Topics in Theoretical Linguistics

The final test is planned on May 25th at 1pm, Room 129 (it is also in AIS).
External study: the final test is tentatively planned on June 11th at 11am, the slides from our meeting are here


Texts and readings


Topic Class material, Handouts Readings, HWs
Introduction, What's linguistics and why study it Fromkin_ch1
Chomsky's review of Skinner
concepts: mentalism, artificial intelligence, behaviorism
Language faculty, Intro to phonology NTQs for Week 4 and NTQs for Week 5 Hauser_et_al_Science_2002
Pinker&Jackendoff response to Hauser_et_al.
Hayes Ch2
concepts: emit/etic, generative phonology, universal grammar
Phonological analysis, language myths HW1
The development of linguistics Linguistic wars Ch 1-2 and Ch 3
The development of linguistics (cont'd) Halliday context of linguistics
concepts: Systemic-functional grammar, metaphor, linguistic relativity
The development of linguistics (cont'd)
concepts: corpora, crativity, descriptivism, innateness