Prosody and discourse, pragmatics and emotions Julia Hirschberg, AgustÃn Gravano, and I are investigating discourse and pragmatic functions of cue words in task oriented collaborative dialogues and turn-taking strategies.
Adaptation in turn-initiations (accepted). In: A. Esposito (Ed.). Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues; Lecture Notes in Computer Science [LNAI]. Springer-Verlag.
Prosody of deceptive speech
Julia Hirschberg, Frank Enos and I, together with colleagues at SRI and University of Colorado, are investigating prosodic cues that correlate with deceptive speech.
With Gregory Ward, Elisa Sneed, Agustin Gravano and Julia Hirschberg we are investigating the interplay of prosody and semantics in the contrast between 'That would be ...' and 'That is ...' constructions.