Overview |
The Columbia Esterel Compiler is an open-source compiler
designed for research in both hardware and software generation from
the Esterel synchronous language.
It currently supports a subset of so-called Esterel V5, and can
generate a C program or a Verilog or BLIF circuit description from an
Esterel program.
It is implemented in C++ using the ANTLR parser generator
(version 2.7.2) and the expat XML parsing library (version 1.95). It makes
heavy use of modern C++ features such as namespaces, templates, and the
standard library. Building it requires gcc 3 or above. As of the 0.3 release,
ANTLR is not necessary to compile the system from source.
Its design is modular. Each pass is a standalone executable invoked
by the cec script. The passes communicate through XML files
generated from internal data structures by the IR package.
Mailing list |
The cec-users mailing list
Downloads |
A Github repository that might be more up-to-date
cec-0.4.tar.gz: compressed source, documentation, and test cases
cec-0.4-1.i386.rpm: RPM for Fedora Core 4 and later
cec-0.4-1.ppc.rpm: RPM for Fedora Core 4 and later
cec-0.3-1.src.rpm: source RPM
cec-0.3.tar.gz: compressed source, documentation, and test cases
cec-0.3-1.i386.rpm: RPM for Red Hat Linux
cec-0.3-1.src.rpm: source RPM for Red Hat Linux
cec-0.2.tar.gz: compressed source, documentation, and test cases
cec-0.2-1.i386.rpm: RPM for Red Hat Linux
cec-0.2-1.src.rpm: source RPM for Red Hat Linux
cec-0.1.tar.gz: a very, very old release
Documentation |
manpage for cec, the user-level command
IR: the XML-based file storage format
AST: the intermediate representation
EsterelPrinter: Esterel prettyprinter
ExpandModules: the run statement expander
Dismantle: the AST dismantler
ASTGRC: the GRC format synthesizer
GRCOpt: the GRC format optimizer
GRCPrinter: GRC-to-dot printing for debugging
GRCsim: GRC simulator for debugging
BLIF: circuit netlist format utilities
GRCC2: the C generator
CPrinter: C generation helper routines
EsterelGrammar: The grammar for the language
The Esterel Grammar in HTML
Authors |
Stephen A. Edwards
Cristian Soviani
Jia Zeng