For all values of $k$, our generator has seed length $O(\log n) + \poly(k)$ for arbitrary functions of $k$ LTFs and $O(\log n) + \poly(\log k)$ for intersections of $k$ LTFs. The best previous result, due to \cite{GOWZ10}, only gave such PRGs for arbitrary functions of $k$ LTFs when $k=O(\log \log n)$ and for intersections of $k$ LTFs when $k=O({\frac {\log n}{\log \log n}})$. Thus our PRG achieves an $O(\log n)$ seed length for values of $k$ that are exponentially larger than previous work could achieve.
By combining our PRG over Gaussian space with an invariance principle for arbitrary functions of LTFs and with a regularity lemma, we obtain a deterministic algorithm that approximately counts satisfying assignments of arbitrary functions of $k$ general LTFs over $\{0,1\}^n$ in time $\poly(n) \cdot 2^{\poly(k,1/\eps)}$ for all values of $k$. This algorithm has a $\poly(n)$ runtime for $k =(\log n)^c$ for some absolute constant $c>0$, while the previous best $\poly(n)$-time algorithms could only handle $k = O(\log \log n)$.
For intersections of LTFs, by combining these tools with a recent PRG due to~\cite{OST19}, we obtain a deterministic algorithm that can approximately count satisfying assignments of intersections of $k$ general LTFs over $\zo^n$ in time $\poly(n) \cdot 2^{\poly(\log k, 1/\eps)}.$ This algorithm has a $\poly(n)$ runtime for $k =2^{(\log n)^c}$ for some absolute constant $c>0$, while the previous best $\poly(n)$-time algorithms for intersections of $k$ LTFs, due to \cite{GOWZ10}, could only handle $k=O({\frac {\log n}{\log \log n}})$.