The Future
TODO (current problems)
[red: critical. orange:
not so critical. green fixed.]
[see also thinc bugs]
- Render support: Can we support render in
any smart way? so we can get aa fonts, composite, etc efficiently? right
now we just punt to raw updates.
- 3D: remote playing! how to minimize bandwidth,
increase performance, and still allow for mobility?
- virtual devices: can we support devices
connected to the client that come and go seamlessly? can we do this
- Network: UDP. IPv6. Use multicast for multiple clients.
- Other windowing systems: How about supporting additional
windowing systems, such as DirectFB? Look into other window systems
architectures, for exmple, plan 9's seems to be interesting.
- KDrive: KDrive is a stripped down version of XFree86, meant
to run on small devices. Can we get thinc working with it? then we'd
be super scalable.
- Multiple Displays: Can we make a THINC session be multiheaded?
Look into Xinerama
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Last updated on Wednesday, 01-Aug-2007 12:21:28 EST