LVAD Simulator

Introduction to the LVAD project.


The following are all the input parameters to the LVAD simulator. Set them to values for which you would like the simulator to run. Click on the "Start Simulator" button to start the simulator.

To start the simulator with these values, press this button:
Number of heartbeats for this run
Number of priming heartbeats

LVAD Settings:

Mode Off Fixed Auto
Delay (ms) Ejection Time (ms)
Internal Elastance (mmHg/ml) Resistance

Heart Variables:

Total Blood Volume (ml) Systemic Reistance (SRc) (dyn)(sec)(cm^5)
Systemic Arterial Capacitance (SCa) (ml/mmHg) Systemic Arterial Resistance (SRa) (dyn)(sec)(cm^5)
Systemic Venous Capacitance (SCv) (ml/mmHg) Pulmonary Resistance (PRc) (dyn)(sec)(cm^5)
Pulmonary Arterial Capacitance (PCa) (ml/mmHg) Pulmonary Arterial Resistance (PRa) (dyn)(sec)(cm^5)
Pulmonary Venous Capacitance (PCv) (ml/mmHg) LV Elastance (LVEes) (mmHg/ml)
LV Volume (LVVo) (ml) RV Elastance (RVEes) (mmHg/ml)
RV Volume (RVVo) (ml) Heart Rate (beats/minute)
Tmax (Systole Length) (ms) Tau

To start the simulator with these values, press this button:


Simulator written by
Daniel Burkhoff, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
Ported to C/Unix by
Paul Michelman
CGI and HTML programming by
Patrick Crosby