Michael Reed is an Adjunct Professor in Columbia's computer science department, where he teaches Computer Graphics, GPU Computing, and Computational Aspects of Geometric Design. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University in the robotics group, and has held appointments in research groups at Blue Sky Studios, IBM, Philips, and Bell Atlantic corporations.

His research interests can be broadly categorized as "images, geometry + computing" and include the study of techniques for the sensing, modeling, and generation of physical objects and phenomena.

mkr2@columbia.edu, or on LinkedIn here
Department of Computer Science
Columbia University
500 W. 120th Street, M.C. 0401
New York, New York 10027

Classes I Teach:

E4995 GPU Computing NEW!!!
W4160 Computer Graphics
E6998 Computational Aspects of Geometric Design

Other Links:

Blue Sky Studios
Columbia Vision and Graphics Center
Columbia University Computer Science Department

A great book to read if you are thinking of grad school, or for helping you through grad school once you're there.

SIAM Geometric Design: group
Journal of Computer Aided Geometric Design