Erich Nahum
Research Staff Member
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
1101 Kitchawan Road, MS 37-128
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Computer Science
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027, USA
Email: nahum at cs dot columbia dot edu
I am a Research Staff Member at the IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center.
Please see my
IBM Home Page
to find out more about my work.
In Spring 2010 I taught
COMS W6998: Network Systems Design and Implementation,
a graduate level advanced seminar which was a deep dive into the
networking subsystem of the Linux kernel.
In Spring 2008 I taught
COMS W4118: Operating Systems,
a core required class for the systems track.
I received my Ph.D. from the
of Computer Science
at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst
in 1996, and my M.S in 1991.
I received a B.A. in Computer Science from
The University
of Wisconsin
in 1988.