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| Papers - Search ResultsQuery: keyword "2016"
- [Bauer and Rambow, 2016]
- Daniel
Bauer and Owen Rambow.
Hyperedge replacement and nonprojective dependency structures.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining
Grammars and Related Formalisms, 2016. (PDF)
- [Biran et al., 2016]
- Or Biran, Terra
Blevins, and Kathleen McKeown.
Mining paraphrasal typed templates from a plain text corpus.
In Proceedings of ACL, 2016. (PDF)
- [Blevins et al., 2016]
- Terra
Blevins, Robert Kwiatkowski, Jamie Macbeth, Kathleen McKeown, Desmond Patton,
and Owen Rambow.
Automatically processing tweets from gang-involved youth: Towards detecting
loss and aggression.
In Proceedings of COLING, 2016. (PDF)
- [Chung et al., 2016]
- Wonchang Chung,
Siddhesh Suhas Mhatre, Alexis Nasr, Owen Rambow, and Srinivas Bangalore.
Revisiting supertagging and parsing: How to use supertags in transition-based
In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining
Grammars and Related Formalisms, 2016. (PDF)
- [Cooper et al., 2016]
- Erica Cooper,
Alison Chang, Yocheved Levitan, and Julia Hirschberg.
Data selection and adaptation for naturalness in hmm-based speech synthesis.
In Proceedings of Interspeech, 2016. (PDF)
- [Elfardy and Diab, 2016a]
- Heba
Elfardy and Mona Diab.
Addressing annotation complexity: The case of annotating ideological
perspective in egyptian social media.
In Proceedings of LAW, 2016. (PDF)
- [Elfardy and Diab, 2016b]
- Heba
Elfardy and Mona Diab.
Cu-gwu perspective at semeval-2016 task 6: Ideological stance detection in
informal text.
In Proceedings of SemEval, 2016. (PDF)
- [Eskander et al., 2016a]
- Ramy
Eskander, Nizar Habash, Owen Rambow, and Arfath Pasha.
Creating resources for dialectal arabic from a single annotation: A case study
on egyptian and levantine.
In Proceedings of COLING, 2016. (PDF)
- [Eskander et al., 2016b]
- Ramy
Eskander, Owen Rambow, and Tianchun Yang.
Extending the use of adaptor grammars for unsupervised morphological
segmentation of unseen languages.
In Proceedings of COLING, 2016. (PDF)
- [Hidey and McKeown,
- Christopher Hidey and Kathleen McKeown.
Identifying causal relations using parallel wikipedia articles.
In Proceedings of ACL, 2016. (PDF)
- [Hirschberg and Rambow,
- Morgan Ulinski Julia Hirschberg and Owen Rambow.
Incrementally learning a dependency parser to support language documentation in
field linguistics.
In Proceedings of COLING, 2016. (PDF)
- [Kedzie et al., 2016]
- Chris Kedzie,
Fernando Diaz, and Kathleen McKeown.
Real-time web scale event summarization using sequential decision making.
In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2016. (PDF)
- [Levitan et al., 2016a]
- Sarah Ita
Levitan, Guozhen An, Min Ma, Rivka Levitan, Andrew Rosenberg, and Julia
Combining acoustic-prosodic, lexical, and phonotactic features for automatic
deception detection.
In Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, 2016. (PDF)
- [Levitan et al., 2016b]
- Sarah Ita
Levitan, Yocheved Levitan, Guozhen An, Michelle Levine, Rivka Levitan, Andrew
Rosenberg, and Julia Hirschberg.
Identifying individual differences in gender, ethnicity, and personality from
dialogue for deception detection.
In Proceedings of NAACL, 2016. (PDF)
- [Mendels et al., 2016]
- Gideon
Mendels, Erica Cooper, and Julia Hirschberg.
Babler - data collection from the web to support speech recognition and keyword
In Proceedings of the 10th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-X) and the
EmpiriST Shared Task (ACL), 2016. (PDF)
- [Musi et al., 2016]
- Elena Musi,
Debanjan Ghosh, and Smaranda Muresan.
Towards feasible guidelines for the annotation of argument schemes.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Argument Mining (ACL),
2016. (PDF)
- [Saldanha et al., 2016]
- Gavin
Saldanha, Or Biran, Kathleen McKeown, and Alfio Gliozzo.
An entity-focused approach to generating company descriptions.
In Proceedings of ACL, 2016. (PDF)
- [Soto et al., 2016]
- Victor Soto,
Olivier Siohan, Mohamed Elfeky, and Pedro Moreno.
Selection and combination of hypotheses for dialectal speech recognition.
In Proceedings of ICASSP, 2016. (PDF)
- [Stratos et al., 2016]
- Karl
Stratos, Michael Collins, and Daniel Hsu.
Unsupervised part-of-speech tagging with anchor hidden markov models.
In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, vol.
4, 2016. (PDF)
- [Winn and Muresan, 2016]
- Olivia
Winn and Smaranda Muresan.
Detecting visually relevant sentences for fine-grained classification.
In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Vision and Language (ACL),
2016. (PDF)