Resume |
Publications |
I am PhD. candidate working with Professor Luis Gravano. More details soon :)
I got my Bachelor degree in Computer Science in 1998. My B.S. thesis was entitled: "Esquemas de compilacion de circuitos aritmeticos uniformes descriptos por medio de funciones generatrices", or "Compilation schemes for uniform arithmetic circuits given by generatrix functions". A short version is also available.
After graduating, I've written some tutorials for undergraduate courses at F@MAF. You can find some notes and code about the relational model in database systems, and a tutorial on Soft Computing and ANFIS networks. I also did some research as a member of the TERA group.
Finally, some interesting work I've done as an undergraduate student include a compiler for a lazy functional language written in Haskell, a distributed system with load balancing for a restricted class of problems, and a interpreter for Sethi's language " Little Quilt ".