Resource discovery

This is a simple resource discovery system, designed with the following goals:


Download the source code here:


Unpack the tarball.

% tar xvzf rd-?.?.tgz

Compile the program.

% cd rd && make


There are three programs included in the distribution: a script for generating a resource's certificates and configuration, a client implementation, and a resource implementation.

A resource's configuration is generated through scripts in the makefile. Create a new resource with the following:

make resource name=resource_name passwd=password

This command creates a directory for the resource under $(root)/resources/ and populates it with the necessary certificates. To start up your newly created resource, type:

java -cp classes mb.rd.Resource \
   ./resources/name/resource.conf passwd

A client is just another resource, so it also needs the configuration files and certificates. Run a client with:

java -cp classes mb.rd.Client \
    ./resources/name/resource.conf passwd

Once a client is running, type in a query at the client% prompt and the client will immediately begin a search for resources that match that query. If it finds any, it will randomly select one and attempt to authenticate and authorize with that resource.