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Stephen A. Edwards


Stephen A. Edwards

Contact Information


+1 212 853 8344

+1 212 853 8440 (fax)

462 Computer Science Building

1214 Amsterdam Ave MC 0401
New York, NY 10027-7003

Curriculum Vitæ

PDF file

Now Teaching

CSEE W4840

Office Hours

By appointment: email me

The Sparse Synchronous Model: A deterministic real-time execution technique that allows explicit, precise timing control
The Runtime System, described in our FDL 2020 paper
SSLANG: An under-development language and compiler for describing sparse synchronous systems


The FHW Compiler: A compiler that translates a subset of the Haskell functional language into synthesizable System Verilog suitable for FPGAs.

CEC logo The Columbia Esterel Compiler

Advanced 6502 Assembly Programming for the Apple II A presentation given at VCF West, August 1, 2020

Assembly Instructions and Firmware for an inexpensive Arduino robot car kit

Apple2fpga: A reconstruction of an Apple II+ on a FPGA

Some press: My OfficeActual WisdomFacebook AdviceCUPLA Reviews

PDF fileAdvice for 3-2 Combined Plan CS Students

Stephen A. Edwards is a tenured associate professor in the Computer Science Department of Columbia University. He obtained his Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley in 1997, his MS from Berkeley in 1994, and his BS from the California Institute of Technology in 1992, all in Electrical Engineering. Before pursuing his academic career in 2001, he worked for two Electronic Design Automation (EDA) companies, Simplex Solutions, now part of Cadence, and Synopsys.

Professor Edwards and his group explore automating the creation of software for embedded systems: application-specific computers hiding in a growing number of industrial and consumer systems. They have developed numerous compilation techniques for the Esterel synchronous language for real-time control and are also developing domain-specific languages for device drivers and communication protocols.

My group does not offer internships, summer or otherwise.

Consulting/Litigation Support/Expert Witness Services

I have been engaged as an expert witness in various patent litigation cases involving software and computer architecture, including ITC cases. I am always interested to hear about new opportunities.

My consulting CV: PDF file

PhD Students

John Hui, 2021-2024, now with Apple

Max Levatich, 2020-

Richard Townsend, 2013-2019, now with Tufts

Nalini Vasudevan, 2007-2011, now with Google

Marcio Buss, 2004-2008

Jia Zeng, 2002-2008

Cristian Soviani, 2002-2007, now with Synopsys


Olivier Tardieu, 2004-2006, now with IBM


Brother, Ryan Edwards, UC Berkeley

Wife, Nina Edwards, Illustrator