modern journalism:
"usually the way it works is people become reporters before they prostitute themselves" (Jeff Gannon)
(used without permission from the new york times).
"Es que la vida es un poco ridícula, si uno la mira con cuidado no
es tan seria, ni heroica como mucha gente piensa. Creo que Dios
se debe estar burlando de nosotros. La gente que se toma
la vida demasiado en serio termina con ataques cardiacos o se
vuelven locos. Uno tiene que poner las cosas en perspectiva"
John Leguizamo - Interview in El Tiempo
Ricardo A. Baratto
( ricardo at cs dot columbia dot edu )
My resume (PDF) (Ascii)
My gpg public key
503 Computer Science Building
[office: 1.212.939.7051]
[lab: 1.212.939.7038]
[fax: 1.212.666.0140]
Columbia University [] Dept of Computer Science [] 1214 Amsterdam Ave MC0401 [] New York, NY 10027 [] USA
My name: Ricardo Andrés Baratto Callejas
(I am a
Geek of NCL) (I have been UPC'ed)
(a short bio)
I have been a PhD
student in
Computer Science
Columbia University in
New York, since what's officially
referred to as "Fall of 2001".
I don't take classes anymore.
I don't TA anymore.
I do research on
Remote Display and Thin Clients
at the
Network Computing Lab.
My advisor is Prof. Jason
I am interested in ubiquitous and pervasive computing, with special love
for remote display techonlogies, user mobility and multimedia applications.
I also have platonic relationships with 3D graphics and computer
THINC currently takes most of my time. It is a new
remote display architecture. It allows us to try out and play with all the
nifty ideas we have for the future of desktops.
You can read our publications:
DejaView (SOSP 2007),
Net2Display (ADEAC 2006),
pTHINC (WWW 2006),
THINC (SOSP 2005),
Remotely Keyed Cryptographics (ICICS 05),
MobiDesk (MobiCom 2004)
(Best Student Paper award!)
(more here...)
We are also on the news! (tho they called us Think :'( )
I was born in Puerto Rico.
I grew up in Colombia,
in cities like
and Bucaramanga.
I graduated from the
Fundación Colegio UIS
in Bucaramanga.
I have a BS in
Computer Science
from the University of Puerto Rico,
Rio Piedras.
I have worked at various random places like
University of Kentucky,
Argonne National Lab,
FHG Fokus (in beautiful Berlin),
I just completed 2500 work units for seti@home.
Check out the new york subway on google maps (which doesn't suck because it's not my version).
I bet you're looking for our wiki
And of course you'll want to meet nicolás. He cool.
i forget. but Cortázar had an idea:
En algún lugar debe haber un basural donde están amontonadas las explicaciones. Una sola cosa inquieta en este justo panorama: lo que pueda ocurrir el día en que alguien consiga explicar también el basural. -- Un tal Lucas (1979)
germen omarl (antes) osguald phungo sergios stelios william
[in spanish].
news from colombia:
Indymedia Colombia.
El Tiempo.
El Espectador.
El Colombiano.
Colombia Post - World News Network.
Google News Colombia.
everything else
how to appease the
Demo Gods.
I am lame and my page has a counter:
[since 10-Nov-2003]