- The Sentimental Value of Chinese Sub-Character Components.
Yassine Benajiba, Or Biran, Zhiliang Weng, Yong Zhang and Jin Sun.
SIGHAN workshop at IJCNLP 2017, Taipei
- MainiwayAI at IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Ensembles of Deep Architectures for Valence-Arousal Prediction.
Yassine Benajiba, Jin Sun, Yong Zhang, Zhiliang Weng and Or Biran.
Shared Task 2 (DSAP) of IJCNLP 2017, Taipei
- Domain-Adaptable Hybrid Generation of RDF Entity Descriptions.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
IJCNLP 2017, Taipei
- Human-Centric Justification of Machine Learning Predictions.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia
- Explanation and Justification in Machine Learning: A Survey.
Or Biran and Courtenay Cotton.
XAI workshop at IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia
- Mining Paraphrasal Typed Templates from a Plain Text Corpus.
Or Biran, Terra Blevins and Kathleen McKeown.
ACL 2016, Berlin, Germany
- An Entity-Focused Approach to Generating Company Descriptions.
Gavin Saldanha, Or Biran, Kathleen McKeown and Alfio Gliozzo.
ACL 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Predicting the Impact of Scientific Concepts using Full Text Features.
Kathleen McKeown, Hal Daume III, Snigdha Chaturvedi, John Paparrizos, Kapil Thadani, Pablo Barrio, Or Biran, Suvarna Bothe, Michael Collins, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Luis Gravano, Rahul Jha, Ben King, Kevin McInerney, Taesun Moon, Arvind Neelakantan, Diarmuid O'Seaghdha, Dragomir Radev, Clay Templeton, Simone Teufel.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2016
*** Nominated: ISSI paper of the year award ***
- Discourse Planning with an N-gram Model of Relations.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
EMNLP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
- Spanish Twitter Messages Polarized through the Lens of an English System.
Marlies Santos Deas, Or Biran, Kathleen McKeown and Sara Rosenthal.
TASS workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2015, Alicante, Spain
- PDTB Discourse Parsing as a Tagging Task: The Two Taggers Approach.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
SIGDIAL 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
- Generating Justifications of Machine Learning Predictions.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
First International Workshop on Data-to-Text Generation 2015, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Justification Narratives for Individual classifications.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
AutoML workshop at ICML 2014, Beijing, China
- Classifying Taxonomic Relations between Pairs of Wikipedia Articles.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
IJCNLP 2013, Nagoya, Japan
- Aggregated Word Pair Features for Implicit Discourse Relation Disambiguation.
Or Biran and Kathleen McKeown.
ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Semantic Technologies in IBM Watson.
Alfio Gliozzo, Or Biran, Siddharth Patwardhan and Kathleen McKeown.
Teaching NLP and CL Workshop (TNLP) at ACL 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Detecting Influencers in Written Online Conversations.
Or Biran, Sara Rosenthal, Jacob Andreas, Kathleen McKeown and Owen Rambow.
Language in Social Media workshop (LSM) at NAACL 2012, Montreal, Canada
- Identifying Justifications in Written Dialogs by Classifying Text as Argumentative.
Or Biran and Owen Rambow.
International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), Vol 05, P. 363, 2011
- Identifying Justifications in Written Dialogs.
Or Biran and Owen Rambow.
IEEE-ICSC 2011, Stanford, CA
*** Best paper award ***
- Putting it Simply: a Context-Aware Approach to Lexical Simplification.
Or Biran, Samuel Brody and Noemie Elhadad.
ACL 2011, Portland, OR