RTP Library API Specification

June, 1998

Copyright © 1998 Lucent Technologies; all rights reserved

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Basic Operation
    1. Initialization
    2. Sending and Receiving Packets
    3. Closing the Connection and Session
    4. Accessing Member Information
    5. Callback Functions
    6. Timed Events
    7. String Error
    8. Using Iterator Functions
    9. Obtaining RR Information
    10. User Info Fields
  4. Advanced Functions
    1. RTCP Packet Parsing
    2. Adding New Payload Types
    3. Encryption
    4. Header Extensions
    5. Reconsideration
    6. CSRC
  5. Thread Issues
  6. Functions
    1. RTPCreate()
    2. RTPDestroy()
    3. RTPOpenConnection()
    4. RTPCloseConnection()
    5. RTPSend()
    6. RTPSendVector()
    7. RTPSessionAddSendAddr()
    8. RTPSessionRemoveSendAddr()
    9. RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr()
    10. RTPSessionGetReceiveAddr()
    11. RTPSessionSetEncryption()
    12. RTPSessionGetEncryption()
    13. RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs()
    14. RTPSessionSetRTPStampRate()
    15. RTPSessionGetRTPStampRate()
    16. RTPSessionSetKey()
    17. RTPSessionGetKey()
    18. RTPSessionSetReconsideration()
    19. RTPSessionGetReconsideration()
    20. RTPSessionSetBandwidth()
    21. RTPSessionGetBandwidth()
    22. RTPSessionSetUserInfo()
    23. RTPSessionGetUserInfo()
    24. RTPSessionGetMemberList()
    25. RTPSessionGetRTPSocket()
    26. RTPSessionGetRTCPSocket()
    27. CSRC Handling Functions
    28. RTPSessionAddToContributorList()
    29. RTPSessionRemoveFromContributorList()
    30. RTPSessionAddToCSRCList()
    31. RTPSessionRemoveFromCSRCList()
    32. RTPSessionGetUniqueIDForCSRC()
    33. RTPSessionGetCSRCList()
    34. RTPSetUpdateMemberCallBack()
    35. RTPSetChangedMemberInfoCallBack()
    36. RTPSetCollidedMemberCallBack()
    37. RTPSetRevertingIDCallBack()
    38. RTPSetSendErrorCallBack()
    39. RTPCurrentMember()
    40. RTPNextMember()
    41. RTPReceive()
    42. RTPGetRTPPacket()
    43. RTPPacketGetCSRC()
    44. RTPSplitCompoundRTCP()
    45. RTPGetRTCPPacket()
    46. RTPGetReportBlock()
    47. RTPGetByeBlock()
    48. InitSDESItemIter()
    49. GetNextItem()
    50. RTPMemberInfoGetStatus()
    51. RTPMemberInfoSetSDES()
    52. RTPMemberInfoGetSDES()
    53. RTPMemberInfoGetRTPAddr()
    54. RTPMemberInfoGetRTCPAddr()
    55. RTPMemberInfoSetNTP()
    56. RTPMemberInfoGetNTP()
    57. RTPMemberInfoSetRTP()
    58. RTPMemberInfoGetRTP()
    59. RTPMemberInfoSetPktCnt()
    60. RTPMemberInfoGetPktCnt()
    61. RTPMemberInfoSetRTCPPktCnt()
    62. RTPMemberInfoGetRTCPPktCnt()
    63. RTPMemberInfoSetOctCnt()
    64. RTPMemberInfoGetOctCnt()
    65. RTPMemberInfoSetSSRC()
    66. RTPMemberInfoGetSSRC()
    67. RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo()
    68. RTPMemberInfoGetUserInfo()
    69. RTPSenderInfoGetFirstReceiverReport()
    70. RTPSenderInfoGetNextReceiverReport()
    71. RTPSenderInfoGetLocalReception()
    72. RTPFindMember()
    73. RTPMostRecentRTPTime()
    74. RTPMostRecentRTCPTime()
    75. RTPMostRecentRTPPerson()
    76. RTPMostRecentRTCPPerson()
    77. RTPMostRecent()
  7. Example Code


The RTP Library provides a high level interface for developing applications that make use of the Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP). This protocol was developed in the Audio/Video Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and has been published as RFC1889. This library is based on the most recent version of the specification, incorporating some of the newest features, including RTCP scalability algorithms.

This document describes the visible C programmer API for the library.


The RTP Library was developed at Lucent Technologies, in cooperation with Prof. Henning Schulzrinne from Columbia University, Jonathan Lennox from Columbia University, Daniel Rubenstein from U. Mass. Amherst, and Jonathan Rosenberg from Bell Laboratories.

General Operation

This section overviews the basics for using the library.


A number of calls must be made to initialize the library. The first of the first of these is RTPCreate(), which establishes a context. A context is an identifer used by the library to determine which RTP session a function call is to be associated with. An application can run many sessions at the same time, each created with a separate call to RTPCreate, resulting in a different context for each. Most library functions accept a context as the first argument.

Once RTPCreate has been called to initialize the session, the addresses for the session must be set. The library supports unicast (single point to point), multi-unicast (multiple unicast point to points),multicast, and hybrids. There are two sets of addresses used by the library. The first is the send set. This is a list of unicast and/or multicast addresses, port numbers, and ttl values (ttl values are only defined for multicast, of course). Whenever a packet is sent by the application, the library will transmit the packet to all the addresses listed in the send set. This allows for unicast (by setting a single unicast address/port value), multicast (by setting a single multicast address/port pair), multi-unicast (by setting many unicast address/port pairs), and hybrids.

The library also has a receive set defined. This set contains but one address/port pair, which can be multicast or unicast. It is the address that the library expects to receive packets on. The behavior is defined as follows:

  1. If the address is unicast, but does not correspond to a local interface, the library instead binds to INADDR_ANY, so that it will accept packets on any interface.
  2. If the address is unicast, and is a local interface, the library will only accept packets on this interface.
  3. If the address is multicast, the library will bind to INADDR_ANY, and then join the multicast group. This way, it will accept packets that are either unicast OR multicast for the given port.
  4. If the address is NULL, the library will bind to INADDR_ANY.
  5. If the port is zero, the library will use a dynamic port. Since the RTP and RTCP ports must be consecutive, the libary will try random pairs of dynamically assigned ports (above 49152) until it finds a pair. If a pair cannot be allocated, it will return an error.

All addresses are specified as strings. These must be of the form "A.B.C.D" (dotted-quad), or a hostname "machine.domain". If the string is a hostname, the library will attempt to resolve the name to an address using DNS.

There are a number of other initialization functions that are available. Most are optional. The ones which will generally need to be used are:

  1. RTPSessionSetBandwidth(). RTCP packets are sent at a rate that depends on the session bandwidth. This is a global parameter for the RTP session, obtained out of band from some other means (SAP or SIP, for example). The application should set this value before calling RTPOpenConnection() in order to ensure proper RTCP transmission rates. If it is not set, the default rate of 120 kbps.
  2. RTPMemberInfoSetSDES(). One RTCP packet type, SDES, contains information about each user. This includes the name, email, and CNAME for the user. It is the responsibility of the application to set these fields. In particular, the CNAME field MUST be set prior to calling RTPOpenConnection. All of the other SDES fields are optional.

Once the addresses for the session have been set, the function RTPOpenConnection() is called. This actually binds the receive sockets, and causes the library to join the multicast groups. After this, the library is ready to accept and send packets.

Sending and Receiving Packets

Sending packets is fairly straightforward. The RTPSend() function is used to tell the library to send an RTP packet. It requires the user to pass a pointer to a buffer, a length, a value for the marker field in the RTP header, an increment for the timestamp, and the context. The library will take the buffer, add the RTP header, perform any required operations, and send the packet. The library will automatically send RTCP packets. The initial timestamp and sequence number are chosen randomly.

