Valuing financial instruments frequently requires the computation of the expected value of a derivative product. Typically, the underlying asset, e.g., a stock, follows a stochastic model and the value of the derivative depends on the value of the underlying asset at various moments in time. In most cases the expectations cannot be computed analytically. In this respect, one has to approximate the value of an integral, which is often high dimensional. Monte Carlo methods have been traditionally used for the approximation of such derivative products. In fact, in 1992, the conventional wisdom was that although the theory suggested that low discrepancy methods were superior to Monte Carlo, this theoretical advantage was not seen for high dimensional problems. S. Paskov, a Ph.D. student at that time and currently an associate director in risk management for the investment arm of Barclays Bank, and J. F. Traub decided to compare the efficacy of low discrepancy sequences and Monte Carlo methods in valuing financial derivatives. They used a model problem provided by Goldman Sachs. Their results showed that low discrepancy methods were significantly superior to Monte Carlo. Software construction and testing of low discrepancy methods for valuing financial derivatives began at Columbia University in autumn of 1992. At that time, the first version of the software system FinDer was built. It included the a standard implementation of the Halton sequence and an improved version of the Sobol sequence. This work is being continued by A. Papageorgiou and J. F. Traub. The generalized Faure sequence was added to FinDer in the Spring of 1996. Our tests indicate that the generalized Faure sequence is the best among the methods that we have considered. Using FinDer, we have valued a number of financial derivatives using low discrepancy sequences and we have compared our results to Monte Carlo. We have found that the generalized Faure sequence beats the Sobol sequence. The generalized Faure sequence |
A. Papageorgiou and S. Paskov have been testing FinDer on VaR with considerable success. A. Papageorgiou presented some of the results to “Advanced Mathematics for Derivatives”, in New York, February, 1998. A paper by A. Papageorgiou and S. Paskov with title “Deterministic Simulation for Risk Management” appeared at The Journal of Portfolio Management, 25th anniversary issue, May, 1999, 122-127. |