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Call for Papers
IEEE Network
Special Issue on
Wireless Local Area Networking: QoS provision &
Resource Management
Guest Editors
Prof. Christos Douligeris
Department of Informatics
80, Karaoli & Dimitriou St.
GR - 185 34,
Dr. Dimitrios D. Vergados
Department of Information and Communication
Systems Engineering
University of the
GR - 832 00, Karlovassi,
Next generation wireless networks are evolving to
accommodate a variety of services and traffic types, including data transfer,
voice, video and multimedia streaming, while allowing a user to roam within the
service area of the network, or between networks without disrupting the quality
of service (QoS) provided. Current wireless local area networks can provide
only best-effort QoS with limited capabilities regarding mobility. Future
wireless access networks must be able to guarantee predefined levels of QoS
allowing the services mentioned above to be supported. Furthermore, the QoS
parameters should not be exceeded during intra WLAN and WLAN – cellular
Providing QoS sufficient to support these
applications over a WLAN can be a challenging task. WLANs often allow a
variable number of users with heterogeneous QoS requirements to share a common
radio channel, usually with limited access control, making packet delivery
fluctuant and unpredictable. WLAN MAC protocols must be extended to support
prioritization and bandwidth reservation in order to enable guaranteed QoS
provisioning to users of wireless services. Also, user mobility, as it has been
manifested in extensive studies in cellular networks, introduces a new set of
QoS parameters which must be considered when designing a local area network.
Wireless Local Area Networks cover single-hop or
multi-hop communications which can provide various network services within a
limited service area. Research and deployment of these networks has been very
rapid in the past few years, leading to the development of a number of wireless
local area network technologies, like 802.11 (Wi-Fi), 802.15.3 and HiperLAN. Even
though these technologies can provide high speed (broadband) wireless access to
IP networks, they have significant limitations, which must be overcome for
allowing seamless, scalable and stable QoS for wireless mobile users.
The goal of the special issue in IEEE Network
Magazine is to publish original research and review articles which should be
comprehensive to all readers, regardless of their specialty. This special issue
will cover comprehensively architectures, algorithms and technologies for
quality of service (QoS) and resource management in wireless local area
networks (WLANs). In particular we are interested in tutorial, survey and
original research articles on, but not limited to the following topics:
* QoS support in WLANs
* QoS provisioning, management and capacity
optimization in WLANs.
* WLAN performance evaluation studies
* Layer 2 mobility management/support in WLANs
* Consistent QoS across WLAN and 3G handover
* Power control and management for energy-efficient
* Service differentiation in WLANs
* QoS and security in WLANs
* QoS accounting & billing for WLAN hotspots.
Manuscript Submission
Interested authors should submit an electronic
version of the manuscript, in PDF format, as an email attachment to both guest
editors. Additional information including “Guidelines for authors”
is available at the IEEE Network Website:
Important Dates
Submission Deadline:
October 15, 2004
Acceptance Notification:
March 1, 2005
Final Manuscripts Due:
April 15 2005
Publication of Special Issue:
July/August 2005