If an application needs to send an RTP packet that is stored in a scatter gather structure, it can make use of the RTPSendVector, which is the writev equivalent of RTPSend.

Receiving packets is a little more complex. In order to know if a packet is available for reading, a process can block, it can poll, or use any other kind of mechanism. Since the library does not dictate this policy, it is up to the user to determine when data is available for reading. To do this, the library allows the user access to the receive sockets. There are two: one for RTP, one for RTCP. The functions RTPSessionGetRTPSocket and RTPSessionGetRTCPSocket are used to do this. They take as input the context and a pointer to a socket. When they return, the socket has been filled in. The use may then check for the presence on an RTP packet on these sockets in any fashion; using select, for example.

When a packet is present on either socket, the application should call the function RTPReceive(). This function takes the context, the socket on which data is present, a pointer to a buffer, and a pointer to a length value. The length value should be initialized to the amount of room in the buffer. The library will read and process the RTP or RTCP packet. For RTCP, it will perform all statistics collection and parsing. Generally, there will be no further action required from the user. For an RTP packet, the library will also update some statistics and variables. The buffer will be filled in with the entire RTP/RTCP packet, including the header.

Once RTPReceive is complete, the user may want to access data in the packet if it is an RTP packet. However, the packet in the original buffer used in the RTPReceive still contains the header. To gain access to the header fields, and the payload, the function RTPGetRTPPacket() is provided. This function accepts the buffer as an input, and returns a pointer to an RTP packet structure. This pointer is of type rtp_packet, and contains fields for the various RTP headers, and a pointer to the payload. The user can then access these fields for whatever purposes it likes.

Closing the Connection and Session

When the application has decided to terminated and/or leave the RTP session, it should do two things. First, the function RTPCloseConnection should be called. This will close all active receive sockets, send a BYE packet, and then close all send sockets. It does not delete internal storage or statistics that have been collected, however. RTPCloseConnection accepts a reason string. This string is sent in the BYE packet. If set to NULL, the library will not include any reason in the BYE.

To actually destroy all internal information about the session, the function RTPDestroy is provided. It takes the context as its sole argument, and frees all memory associated with the context.

Accessing Member Information

Many of the RTP Library functions provide support for accessing information about the other members of the session. Each user is assigned a unique identifier by the library, of type person. Unlike the SSRC, which can change due to collisions, the unique identifier stays constant. Most of the member information elements are accessed by passing the unique id to the library.

There are a number of ways to obtain the unique id for a member. These include:

  1. CallBack functions: The library provides for callback functions that the library calls when certain events occur. These events include things like new member, timeouts, new sender, etc. The functions are provided with the unique id of the person associated with the event. This allows applications to access membership information easily at the time when it is likely to be most needed.
  2. List Iterators. The library allows the application to obtain the list of current group members. This list is provided by returning the unique identifiers for the users.
  3. Most Recent. The library provides two function calls for obtaining the member who sent the most recently received RTP and RTCP packets (RTPMostRecentRTPPerson and RTPMostRecentRTCPPerson).
  4. Local. The local member (i.e., the member that the application is sending packets on behalf of) is always known by the unique identifier 0.
  5. Finding. The library provides a function, RTPFindMember, that allows an application to obtain a unique id for a member based on the value of an SDES field. The function accepts a context, an SDES field, and a value. It also accepts a pointer to a person, which is set to the unique ID of the first member whose SDES field has the given value. This function is most useful for finding members based on CNAME. When multiple sessions are used, the CNAME of the user stays the same across sessions. An application will most likely need to access sender report information (timestamps in particular) based solely on CNAME.

Once the unique identifier has been obtained, it can be used to access a host of different pieces of information. These include:

  1. SDES. The function RTPMemberInfoGetSDES() takes a unique id, an SDES field, and a pointer to a buffer. The library will copy the SDES item into the buffer.
  2. SR Info. There are a host of functions for getting the information present in sender reports from a member. These functions are of the form RTPMemberInfoGetX, where X is one of {NTPStamp,RTPStamp,PktCount,OctCount}, which correspond to the elements in a sender report from that member. If the member is not a sender, these will return zero.
  3. SSRC. The function RTPMemberInfoGetSSRC() returns the SSRC for a member.
  4. RR. Each member in a group sends out receiver reports for each sender. The library records all the information in receiver reports from every group member. To obtain information from a receiver report, the application must provide both the unique identifier for the member who sent the receiver report, AND the SSRC for the sender that the RR refers to.
  5. Member Status. The function RTPMemberInfoGetStatus() returns the state of the member (pending, expired, confirmed), and whether they are an active sender.

Callback Functions

Certain events happen during an RTP session which are of interest to the application. To alert the application of these events, callback functions are used. There are four callbacks which will generally be needed by the application. Two others are more advanced, and should not usually be needed. The three basic ones are:

  1. MemberUpdateCallBack: When the status of a member changes, this callback is called, along with a flag indicating the new status. Member status is discussed below.
  2. ChangedMemberInfoCallBack. When a session member sends an SDES packet, and the information in the packet is different from the last SDES packet, this function is called. This is useful for finding when the NOTE field changes, for example.
  3. ChangedMemberAddressCallBack. When the library receives a packet from a member, and that packet is from a different network address than the last packet received from the member, this function is called reporting the new address.
  4. RevertingIDCallBack: This functions usage is a little complex, but is needed. Each member of the group is assigned a unique ID, as described above. If a member is involved in an SSRC collision, they may leave the group, change their SSRC and rejoin with the new SSRC. When they rejoin, they may send an RTP packet before an RTCP packet. The library will see a new SSRC, and not realize that this is a rejoined member. So, it assigns this member a unique ID. When the RTCP packet shows up, the library realizes that this is the same member, who now has two unique ID's. The library will then call this callback, and indicate both ID's. The library will also destroy all membership records associated with the new ID, and combine the statistics with the old one. However, the library allows the application to set a piece of the membership record (user info, described below). If this information is a pointer to some memory in application space, the user must free this memory, or make a copy of the pointer, since the library will destroy its own copy of the pointer. This is the main motivation for this callback. Note that if the library never makes use of the user info field, it need not set this callback function.

Each member in the group has two states. The first is its member state, and is one of six: pending, confirmed, expired, pending contributor, confirmed contributor, and expired contributor. A member is pending if it has sent a single packet (RTP or RTCP), or appeared in a sender report or receiver report. The member is confirmed if it has sent more than one RTP or RTCP packets, or a CNAME is received. The member is a pending contributor if they have appeared in the CSRC list once in a RTP data packet. The member is a confirmed contributor if they have appeared twice in the CSRC list of a data packet, or have had a CNAME sent for them in an SDES packet. RTP has a provision for member timeouts, which occur if a member has sent neither an RTP or RTCP packet over the last 5 RTCP transmission periods. When a confirmed member times out, they change state to expired. The statistics and user information are not destroyed, but they are not counted as part of the group. When a pending member times out, they are destroyed. Similarly, if a confirmed contributor has not appeared in an CSRC list, or an SDES packet been received for them in the last 5 RTCP transmission periods, they become a pending contributor. A pending contributor in the same scenario is destroyed.

Pending members are not used in group size estimation. This helps prevent encrypted packets being mistakenly considered as from a new random SSRC. A member in any of the pending states is not used towards group size estimation, and neither are expired members. The group size estimate is used by the library in computing the interval between RTCP packet transmissions.

If an expired member "comes back" by sending a packet, they revert back to the confirmed state.

