:
GetMethod(SymbolToken method, int version)

Gets a symbol reader method object when given the identifier of a method and its edit and continue version.
GetMethodFromDocumentPosition Gets a symbol reader method object that contains a specified position in a document.
GetNamespaces Gets the namespaces that are defined in the global scope within the current symbol store.
GetSymAttribute Gets an attribute value when given the attribute name.
GetVariables Gets the variables that are not local when given the parent.

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader Member Details

Property: UserEntryPoint (read-only)
Gets the metadata token for the method that was specified as the user entry point for the module, if any.
C# Syntax:
SymbolToken UserEntryPoint {get;}
This is normally your main method, rather than compiler-generated stubs before the main method.

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Method: GetDocument(
   string url,
   Guid language,
   Guid languageVendor,
   Guid documentType
Gets a document specified by the language, vendor, and type.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolDocument GetDocument(
   string url,
   Guid language,
   Guid languageVendor,
   Guid documentType


The URL that identifies the document.


The document language. You can specify this parameter as null.


The identity of the vendor for the document language. You can specify this parameter as null.


The type of the document. You can specify this parameter as null.

Return Value:
The specified document.

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Method: GetDocuments()
Gets an array of all documents defined in the symbol store.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolDocument[] GetDocuments();
Return Value:
An array of all documents defined in the symbol store.

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Method: GetGlobalVariables()
Gets all global variables in the module.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolVariable[] GetGlobalVariables();
Return Value:
An array of all variables in the module.

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Overloaded Method: GetMethod(
   SymbolToken method
Gets a symbol reader method object when given the identifier of a method.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolMethod GetMethod(
   SymbolToken method


The metadata token of the method.

Return Value:
The symbol reader method object for the specified method identifier.

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Overloaded Method: GetMethod(
   SymbolToken method,
   int version
Gets a symbol reader method object when given the identifier of a method and its edit and continue version.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolMethod GetMethod(
   SymbolToken method,
   int version


The metadata token of the method.


The edit and continue version of the method.

Return Value:
The symbol reader method object for the specified method identifier.

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Method: GetMethodFromDocumentPosition(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column
Gets a symbol reader method object that contains a specified position in a document.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolMethod GetMethodFromDocumentPosition(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column


The document in which the method is located.


The position of the line within the document. The lines are numbered, beginning with 1.


The position of column within the document. The columns are numbered, beginning with 1.

Return Value:
The reader method object for the specified position in the document.

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Method: GetNamespaces()
Gets the namespaces that are defined in the global scope within the current symbol store.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolNamespace[] GetNamespaces();
Return Value:
The namespaces defined in the global scope within the current symbol store.

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Method: GetSymAttribute(
   SymbolToken parent,
   string name
Gets an attribute value when given the attribute name.
C# Syntax:
byte[] GetSymAttribute(
   SymbolToken parent,
   string name


The metadata token for the object for which the attribute is requested.


The attribute name.

Return Value:
The value of the attribute.
This attribute is only associated with symbolic information and is not a metadata custom attribute.

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Method: GetVariables(
   SymbolToken parent
Gets the variables that are not local when given the parent.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolVariable[] GetVariables(
   SymbolToken parent


The metadata token for the type for which the variables are requested.

Return Value:
An array of variables for the parent.

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