The packet capture analysis script (analyze_ is located in
in the packet capturing machines. To process the
packet captures, you will need to determine latency of the benchmark
. The usage information is as follows, and
will be printed any time the script is run without proper options and
Usage: [options] <filename> Options: -o (Print packet info to .txt file) -b <break> (Default: 2) -d <delay> (Default: 6) -t <size threshold> (Default: 0) -e <size endthreshold> (Default: 0) -k <min packets in a page> (Default: 2) -m <size minpage> (Default: 3) -s <server IP addr> (Default: -c <client IP addr> (Default: -E (Only end page on server-to-client packet) -p (Print detailed results) -i (Print stray packet info) -x (Print for importation into Excel) -w (Warn for unusual results) -g (Turn debugging messages on)The default parameters of the following three options are usually fine for most tests.
time is the maximum amount of time allowed within a
is the the amount of time between pages
<size threshold>
is the minimum size of a packet that indicates
the start of a new page.
This is an example run of the
script: -s -c citrix2k_lp_i2_d6_dflt_r1.txt Average packet size: 854.294447150511 Number of pages detected: 110 Overall Results (includes results, but not blank or dropped) ---------------- Latency: 62.41 Data (s/c): 3404869 Data (c/s): 88512 Pkts (s/c): 2645 Pkts (c/s): 1383 Run 1 Results --------------- Latency: 33.68 Data (s/c): 1723787 Data (c/s): 45888 Pkts (s/c): 1351 Pkts (c/s): 717 Run 2 Results --------------- Latency: 28.21 Data (s/c): 1677009 Data (c/s): 42432 Pkts (s/c): 1288 Pkts (c/s): 663
The number of pages detected on the iBench test should be 55. Using
the -w option will cause the script to print warnings about abnormal
results. The Latency
and the Data (s/c)
from the
Overall Results are those that are most likely to be of interest.
If a plain text file with packet information is needed, type:
$perl -o <capture_file>
This will create a file called <capture_
file>.txt (rather than .pkt) in the current directory. The format of the tab delimited text file will be:
<pkt num> <src ip> <src port> <dest ip> <dest port> <size> <timestamp> <delta time from last pkt> <protocol>