Orthogonal to a member's status as pending, confirmed, or expired, they can be in one of three sending states: not, purported, or confirmed. A member is in the not state if it has never sent a data packet, never send an SR packet, and never appeared in a receiver report block. A purported sender is a member who has sent an RTP packet but is not a confirmed member, or a member who has sent an SR or appeared in a receiver report block, but never sent a packet. These senders are purported because they, or someone else, has claimed them to be senders, but this has not yet been verified by a data packet. A sender is confirmed if they are a confirmed member and have sent an RTP data packet in the last RTCP transmission interval. A confirmed sender will time out, and become purported, after not sending a data packet in the last RTCP transmission interval. After four more transmission intervals, it will move from purported to not. At this point, any statistics about this member are destroyed. The library uses the count of confirmed senders in determining the frequency of RTCP packet transmissions.

When a members status changes in any way, the MemberUpdateCallBack is called. The function is passed a flag which indicates what the status change is. The flags are described in rtp_api.h

To set the callback functions, there are six RTPSetXXXCallBack functions, each of which sets the appropriate callback. These are passed the context and the a pointer to the function, written by the user, to be used for callback.

The library also defines two advanced callback functions. The first is CollidedMemberCallBack. When two users have an SSRC collision, this function is called by the library. The library will automatically handle the resolution of the collision. The callback is available if the presence of a collision needs to be known by the application.

The second advanced callback is SendErrorCallBack. The library supports sending data to multiple receive destinations. Internally to the library, each supports a separate connected socket. Should one of the peers on a socket go down, or no longer be responding on the given port, certain systems provide notification when trying to send, even on connectionless sockets. When the library tries to send data to a socket, and it gets some kind of error indication, this callback is called. The function is passed the IP address and port that the error was reported from. The library will not close sockets that continually report errors. It is up to the application to turn them off with RTPRemoveSendAddr.

Using Iterator Functions

There are cases where the application would like to obtain a list of things, such as a list of the current session members, or a list of the current session senders. To support this in a scalable manner, the library supports the concept of iterators. An iterator is an object that represents a list of members and a pointer to one of the members on the list. Once an iterator is obtained, it can be used to cycle through the list. Two functions are used for this. RTPCurrentMember returns the current member of the list, and RTPNextMember advances the pointer to the next member, and returns it as well. Note that successive calls to RTPCurrentMember will not advance the pointer, whereas RTPNextMember will.

To get an iterator, the function RTPSessionGetMemberList is provided. It takes as input the context, and a pointer to an iterator. The function fills in the iterator and initializes it. Afterwards, the list can be walked through with RTPCurrentMember and RTPNextMember. Once the end of the list is reached, both functions return an error condition. Note that the state of the iterator WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED ACROSS CALLS TO OTHER LIBRARY FUNCTIONS. The iterator is meant to be used in one shot, during a single application operation. Library functions may modify these lists and make the pointers contained in the iterator invalid.

Note that RTPCurrentMember and RTPNextMember return a unique-id to represent the member. The member information functions, described above, can then be used to obtain the desired information, including member status.

Timed Events

Two RTP related events must occur which are timed. They are:
  1. RTCP reports must be sent periodically.
  2. BYE packets may be reconsidered for transmission.

To support scheduling, timed events are handled by two functions, RTPSchedule and RTPExecute. The first of these functions is written by the user. It is called by the RTP library to request scheduling of events at some predetermined time. The user is responsible for writing the function to schedule the event with whatever mechanism is appropriate for the application. The second function is part of the RTP library, and is to be called upon execution of the timed event. The specific formats of the functions are:

void RTPSchedule(context cid, rtp_opaque_t opaque, struct timeval *tp);

rtperror RTPExecute(context cid, rtp_opaque_t opaque);

The RTP library will call RTPSchedule, and pass it the context cid and an opaque piece of data, opaque. It will also pass the time for which the scheduled event is to occur, tp. At the appropriate time, tp, the application should call RTPExecute, and pass it the opaque token provided in the call to RTPSchedule, in addition to the context.

This general mechanism allows for the RTP library to schedule arbitrary timed events. All information about the nature of the events is kept internal. The opaque data is used internally to identify particular events. RTPExecute() cannot be called from within a callback function in the same context.


The format of the call is :
char *RTPStrError();

RTPStrError returns an error message associated with the most recent error that was raised by the RTP library (not including RTP_OK, which represents a lack of error. This error message is more detailed than the error number returned by a function that returns type rtperror in that it also states the calling function and often offers details about the context and other values that might have induced the error.

Obtaining RR Information

RTCP receiver reports (RR's) contain information from each receiver, about each sender. The library stores all of this information, and makes it available to the application if needed. Reception quality for the local member is obtained in the same way its obtained for all other members.

To get reception quality information, the application must provide the identifier of the user about whom the reception reports are desired. The library routines operator via an iterator. The initialization routine gets the first receiver report about the particular user. Another routine cycles through the reception reports on each call, returning receiver reports from different receivers about the given sender. Once the iterator is complete, an error value is returned.

The iterators return a pointer to a receiver report structure. This structure contains all of the relevant information from the receiver reports.

RTPSenderInfoGetFirstReceiverReport(context cid, person p, receiver_report_iterator *the_iterator, receiver_report *report) is used to initialize the iterator. It also fills in the receiver report structure with the first receiver report for the given person p. An error is returned if the person is not a sender. To get the next report blcok, the user must call RTPSenderInfoGetNextReceiverReport(context cid, person p, receiver_report_iterator *the_iterator, receiver_report *report) to get the next one.

When used with a person value of 0, the library returns receiver reports received about the local member. In addition, receiver reports sent by the local member will appear on the list of receiver reports returned by the above functions. These represent the state sent in actual reports, not the most recent information the local member has about the given sender

To obtain the most recent statistics about other senders, as observed by the local member, the function RTPSenderInfoGetLocalReception(context cid, person p, receiver_report *report) is used. It takes the given person and a pointer to a receiver report structure, and fills it in. The resulting receiver report is the receiver report which would be sent at that point in time for the given sender. Note that since the library doesn't send a receiver report at this point, the actual receiver report generated will differ when it is sent.

User Info Fields

In many cases, it would be very desirable to not have the application maintain an actual list of members of its own, since the library already does this. However, most applications will need to establish additional information associated with each member (such as a pointer to a window in the GUI). To support this, the library allows the application to set a pointer in the internal list of members. This pointer can point to memory allocated and used by the application. The pointer can be obtained from the library using some API functions.

In particular, the function RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo takes the context, a unique-id, and a pointer as an argument. The pointer is stored internally in the record associated with that member. The function RTPMemberInfoGetUserInfo can then be used to retrieve this pointer. It takes the context, the unique-id of the member, and a pointer to the user info pointer as an argument. The library will then write the value of the pointer.

As an example of the usage of this field, consider an application which lists the current group members in a GUI, and highlights those members who are currently senders. When a member times out, they are removed from the window. To support this, an application can set the MemberUpdateCallBack to be called. When a new user appears, the library will call the callback. The application can then create a new window in the GUI, and place a pointer to it in the user info field with the above RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo function. Some time later, if the member becomes a sender, the callback is called once more. The library can the retrieve the pointer to the window, and use it to change the members name to bold. This allows the application to not even store the pointers to the windows in application space. It can rely totally on storage in the library.

The library also allows the application to store a pointer for each session. This pointer is set using RTPSessionSetUserInfo and read using RTPSessionGetUserInfo. Its usage is similar to the MemberInfo versions.

A word of caution on the usage of these pointers. When a member is to be deleted by the library, its member record is destroyed. This includes the pointer which might have been set by RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo. If the application does not keep a copy of this pointer, or does not free the memory when the callback is called to indicate the member is to be deleted, memory leaks WILL occur. Similarly, a reverting ID event (due to a collision of SSRC) will cause memerber records to be destroyed. When the callback for this is invoked, the application should free the memory associated with the member. The same is true for the session user info. Before invoking RTPDestroy, the application should free any memory associated with the session user info pointer.

