Operating Systems and Networking Reading Lunch
Thursdays 12 noon, CS Conference Room
The purpose of the Operating Systems and Networking Reading Lunch is
to meet to discuss recent cool papers in operating systems and
networking. The structure of the reading group is simple. We will
meet once per week for an hour over lunch and discuss one paper. One
person will prepare a 20 minute presentation on one of the papers.
This informal presentation should provide an overview of the contents
of the paper. After the presentation, we will debate the merits of the
paper. Bring your own food and drink. The paper schedule and list of
student presenters is below:
- 9/23/99 Apostolos Dailianas
Providing Guaranteed Services Without
Per Flow Management, Ion Stoica and Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon
University, SIGCOMM '99.
- 9/30/99 Matt Miller
On Estimating End-to-End Network Path
Properties, Mark Allman, NASA Glenn Research Center; and Vern
Paxson, ACIRI/ICSI and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, SIGCOMM '99.
- 10/7/99 CS BBQ, no paper lunch
- 10/14/99 Weibin Zhao
A Model, Analysis, and Protocol
Framework for Soft State-Based Communication, Suchitra Raman and
Steven McCanne, University of California at Berkeley, SIGCOMM '99.
- 10/21/99 Erez Zadok
The Interactive Performance of SLIM: A Stateless,
Thin-client Architecture, Brian K. Schmidt, Monica S. Lam, Stanford
University; and J. Duane Nortcutt, Sun Microsystems, Stanford
University, SOSP '99.
- 10/28/99 Michael E. Kounavis
Proportional Differentiated Services:
Delay Differentiation and Packet Scheduling, Constantinos
Dovrolis, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Dimitrios Stiliadis,
Bell Labs; and Parameswaran Ramanathan, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, SIGCOMM '99.
- 11/4/99 Chris Vaill
On the Scale and Performance of Cooperative Web Proxy Caching
Alec Wolman, Geoff M. Voelker, Nitin Sharma, Neal Cardwell, Anna
Karlin, and Hank M. Levy, University of Washington, SOSP '99.
- 11/11/99 Ashutosh Dutta
The End-to-End Effects of Internet
Path Selection, Stefan Savage, Andy Collins, Eric Hoffman, John
Snell, and Tom Anderson, University of Washington, SIGCOMM '99.
- 11/18/99 Stephen Chou
Cellular Disco: Resource Management Using Virtual Clusters on
Shared-memory Multiprocessors, Kinshuk Govil, Stanford University;
Dan Teodosiu, HP Laboratories; Y. Huang, and Mendel Rosenblum,
Stanford University, SOSP '99.
- 11/25/99 Thanksgiving, no paper lunch
- 12/2/99 Alex Konstantinou
Design and Implementation of a Distributed Virtual Machine for
Networked Computers, Emin G. Sirer, Robert Grimm, Arthur J. Gregory, and
Brian N. Bershad, University of Washington, SOSP '99.
- 12/9/99
Borrowed-Virtual-Time (BVT) Scheduling, Kenneth Duda and
David Cheriton, Stanford University, SOSP '99.