Welcome to Wenyu's homepage.
I have graduated with my Ph.D. under the supervision of
Prof. Henning Schulzrinne in the
IRT Lab .
My research areas and interests are:
Networking tools I wrote:
- UDP trace tool
It contains both a UDP test agent and a test controller. The
controller requests two agents to create a UDP periodic test stream
between them, to simulate a CBR VoIP (Constant Bit-Rate, Voice over
IP) session. The session can be either 1-way (unidirectional) or 2-way.
A 2-way test is just like a Ping (ICMP echo/reply) test.
This version (1.3beta) supports authentication based on
HMAC-MD5, so that only authorized controllers (who has a shared key of
each agent) can create UDP tests.
- hop_speed, a networking
tool that measures speed of asymmetric links
A prototype program that implements the algorithm 2 in my
tech report (CUCS-009-99) and Globecomm/Global Internet paper.
Here is a list of
Call For Papers in Networking
Courses I have TA'ed:
Suggestions to my homepage are welcome.