Advanced Functions

The library provides a number of advanced functions which should almost never be needed. However, they are provided to add additional flexibility.

RTCP Packet Parsing

When an RTCP packet arrives, it is automatically parsed by the library, and the information stored in internal state. The functions described above detail how to access this information.

When debugging, or when circumstances require direct access to the RTCP packet, the library provides functions for parsing the RTCP packets. These same functions are used by the library itself to parse them. Parsing RTCP is somewhat complex because of the many optional parts and layered structure. The various functions generally break the packets into components which can then be processed by subsequent functions.

The first function is int RTPSplitCompoundRTCP(char *rtcppacket, char *indpkts[], long len). It takes the raw RTCP packet received on the socket, and splits it into the individual RTCP packets (this is because an RTCP data packet can contain many RTCP packets inside of it). The user must pass a pointer to an array of char *, with sufficient memory allocated. This array will be written with pointers to the places in the raw data stream where each RTCP packet starts. The function returns the number of RTCP packets found. The third argument is the amount of memory allocated by the application in the indpackets array.

The next function is rtcp_packet RTPGetRTCPPacket(char *rtcppacket). It takes a pointer to an individual RTCP packet character string that composes the RTCP packet. It returns a pointer to an rtcp_packet. This is a structure which contains the various common header fields (version, type, count, etc.) and the parts specific to the particular RTCP packet. The rtcp_packet structure has two parts. The first is an overlay. The overlay is an RTCP data structure that is overlaid right ontop of the packet character stream. It simply provides structure to the data stream. The second part is the nonoverlay, and contains pointers and fields to parts of the packet which can only be obtained based on the values of the overlay parts of the packet.

With the rtcp_packet structure, the application can access the common RTCP header fields, and some of the fields of the packet-specific header, depending on the packet type. See the data structure, defined in rtp.h, for more details.

If the given packet is SDES, it can contain many chunks (each of which represents a different SSRC), and within a chunk, different items. The functions rtcp_sdes_item InitSDESItemIter(rtcp_packet *rtcpsdes) and rtcp_sdes_item GetNextItem(rtcp_sdes_item *prev_item) are used to access this information. First, the InitSDESItemiter function is called. It returns an rtcp_sdes_item. This contains the SSRC for the item, the type,length, and string for the item, and a chunk number. The item can be obtained directly from this function. Calling GetNextItem will return the next item in the SDES packet. The application must provide the previous item as an input. When the iterator reaches the end of the items for a given chunk, it returns an item of type 0. This is an indication of the end of items for a chunk. To see if more iterations are possible, the application should check the chunk number against the chunk count in the RTCP packet header.

If the given packet is a sender or receiver report, it can contain multiple receive blocks. The function rtcp_report_block RTPGetReportBlock(rtcp_packet *rtcprrsr, int blockno) can be used to get blocks. The function takes as input the rtcp_packet structure, and a block number. The number of blocks in the packet can be obtained from the report count field. The function returns a report block, which contains the receiver information. The sender information can be obtained directly from the rtcp_packet structure.

If the given packet is a BYE packet, it can contain multiple SSRC and a reason code. The function rtcp_bye_block RTPGetByeBlock(rtcp_packet *rtcpbye, int blockno) can be used to get the blockno'th SSRC in the packet.

These routines should generally be used instead of trying to access the data directly, since they perform the necessary byte reordering.

Adding New Payload Types

The RTP library supports new payload types. The only reason that the library needs to even worry about payload types is the generation of sender reports. Sender reports contain an RTP timestamp, and the corresponding wall-clock time, in order to allow media synchronization. The library computes this correlation by storing the value of the RTP and wallclock times when the first packet is sent. Whenever a sender report is sent, the library looks at the wall time, computes the time elapsed since the initial wallclock time, converts this difference to RTP timestamp values, and computes an RTP timestamp by adding this difference to the initial RTP timestamp. This conversion requires that the library know how many RTP clock cycles are in a wallclock cycle (which is 1us).

The library compes preconfigured with this conversion value for all of the defined payload types in RFC1890. However, if the user uses new payload types, or redefines existing ones, the library must be informed of the new clock conversion. To support this, RTPSessionSetRTPStampRate and RTPSessionGetRTPStampRate are provided by the library. The set function takes the context, a payload type number, and the number of microseconds per RTP tick. This will then be used by the library as the conversion factor for the given payload type. It is possible to override existing definitions. The get version of the function returns the currently defined number of micro-seconds per tick for a given payload type. If the user has defined none, it will return the default value as specified in RFC1890. For undefined payload types, it returns zero.


RTP supports encryption of RTP and RTCP packets. The library supports three modes:

  1. No encryption: This is the default. Neither RTP or RTCP packets are encrypted.
  2. Full encryption: RTP and RTCP packets are fully encrypted.
  3. Partial encryption: RTP and non-SDES RTCP packets are encrypted. SDES RTCP packets are sent by themselves, unencrypted.

To select a mode of operation, the function RTPSessionSetEncryption is provided. It takes the context, and an encryption mode, as arguments. To get the current encryption mode, the function RTPSessionGetEncryption is provided.

The library itself does not perform the encryption. This is due to a variety of factors, not the least of which are the legal ramifications of providing software that performs it. The library therefore requires the user to provide functions which do the encryption. These functions are set using the library function RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs. The format of the call is:

    rtperror RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs(context cid, 
				 void (*init)(context, void*),
				 void (*encrypt)(context, char*, int, void*),
				 void (*decrypt)(context, char*, int, void*));

Three functions must be provided by the user. The initialization function takes a context and a key, represented as a void pointer. The encryption function must accept the context, a pointer to a buffer, the size of the buffer in bytes, and a key, represented as a void pointer. The decryption function takes the same arguments as the encrypted. The functions must place the result in the same buffer. The library will call the initialization function whenever the key changes.

To set the key, the function RTPSessionSetKey is called. It takes the context and a key, represented as a void pointer. This pointer is copied into the context. Whenever the encryption functions are called, the pointer is passed to it. This allows the format and size of the key to be completely opaque to the library. The application must keep track of the size of the key.

Header Extensions

The RTP library does not currently support header extensions.


The newest RTP specification contains an algorithm called reconsideration. This algorithm improves the RTCP transmission algorithm with large multicast groups. It causes a group member to back-off transmission of its RTCP packets when it sees increasing group sizes. The reconsideration algorithm is actually a class of algorithms, including conditional, unconditional, and hybrid. By default, unconditional reconsideration is enabled. This algorithm will generally cause the RTCP packet interval to increase by about 15% compared to no reconsideration.

Two functions allow the application to get/set the reconsideration algorithm. RTPSessionSetReconsideration and RTPSessionGetReconsideration set and get the mode of the algorithm. The library supports three modes: unconditional, conditional, and none. There is usually no reason for an application to change this from unconditional.


The RTP Library supports CSRC (Contributing Sources). These are needed when a bridge (known as a mixer in RTP) is being implemented. The CSRC list in each data packet includes the SSRC for each of the members whose media has been mixed to make up the data packet. The library allows the application to set and managed contributors to a mixer.

The library maintains two lists of members: contributors and CSRC. Contributors are those members that the library is performing the mixing for. They may or may not be sending at any point in time, so that their speech may not actually be part of a particular data packet. For this reason, the SSRC for a contributor will not appear in every data packet. However, SDES items for each contributor are always sent in each RTCP packet. The CSRC are the set of members contributing actively to data packets. This list is copied in the CSRC list section of each data packet.

