COMS W4203: Introduction to Graph Theory
List of Lectures
01/16: Course outline, basic definitions (§1.1-1.3)
01/18: Basic definitions, cont'd (§1.4-1.5)
01/23: Bipartite graphs, Eulerian ciruits (§1.6,1.8)
01/25: Sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian cycles (§10.1-10.2)
01/30: Degree sequences, matchings in bipartite graphs (§2.1)
02/01: Hall's theorem, Tutte's theorem (§2.1-2.2)
02/06: 2- and 3-connectivity, Robbins' theorem, Menger's theorem (§3.1-3.3)
02/08: Global Menger's theorem (§3.3), tree packings and coverings (§2.4-5)
02/13: Polygonal Jordan Curve Theorem, Plane graphs, (§4.1-4.2)
02/15: Euler's formula, Kuratowski's theorem (§4.2,4.4)
02/20: Heffter-Edmonds, embeddings on the sphere, Kuratowski's theorem (cont'd) (§4.4)
02/22: Mac Lane and Whitney (§1.9,4.5-6), generalizations of planarity
02/27: Hanani-Tutte, coloring planar graphs (§5.1), Brooks's theorem (§5.2)
03/06: Edge colorings (§5.3)
03/20: List colorings (§5.4),
03/22: Chromatic polynomial, circulations (§6.1,6.3)
03/27: Nowhere-zero flows in finite groups (§6.3-6.4)
03/29: Flow-coloring duality, 6-flow theorem (§6.5-6.6)
04/03: Turan's theorem (§7.1), Ramsey's theorem (§9.1)
04/05: Clique minors, Hadwiger's conjecture (§7.2-7.3), random graphs (§11.1)
04/10: Probabilistic method (§11.1-11.2), Erdos-Ko-Rado, MAX-CUT
04/17: Graphs on surfaces: rotation systems, classification of surfaces, Heawood inequality
04/19: Additivity of genus, maximum genus, Robertson-Seymour theorem
04/24: Map Color Theorem (Case 7), graceful labelings, Steiner triple systems
04/26: FINAL REVIEW, Practice Final
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