![Columbia University](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~zwb/icon/seal.gif)
![IRT lab](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~zwb/icon/irt.gif)
An Integrated Resource Negotiation, Pricing and QoS
Adaptation Framework for Multimedia Applications
The new value-added Internet services provide
new business opportunities, but also present new challenges.
The providers have to be able to add new services quickly and efficiently,
and equip the network to meet the high quality and reliability expectations
and diverse requirements of the value-added services.
Our work is broadly concerned with scalable and efficient architectures
for delivering multimedia applications over the Internet reliably and with
high quality. We have designed and implemented a scalable service
framework that supports dynamic resource negotiation between users and
network, as well as between peering network domains.
It enables short-term commitment of
resources by the network and demand adaptation by adaptive user applications,
and the pricing of network resources based on usage, QoS and user demand.
The proposed protocol and schemes are particularly efficient
in supporting services where resources are scarce, such as
access networks, bottleneck web servers, and wireless
air interfaces. Our scheme has been shown to provide performance
benefits under high or bursty loads, and provide QoS expectations for
wide range of user applications. It improves network utilization and
user connectivity. It increases user benefit and network revenue, and
reduces service blocking rate.
The frame work consists of the following components:
- Conditioning the network to provide multiple services with certain
Quality of Service expectations even under high demand
- Short-term, dynamic configuration of network resources for better
response to user demand and more efficient
resource usage
- Pricing network services based on QoS (resources
consumed) and user willingness-to-pay
- Motivating rate and service
adaptation by applications with elastic demand through
congestion-sensitive pricing of certain services, while providing more
expensive services with static pricing for non-elastic users
The work incorporates
a dynamic resource negotiation protocol, RNAP. RNAP enables negotiation
between user applications and the access network,
as well as between adjoining network domains, and also enables the
distribution and collation of price and charging information.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Pricing Network Resources for Adaptive Applications in a Differentiated Services Network,'' In Proceeding of INFOCOM'2001 , Anchorage, Alaska, Apr. 2001.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Performance Study of Congestion Price based Adaptive Service,'' In Proc. International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Chapel Hill, NC., pp. 1--10, Jun. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``An Integrated Resource Negotiation, Pricing, and QoS Adaptation Framework for Multimedia Applications,'' In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. , vol. 18, 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Adaptive Reservation: A New Framework for Multimedia Adaptation,'' In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. (ICME'2000) , (New York City, New York), July, 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``RNAP: A Resource Negotiation and Pricing Protocol,'' In Proc. International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), (Basking Ridge, New Jersey), pp. 77--93, Jun. 1999.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Comparison of Adaptive Internet Multimedia Applications,'' In IEICE Transactions on Communications , Vol. E82-B, No. 6, pp. 806--818, June 1999.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``A Framework for Resource Negotiation and Pricing in the Internet,'' Columbia Technical Report. CUCS-008-00, Apr. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Incentive-Compatible Adaptation of Internet Real-Time Multimedia,'' Columbia Technical Report. CUCS-009-00, Apr. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Performance Study of Congestion Price based Adaptive Service,'' Columbia Technical Report. CUCS-010-00, Apr. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``RNAP: A Framework for Congestion-based Pricing and Charging for Adaptive Multimedia Applications,'' 1st International workshop on Quality of future Internet Services (QofIS'2000), GMD Fokus, Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Performance Study of Congestion Price based Adaptive Service,'' International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), (Chapel Hill, North Carolina), Jun. 2000.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``RNAP: A Resource Negotiation and Pricing Protocol,'' International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), (Basking Ridge, New Jersey), Jun. 1999.
- X. Wang, H. Schulzrinne, ``Performance Study of Congestion Price based Adaptive Service,'' IRT group meeting , Apr. 2000.
Xin Wang ( xwang@ctr.columbia.edu)
Last Updated: 3/01