The library allows the application to manipulate both lists. The functions RTPSessionAddToContributorList() and RTPSessionRemoveFromContributorList() allow contributors to be added and removed from the list. The add function takes a context and an ssrc value. The library will create the member, and call the member status change callback. If the ssrc conflicts with either the local member or another member already in the group, the library also executes the appropriate collision operations and calls the collision callback. The application may not add a ssrc to the contributor list if it already exists (in other words, multiple contributors may not collide). The library will generate SDES chunks for all members in the contributor list. There is no limit on the number of contributors. The library will generate multiple RTCP packets, if necessary, to hold the SDES information.

When the contributor list removal function is called, it will remove the member from the contributor list, send a BYE packet for them, and call the member status change callback. The removal function takes a string argument, which is included as the reason code in the BYE packet. If the ssrc is also a member of the CSRC member list, it is removed from there also.

To set the CSRC member list, the functions RTPSessionAddToCSRCList() and RTPSessionRemoveFromCSRCList() are provided. They add and remove a member from the CSRC list. There is a limit of 16 members in the CSRC list. The functions take a context and an ssrc. The ssrc must already correspond to a member on the contributor list.

Using these functions for a mixer applications is easy. A mixer would be implemented with two sessions (each created with RTPCreate()). For simplicity, we call one session the "left" session, and the other the "right" session. As members appear on the left side, the application is alerted via the membership status change callback. The application can then call the contributor list addition function to add this ssrc to the contributor list on the right. It would also set up any state required to perform the actual mixing operations. As data arrives on the left, the application would add and remove members from the CSRC list on the right, depending on which data is being mixed. When a member on the left leaves the group, the application removes it from the contributor list on the right. The same behavior would apply for forwarding packets from right to left, but reversed from above.

Many library functions require access to the unique id for a member. The library provides a function for obtaining the unique ID for a contributing list member. This function is RTPSessionGetUniqueIDForCSRC(). It takes the context and an ssrc as a handle, and sets a unique id. The function is needed to set the CNAME, NAME, or other SDES items for a CSRC member. This is because the member info setting functions require a unique id. For the local member, this is always zero. For contributing members, it must be obtained through this function.

When an application receives packets with CSRC, it adds them to the member list, and stores any SDES items sent for them. The library also has a membership status for CSRC-learned members, just as it does for regular members. The status is one of RTP_MEMBER_PENDING_CONTIBUTOR, RTP_MEMBER_CONFIRMED_CONTRIBUTOR, and RTP_MEMBER_EXPIRED_CONTRIBUTOR. The rules about how a member moves from state to state are nearly identical to regular members. When either two RTP packets, or one CNAME, is received for the CSRC, it is moved from PENDING to CONFIRMED. After a soft timeout period, a PENDING member is deleted, and a CONFIRMED member goes to EXPIRED. Should another RTP, RTCP, or CNAME show up listing the member as a contributor, they will return to CONFIRMED state from EXPIRED.

Members which are contributors locally (that is, they have been set via RTPSessionAddToContributorList()) are always in the RTP_MEMBER_CONFIRMED_CONTRIBUTOR state. They will never soft or hard timeout.

All status changes for local and heard-from CSRC are reported via the member status change callback.

Thread Issues

The RTP library is not thread safe. Most of the functions access global data structures defined for a particular session. However, since state is not shared across sessions, it is safe to call functions for different sessions in different threads. Note, however, that RTPCreate and RTPDestroy are NOT thread safe either, and these functions must be locked by a mutex before calling if multithreading is used.


This section gives a more detailed specification of the functions available in the API.


This function creates the context for an RTP session. The format of the call is:
rtperror RTPCreate(context *the_context);

the_context holds the value of the current context.

Note that it does not actually open any sockets at this time. It simply allocates memory and initializes variables to prepare for the session. To actually open the socket so that packets may be sent, the user must call the RTPOpenConnection() function.

This function is the first that should be called before any other RTP library function. By using it to create multiple contexts, many parallel sessions can be run on the same machine. Each session has its own membership lists, address and ports, statistics, etc.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_CANT_ALLOC_MEM: Sufficient memory is not available for this operation.


This function destroys any state associated with an RTP session. If the sockets associated with the connection were not yet released, they are closed before the state is destroyed. The format of the function call is:

rtperror  RTPDestroy(context cid);

cid holds the context to be destroyed.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


This function is used to open the RTP and RTCP receive sockets for a connection. The receive information (address and ports) must have already been set prior to making this call, using RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr(). The destination addresses for sending packets may be set at any time, however. This function will also cause the library to begin sending RTCP reports.

The format for the function call is:

rtperror RTPOpenConnection(context cid);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_ADDR: No addresses have yet been set by RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr.
  3. RTP_CANT_GET_SOCKET: The socket system call has failed.
  4. RTP_CANT_SET_SOCKOPT: The attempt to set socket options has failed.
  5. RTP_CANT_BIND_SOCKET: The attempt to bind the socket failed.


This function is used to close both the RTP and RTCP sockets for a connection. The session must be an active one, whose sockets have already been opened with RTPOpenConnection. Closing the connection will cause a BYE message to be sent out. Note that the close causes both the RTP and RTCP sockets to close. The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPCloseConnection(context cid, char *reason);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

reason holds the reason code to be sent in the BYE packet.

The reason is a string which is included in the BYE packet sent by RTPCloseConnection. If set to NULL, no reason will be included.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_CANT_CLOSE_SESSION: The system close call failed.


This function sends a packet to a session established previously with the RTPCreate routine. The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSend(context cid, int32 tsinc, int8 marker,
   int16 pti, int8 *payload, int len);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

tsinc holds the timestamp increment. This is the amount the timestamp will increase from the previous timestamp transmitted. It is meaningless for the first call, as the initial timestamp is chosen randomly.

marker specifies the value of the marker bit in the header. Only the LSB is interpreted, as defined in the profile.holds the context to be accessed.

pti is the payload type identifier to be used for this session. It is up to the user to ensure that the value makes sense for the profile in use. RTPSend will take only the least significant bits of pti, where the number of bits depends on the profile.

payload is a pointer to the data to be sent.

len is the length of the data in bytes.

The function will automatically generate the sequence numbers, SSRC, version, padding, and extension fields based on the session variables and protocol requirements. RTP_Send() cannot be called from within a callback function in the same context.

When this function is called for the first time, the library may will choose an SSRC if it hasn't already done so.

In the event of multiple addresses in the send list, the transmission of a packet to one or several of these addresses may fail. In that event, the library will call the SendErrorCallBack with the address and port which caused the error. It is safe to use the RTPRemoveSendAddress function from within this callback to remove the address from the send list if desired. Note that the library will not return an error code if a transmission error should occur.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_CANT_CALL_FUNCTION: An attempt was made to call this function during the execution of a callback routine, which is disallowed. Retry the function call outside of a callback.
  3. RTP_BAD_ADDR: No send addresses have yet been set.
  4. RTP_CANT_ALLOC_MEM: Out of memory.


This function is identical to RTPSend, except that it takes an iovec rather than a block of text. (Its relationship to RTPSend is thus analogous to the relationship between the Unix system calls write and writev, for example.) The format of this call is:
rtperror RTPSendVector(context cid, int32 tsinc, int8 marker,
   int16 pti, struct iovec *payload, int vec_count);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

tsinc holds the timestamp increment. This is the amount the timestamp will increase from the previous timestamp transmitted. It is meaningless for the first call, as the initial timestamp is chosen randomly.

marker specifies the value of the marker bit in the header. Only the LSB is interpreted, as defined in the profile.holds the context to be accessed.

pti is the payload type identifier to be used for this session. It is up to the user to ensure that the value makes sense for the profile in use. RTPSend will take only the least significant bits of pti, where the number of bits depends on the profile.

payload is a pointer to an array of iovec structures

vec_count is the number of iovec structures in the payload array.

