Contact Me:
prokofieva AT cs DOT columbia DOT edu
(212) 939 7147
Office: 7LW3 CEPSR

Department of Computer Science
500 West 120th Street, Room 450
New York, New York 10027
Attn: Anna Prokofieva

Anna Prokofieva

I am a PhD student with Prof. Julia Hirschberg at the Speech Processing Lab at Columbia University. My current project involves looking at anomaly detection in the speech domain; in particular, we are investigating hedging and its effect on conversational power structures and other social outcomes of dialogue.


Some of my past projects include:

The list of the papers for my Candidacy Exam can be found here.

I graduated from McGill University in 2009 with a BASc in Computer Science and Linguistics.

My CV is available by request.