System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal Class

Assembly: System.Xml.dll
Namespace: System.Xml.Schema
An abstract class. Provides information about the included schema.
C# Syntax:
public abstract class XmlSchemaExternal : XmlSchemaObject
See XmlSchemaImport, XmlSchemaInclude, and XmlSchemaRedefine for an example using this class.
See also:
System.Xml.Schema Namespace

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal Member List:

Public Properties
Id Read-write

Gets or sets the string id.
(inherited from System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject)

See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.LineNumber

Gets or sets the line number in the file to which the schema element refers.
(inherited from System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject)

See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.LinePosition

Gets or sets the line position in the file to which the schema element refers.
(inherited from System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject)

See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.Namespaces

Schema Read-write

Gets or sets the XmlSchema for the referenced schema.
SchemaLocation Read-write

Gets or sets the URI location for the schema, which tells the schema processor where the schema physically resides.
(inherited from System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject)

See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.SourceUri

Gets or sets the source location for the file that loaded the schema.
UnhandledAttributes Read-write

Gets and sets the qualified attributes which do not belong to the schema target namespace.
Public Methods
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Protected Constructors
ctor #1 Default constructor. This constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in this type.
Protected Methods
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.


System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal Member Details

ctor #1
Default constructor. This constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in this type.
C# Syntax:
protected XmlSchemaExternal();

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Property: Id (read-write)
Gets or sets the string id.
C# Syntax:
public string Id {get; set;}

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Property: LineNumber (read-write)
See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.LineNumber

Gets or sets the line number in the file to which the schema element refers.
C# Syntax:
public int LineNumber {get; set;}
LineNumber is used to store the line number when a schema is read from a file. This is reported through XmlSchemaException for error handling.

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Property: LinePosition (read-write)
See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.LinePosition

Gets or sets the line position in the file to which the schema element refers.
C# Syntax:
public int LinePosition {get; set;}
This is used to store the line position when a schema is read from a file. This is reported through XmlSchemaException for error handling.

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Property: Namespaces (read-write)
See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.Namespaces

C# Syntax:
public XmlSerializerNamespaces Namespaces {get; set;}

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Property: Schema (read-write)
Gets or sets the XmlSchema for the referenced schema.
C# Syntax:
public XmlSchema Schema {get; set;}

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Property: SchemaLocation (read-write)
Gets or sets the URI location for the schema, which tells the schema processor where the schema physically resides.
C# Syntax:
public string SchemaLocation {get; set;}
Imported schemas that do not have this attribute allow the imported schema's namespace to be determined by the XML document that is an instance of the containing schema or the application that is processing the schema.

Included schemas use this attribute as the URI reference to the location of a schema document that should be included in the target namespace of the containing schema.

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Property: SourceUri (read-write)
See base class member description: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject.SourceUri

Gets or sets the source location for the file that loaded the schema.
C# Syntax:
public string SourceUri {get; set;}
Provides information for exception handling.

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Property: UnhandledAttributes (read-write)
Gets and sets the qualified attributes which do not belong to the schema target namespace.
C# Syntax:
public XmlAttribute[] UnhandledAttributes {get; set;}

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Method: Equals(
   object obj
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals
C# Syntax:
public virtual bool Equals(
   object obj

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: Finalize()
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize
C# Syntax:

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: GetHashCode()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode
C# Syntax:
public virtual int GetHashCode();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: GetType()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType
C# Syntax:
public Type GetType();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: MemberwiseClone()
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
C# Syntax:
protected object MemberwiseClone();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: ToString()
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString
C# Syntax:
public virtual string ToString();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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