RTPSend is currently implemented internally as a call to RTPSendVector with a single item in the iovec.


This function is used to set address/port/ttl 3-tuples which the library will send to. The library supports an unlimited number of send addresses. These can be either unicast or multicast. Whenever the library sends a packet, either RTP or RTCP, it will send to all the addresses in the send address list. The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionAddSendAddr(context cid, char *addr, u_int16 port, u_int8 ttl)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

addr holds the address to send to. This should be a string version of a dotted quad "" for example, or a hostname, "enterprise" or "enterprise.startrek.org".

port specifies the destination port number.

ttl is the TTL value placed in multicast packets.

Every time this function is called with a distinct 3-tuple (actually, for unicast, the ttl field is ignored, so its a distinct 2-tuple), the address is added to a list internal to the library.

A port number of zero is illegal, and will result in an error.

The library will actually create and bind the sockets to the destination address in this call. The sockets are then stored internally and used for subsequent data transmissions with RTPSend.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_PORT: An attempt was made to use port number 0.
  3. RTP_CANT_ALLOC_MEM: Out of memory.
  4. RTP_BAD_ADDR:The given address is neither a dotted quad nor a valid DNS name.
  5. RTP_CANT_GET_SOCKET: The socket system call has failed.
  6. RTP_CANT_SET_SOCKOPT: The attempt to set socket options has failed.


This function removes an address from the send list. The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionRemoveSendAddr(context cid, char *addr, u_int16 port, u_int8 ttl);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

addr holds the address to send to. This should be a string version of a dotted quad "" for example, or a hostname, "enterprise" or "enterprise@startrek.org".

port specifies the destination port number.

ttl is the TTL value placed in multicast packets.

The semantics of the addr, port, and ttl fields are the same as for RTPSessionAddSendAddr. The function will search through its internal list of send addresses. Any address which matches the address,port,and ttl for multicast, or the address and port for unicast, will be removed from the send list. No BYE packet is sent.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_ADDR: No addresses have yet been set by RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr, the given address is not on the list previously set.


This function sets the address that the library will listen on for RTP and RTCP packets. The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr(context cid, char *addr, u_int16 port);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

addr holds the address listen on.

port specifies the port number to listen on, in host byte order.

The following rules apply:

  1. If the address is unicast, but does not correspond to a local interface, the library instead binds to INADDR_ANY, so that it will accept packets on any interface.
  2. If the address is unicast, and is a local interface, the library will only accept packets on this interface.
  3. If the address is multicast, the library will bind to INADDR_ANY, and then join the multicast group. This way, it will accept packets that are either unicast OR multicast for the given port.
  4. If the address is NULL, the library will bind to INADDR_ANY.
  5. If the port is zero, the library will use a dynamic port. Since the RTP and RTCP ports must be consecutive, the libary will try random pairs of dynamically assigned ports (above 49152) until it finds a pair. If a pair cannot be allocated, it will return an error.

All addresses are specified as strings. These must be of the form "A.B.C.D" (dotted-quad), or a hostname "machine.domain". If the string is a hostname, the library will attempt to resolve the name to an address using DNS.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_FIXED_WHEN_OPEN: The receive address information cannot be changed once the connection has been opened with RTPSessionOpen.
  3. RTP_BAD_ADDR: The provided address is either not a dotted quad, or cannot be resolved in DNS.
  4. RTP_CANT_ALLOC_MEM: Out of memory.


This function retrieves the current address/port that the library is listening for packets on. Its most important use is to retrieve the actual port number used for RTP packets when RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr was called with a zero port number (indicating the desire for dynamic ports). After RTPOpenConnection is called, this function will retrieve the port that is actually being used.

The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetReceiveAddr(context cid, char *addr, u_int16 *port); 

cid holds the context to be accessed.

addr holds an array where the address will be written into.

port holds a word where the port will be written into.

addr should point to a buffer with sufficient memory to hold the IP address or domain name which was used to set the receive address. port should point to an u_int16, to which the port number used will be written.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_ADDR: No address has yet been set with RTPSessionSetReceiveAddr.


This function sets the encryption for the library (NOTE: not supported in the first release!)

The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetEncryption(context cid, encryption_t value)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

vlaue holds the desired encyption mode. Allowable values are RTP_ENCRYPTION_FULL, RTP_ENCRYPTION_PARTIAL, and RTP_ENCRYPTION_NONE.

When value is set to RTP_ENCRYPTION_FULL, it tells the RTP library to encrypt all packets. A value of RTP_ENCRYPTION_PARTIAL tells the RTP library to use encryption for only RTCP packets of type SDES. A value of RTP_ENCRYPTION_NONE tells the RTP library not to encrypt any packets. This is the default.

The actual encryption to be performed is selected by the user using RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs(). The user has the option to supply an initialization function that gets called whenever the key is changed (see RTPSessionSetKey()), and an encryption and decryption function. If a function is set to NULL, then it is not used. Each function is called with the parameter of the following type filled with the following values: The context parameter will contain the current context id. The char* parameter will point to the buffer that is to be encrypted / decrypted, and the int parameter will be the size of this buffer in bytes. The void* parameter points to the key to be used. The result of the encryption/decryption is placed back into the buffer.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


This function gets the encryption mode used for the given context.

The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetEncryption(context cid, encryption_t *value)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value points to a encryption_t variable, to which the current mode is written. Possible values are RTP_ENCRYPTION_FULL, RTP_ENCRYPTION_PARTIAL, and RTP_ENCRYPTION_NONE.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


This function sets the encryption functions for the library (NOTE: not supported in the first release!)

The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs(context cid, 
				 void (*init)(context, void*),
				 void (*encrypt)(context, char*, int, void*),
				 void (*decrypt)(context, char*, int, void*));

cid holds the context to be accessed.

init holds the function used to initialize the encryption routines.

encrypt holds the function used to encrypt.

decrypt holds the function used to decrypt.

The actual encryption to be performed is selected by the user using RTPSessionSetEncryptionFuncs(). The user has the option to supply an initialization function that gets called whenever the key is changed (see RTPSessionSetKey()), and an encryption and decryption function. If a function is set to NULL, then it is not used. Each function is called with the parameter of the following type filled with the following values: The context parameter will contain the current context id. The char* parameter will point to the buffer that is to be encrypted / decrypted, and the int parameter will be the size of this buffer in bytes. The void* parameter points to the key to be used. The result of the encryption/decryption should be placed back into the buffer.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetRTPStampRate(context cid, int32 payload_type,
	int32 usec)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

payload_type holds the payload type for which the new rate is associated.

usec holds the number of microseconds per tick of the clock for this payload type.

Each application determines the frequency of the counter of the RTP timestamp. RTPSessionSetRTPStampRate() informs the API of the number of microseconds that occur with each increment of the RTP timestamp for the payload type payload_type. Those payload types defined in RFC1890 will have default values and need not be set.

The clock rate for the RTP packets must be known in order to allow the library to compute timestamp correlations in the sender reports it generates. They are also needed to compute the jitter of arriving packets.

The application may override any default values for the payload types. These overrides affect only the context in which they are set.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_PROFILE: Unknown or out of range payload type


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetRTPStampRate(context cid, int32 payload_type,
	int32 *usec);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

payload_type holds the payload type for which the rate is desired.

usec holds the number of microseconds per tick of the clock for this payload type.

RTPSessionGetRTPStampRate() retrieves the current value for the payload type payload_type. It is written into the variable pointed to be usec.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_PROFILE: Unknown or out of range payload type


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetKey(context cid, void* value)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value holds a null pointer, which is opaque data for the key.

