Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit

The Reflection Emit namespace contains classes that allow a compiler or tool to emit metadata and Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) and optionally generate a PE file on disk. The primary clients of these classes are script engines and compilers.

Members of System.Reflection.Emit Namespace

Class Description
class AssemblyBuilder Defines and represents a dynamic assembly. 
class ConstructorBuilder Defines and represents a constructor of a dynamic class. 
class CustomAttributeBuilder Helps build custom attributes. 
class EnumBuilder Describes and represents an enumeration type. 
class EventBuilder Defines events for a class. 
class FieldBuilder Defines and represents a field. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ILGenerator Generates Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instructions. 
class LocalBuilder Represents a local variable within a method or constructor. 
class MethodBuilder Defines and represents a method (or constructor) on a dynamic class. 
class MethodRental Provides a fast way to swap method body implementation given a method of a class. 
class ModuleBuilder Defines and represents a module. Get an instance of ModuleBuilder by calling AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule
class OpCodes Provides field representations of the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) instructions for emission by the class members (such as ).  
class ParameterBuilder Creates or associates parameter information. 
class PropertyBuilder Defines the properties for a type. 
class SignatureHelper Provides methods for building signatures. 
class TypeBuilder Defines and creates new instances of classes during runtime. 
class UnmanagedMarshal Represents the class that describes how to marshal a field from managed to unmanaged code. This class cannot be inherited. 

Structure Description
structure EventToken Represents the returned by the metadata to represent an event. 
structure FieldToken The class is an object representation of a token that represents a field. 
structure Label Represents a label in the instruction stream. is used in conjunction with the ILGenerator class. 
structure MethodToken The class is an object representation of a token that represents a method. 
structure OpCode Describes a Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction. 
structure ParameterToken The class is an opaque representation of the token returned by the metadata to represent a parameter. 
structure PropertyToken The class is an opaque representation of the returned by the metadata to represent a property. 
structure SignatureToken Represents the returned by the metadata to represent a signature. 
structure StringToken Represents a token that represents a string. 
structure TypeToken Represents the returned by the metadata to represent a type. 

Enumeration Description
enumeration AssemblyBuilderAccess Defines the access modes for a dynamic assembly. 
enumeration FlowControl Describes how an instruction alters the flow of control. 
enumeration OpCodeType Describes the types of the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instructions. 
enumeration OperandType Describes the operand type of Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction. 
enumeration PackingSize Specifies the packing size of a type. 
enumeration PEFileKinds Specifies the type of the portable executable (PE) file. 
enumeration StackBehaviour Describes how values are pushed onto a stack or popped off a stack.  

Namepace hierarchy

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