Information about enrollment
This course is currently over-subscribed, so we cannot accommodate every student who wants to enroll. In general, priority is given to CS students in degree programs that require the course. The waiting list will be processed accordingly.
COMS 4772 is a course on theoretical aspects of machine learning. It is not a “follow-up” course to COMS 4771. The goal of the course is to develop algorithmic and analytic techniques to rigorously study theoretical problems in machine learning. Many practical details (often crucial in applications) will unfortunately be ignored in favor of cleaner and more precise formulations of problems and solutions that can be rigorously understood and analyzed.
See the course information page for course prerequisites, course requirements, academic rules of conduct, and other information. If you do not satisfy the prerequisites, cannot meet the course requirements, or cannot abide by the rules of conduct, please do not take this course.
About the waiting list
Although I cannot guarantee that anyone on the waiting list will be able to enroll in the course, my best guess is that some students who are currently enrolled will drop after the first couple of lectures.