Keys are used to perform encryption / decryption of the RTP and RTCP packets. For the set operation, value is a void pointer. It is never accessed by the library. When encryption or decryption is needed, this pointer is passed back to the encrypt/decrypt functions provided by the user. As such, the value can be considered an opaque token for the benefit of the application.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetKey(context cid, void** value);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value holds a null pointer, which is opaque data for the key.

Keys are used to perform encryption / decryption of the RTP and RTCP packets. For the set operation, value is a void pointer. It is never accessed by the library. When encryption or decryption is needed, this pointer is passed back to the encrypt/decrypt functions provided by the user. As such, the value can be considered an opaque token for the benefit of the application. This function returns the key previously set by RTPSessionSetKey. If not set, it returns NULL.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetReconsideration(context cid, reconsideration_t value);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value holds the desired reconsideration behavior.

Setting the reconsideration to RTP_RECONSIDERATION_OFF turns off reconsideration. RTP_RECONSIDERATION_CONDITIONAL sets it to conditional, and RTP_RECONSIDERATION_UNCONDITIONAL sets it to unconditional. Unconditional is the default. This should not generally need to be changed.

The reconsideration algorithm helps avoid flooding of RTCP reports in large multicast groups. It is a conservative algorithm, always using less bandwidth (and often substantially less) than not using it.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetReconsideration(context cid, reconsideration_t

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value gets written with the current reconsideration behavior.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetBandwidth(context cid, float session_bwidth,
				float rtcp_fraction);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

session_bwidth holds desired bandwidth for the RTP session, measured in Kb/s.

rtcp_fraction holds the percentage of the session bandwidth that will be used for RTCP reports.

RTP attempts to maintain the use of a fixed amount of bandwidth for the entire session, a fraction of which is reserved for the sending of RTCP packets. session_bwidth contains the total session bandwidth that is to be used by the entire RTP session, measured in Kb/s. rtcp_fraction represents the fraction of total bandwidth that is to be used by RTCP packets. The default value for bandwidth is 120, and the default fraction of bandwidth used by RTCP packets is .05. To change only one of either session_bwidth or rtcp_fraction, set the other parameter to a value less than 0.

A value of zero for the bandwidth or fraction is illegal.

Note that this value has no effect on the ability of the application to send and receive data packets. It is used solely by the library for computing RTCP packet intervals.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_VALUE: A zero or negative value was used for either bandwidth or fraction, or a number greater than one is used for fraction.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetBandwidth(context cid, float *session_bwidth,
				float *rtcp_fraction);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

session_bwidth holds desired bandwidth for the RTP session, measured in Kb/s.

rtcp_fraction holds the percentage of the session bandwidth that will be used for RTCP reports.

This function writes the value of the session bandwidth and rtcp fraction into the given variables.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionSetUserInfo(context cid, void* info);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

info is a void pointer, which is opaque to the library.

The variable info holds information that can be set by the user. This information is for use strictly by the application, as the RTP library does not access or set this field. The user is also responsible for destroying this information before the session is destroyed.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetUserInfo(context cid, void** info);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

info is a void pointer pointer. Its content is written with the void pointer set by RTPSessionSetUserInfo.

The variable info holds information that can be set by the user. This information is for use strictly by the application, as the RTP library does not access or set this field. The user is also responsible for destroying this information before the session is destroyed.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetMemberList(context cid, member_iterator *iter);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

iter holds an iterator object, used to access the member list. Storage for this object must be allocated by the application.

The variable iter is an iterator that iterates through the list. Accessing members of the list can be acheived through the . The list contains all active members in the session, independent of their state. Note that it is not safe to store the iterator and then attempt to use it after another library function (particularly RTPReceive) has been called.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.



The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetRTPSocket(context cid, socktype *value);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value is a pointer to a socktype object. This object will be written with the socket used for receiving RTP packets. The application must allocate space for this object.

Since it is up to the application to determine when either RTP or RTCP packets are ready to be received, the sockets created by the library are made accessible to the application. This call allows the application to get the RTP socket. Most applications will generally just select() on this and the RTCP socket. Once data is ready for reading, the RTPReceive function should be called.

This function can only be called after the RTPOpenConnection function is called, since that function opens the sockets in the first place

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NOSOCKET: The RTPOpenConnection function has not yet been called.



The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSessionGetRTCPSocket(context cid, socktype *value)

cid holds the context to be accessed.

value is a pointer to a socktype object. This object will be written with the socket used for receiving RTCP packets. The application must allocate space for this object.

Since it is up to the application to determine when either RTP or RTCP packets are ready to be received, the sockets created by the library are made accessible to the application. This call allows the application to get the RTCP socket. Most applications will generally just select() on this and the RTP socket. Once data is ready for reading, the RTPReceive function should be called.

This function can only be called after the RTPOpenConnection function is called, since that function opens the sockets in the first place

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NOSOCKET: The RTPOpenConnection function has not yet been called.

RTPSessionAddToContributorList(context cid, u_int32 ssrc)

cid is the context for the session.

ssrc is the ssrc of the member to be added to the contributor list.

This function adds a member with the given ssrc to the contributor list for the given context. The library will generate SDES chunks for the member in subsequent RTCP packets. A member must be on this list in order to be placed in the CSRC list, which appears in data packets. If the ssrc is the same as that of the local member, the library will send a BYE message on behalf of the local user, and choose a new SSRC which does not collide with the one added to the csrc list. If the ssrc is the same as a member of the group, the library will note the collision and call a collision callback, if set. The library will call the update member status callback to indicate that this member is a RTP_MEMBER_CONFIRMED_CONTRIBUTOR.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_SSRC_IN_USE: The application has attempted to add a member to toeh contributor list which already is on this list.
  2. RTP_CANT_ALLOC_MEM: There was not sufficient memory to allocate a new contributor structure.
  3. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context

RTPSessionRemoveFromContributorList(context cid, u_int32 ssrc, char *reason)

cid is the context for the session.

ssrc is the ssrc of the member to be removed from the contributor list.

reason is a string to be included as the reason code in the BYE packet. A value of NULL implies no reason code.

This function removes the member with the given ssrc from the contributor list in the given context. A BYE packet will be sent for this member, with the reason code included. If reason is NULL, no reason code will be sent. The ssrc must appear on the contributor list to be removed. If the ssrc is also on the CSRC list, it will be removed automatically from the CSRC list first.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The application has attempted to remove a member who is not on the contributor list.
  2. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context

RTPSessionAddToCSRCList(context cid, u_int32 ssrc)

cid is the context for the session.

ssrc is the ssrc of the member to be added to the CSRC list.

This function will add a member with the given ssrc to the CSRC list in the given context. The member must be on the contributor list. The ssrc will be present in the CSRC list of all subsequent RTP packets generated, until removed.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_NO_SUCH_CONTRIBUTOR: The application has attempted to add a member to the CSRC list who is not on the contributor list.
  2. RTP_CSRC_LIST_FULL: The application has attempted to add a member to the CSRC list, but it already has 15 members.
  3. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context

RTPSessionRemoveFromCSRCList(context cid, u_int32 ssrc)

cid is the context for the session.

ssrc is the ssrc of the member to be removed from the CSRC list.

This function removes the member with the given ssrc from the csrc member list in the given context. The ssrc must appear on the csrc member list to be removed. Its ssrc will no longer appear in subsequent RTP packets sent by the library.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_CSRC_LIST_NOT_SET: An attempt to remove a member from the CSRC list has been made, but no member has yet been added to the CSRC list.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The application has attempted to remove a member who is not on the csrc member list.
  3. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context

rtperror RTPSessionGetUniqueIDForCSRC(context cid, int32 ssrc, person *p)

cid is the context for the session.

ssrc is the ssrc of the member for whom the unique id is desired.

*p is a pointer to a person. It will be filled in with the unique ID of the person on the contributor list whose SSRC is given. Space must be allocated by the application.

This function returns the unique ID for a contributor list member whose ssrc is ssrc.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: There is no member on the contributor list with the given ssrc.
  2. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context

rtperror RTPSessionGetCSRCList(context cid, u_int32 *value, int32 *size)

cid is the context for the session.

*value is a pointer to an array of u_int32's for holding the CSRC list.

*size is a pointer to an integer that holds the amount of memory allocated for the CSRC List. Upon return, it is written with the amount of space actually used for the list.

This function copies the CSRC list into the memory pointed to by value. The application must pass, via *size, the amount of space available in the array for the CSRC list. The library will write the CSRC list into the array, and fill in *size with the actual amount of memory used.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_CSRC_LIST_NOT_SET: An attempt to get the CSRC list has been made, but no member has yet been added to the CSRC list.
  2. RTP_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: The amount of memory in the allocated array is not sufficient to hold the CSRC list. The amount needed has been set in *size.
  3. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of this function call is:

 rtperror RTPSetUpdateMemberCallBack(context
cid, void (*f)(context, person, rtpflag, char *))

cid is the context for the session.

*f is a pointer to a function. The function prototype is void f(context cid, person p, rtpflag g, char *reason).

This function sets the callback for when the status pertaining to a member changes. The flag rtpflag details the change; see rtp_api.h for details on the flags and what they signify. The function f must be written by the user, and will be called by the library when some kind of status changes.

If this function is called with f NULL, the library will not execute the callback on the given event.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSetChangedMemberInfoCallBack(context cid,
	void (*f)(context, person, memberinfo, char*,

cid is the context for the session.

*f is a pointer to a function. The function prototype is void f(context cid, person p, memberinfo m, rtpflag f).

This function sets the callback for when information pertaining to a member changes. This information includes SDES items in addition to the transport address of the user. The flag rtpflag details the change; see rtp_api.h for details on the flags and what they signify. The function f must be written by the user, and will be called by the library when the pertinent information changes. The new information is passed to the callback in the parameter m, and the person for whom the change has occurred in the parameter p.

If this function is called with f NULL, the library will not execute the callback on the given event.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSetCollidedMemberCallBack(context cid, 
void (*f)(context, person, person, rtpflag))

cid is the context for the session.

*f is a pointer to a function. The function prototype is void f(context cid, person p1, person p2, rtpflag f).

In RTPSetCollidedMemberCallBack(), f is the function that is called when it is determined that there are two distinct members in the session with conflicting SSRCs. The two person parameters of f contain the unique IDs of the colliding members.

If this function is called with f NULL, the library will not execute the callback on the given event.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSetRevertingIDCallBack(context cid, 
void (*f)(context, person, person, void*, unsigned int))

cid is the context for the session.

*f is a pointer to a function. The function prototype is void f(context cid, person p1, person p2, void *d, rtpflag f).

In RTPSetRevertingIDCallBack(), f is the function that is called when it is determined that two unique IDs apply to the same member in the session (this might occur after an SSRC collision, for instance when the user sends RTP packets with a new SSRC before RTCP packets come containing the CNAME which can identify the member as previously being in the session). The first person parameter in f contains the original unique ID of the member. The second person parameter contains the unique ID that was used for the member before it was realized that this member already had a unique ID. The user can continue to reference the member through either ID, but the API will henceforth use the member's original unique ID (in the first person parameter). If user info has been set for both copies of the member using RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo(), then the pointer to the user info for the copy of the member being destroyed will be placed in the void* parameter. Otherwise, the parameter will be set to NULL. The user should note that if memory was explicitly allocated for the user info for the second member, then it is the user's responsibility to deal with this memory in a fashion that does not lead to memory leaks.

In the current implementation, if the RevertingIDCallBack function has not been set (i.e. is NULL), then the libary will call the ByeMemberCallBack function in its place when 2 unique IDs are found to correspond to the same member in the session. If neither function is set, no callback is called. Note that when the ByeMemberCallBack is called in place of the RevertingIDCallBack, the flag parameter will still be set to RTP_FLAG_UNIQUE_ID_REMAP. For all other events, if a callback is not set, then the API does not attempt to make any other callbacks in its place.

If this function is called with f NULL, the library will not execute the callback on the given event.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPSetSendErrorCallBack(context cid,
void (*f)(context, char *, u_int16, u_int8))

cid is the context for the session.

*f is a pointer to a function. The function prototype is void f(context cid, char *addr, u_int16 port, u_int8 ttl).

This function sets the callback that is called when a send error is encountered by the library while attempting to send a data packet. As there can be many sockets to which data is being sent, rather than just having RTPSend return an error, the SendErrorCallBack is called instead. Whenever a send error is encountered, this callback is called with the address, port, and ttl of the socket causing the problem. The application may, at this time, decide to call the RTPSessionRemoveSendAddr if this particular destination continually causes errors.

If this function is called with f NULL, the library will not execute the callback on the given event.

Error codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: Unknown context


The format of this function call is

rtperror RTPCurrentMember(context cid, member_iterator *iter,
				person *the_member);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

iter is an iterator, obtained through the RTPSessionGetMemberList function.

the_member is a pointer to a person indentifier. Space for this identifier must be allocated by the application.

The RTPCurrentMember function is used to retrieve the member ID's of the current member in the iterator. The iterator is obtained by first calling RTPSessionGetMemberList. This returns an iterator object, which is passed to this function. The function returns the current member in the list. Repeated calls to RTPCurrentMember() retrieves the ID of the same member each time . A call to RTPNextMember() moves down the list and therefore returns a unique ID for a different member.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_END_OF_LIST: There are no more members on this list.


The format of this function call is

rtperror RTPNextMember(context cid, member_iterator *iter,
				person *the_member);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

iter is an iterator, obtained through the RTPSessionGetMemberList function.

the_member is a pointer to a person indentifier. Space for this identifier must be allocated by the application.

The RTPNextMember function is used to retrieve the member ID of the next member in the iterator. The iterator is obtained by first calling RTPSessionGetMemberList. This returns an iterator object, which is passed to this function. The function returns the next member in the list. Repeated calls to RTPCurrentMember() retrieves the ID of the same member each time. Repeated calls to RTPNextMember will advance through the list and return a different ID each time.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_END_OF_LIST: There are no more members on this list.


The format of the call is:

rtperror RTPReceive(context cid, int socket,
                    char *rtp_pkt_stream, int *len);

cid holds the context to be accessed.

socket is the socket descriptor on which data has arrived

rtp_pkt_stream is a pointer to a byte array, allocated by the user, where the packet will be placed when read from the socket.

len is a pointer to an integer. When called, it contains the length of the allocated buffer. When RTPReceive returns, it contains the actual length of the packet in the buffer.

This function is used to receive packets. Since the library does not specify an event handling mechanism, it is the responsibility of the user to make sure that RTPReceive is called whenever data is ready to be received on either the RTP or RTCP sockets. To do this, the user calls the function RTPSessionGetRTPSocket() / RTPSessionGetRTCPSocket() to obtain the RTP_SOCKET and RTCP_SOCKET session variables. The user can then poll for arriving packets on the active sockets through a mechanism such as the select call.

The function will perform all of the appropriate header processing, statistics collecting, and state updating. RTPReceive returns the packet to the user so that the user can do any additional processing (e.g. playing out the payload of an RTP packet). Note that the user can distinguish between RTP and RTCP packets based on the socket from which the packet was received. If RTPReceive is unable to process the packet (perhaps because it is encrypted and the key has changed), it will pass the packet to the user and return with the appropriate error. The user can still attempt to retrieve the information (e.g. try another decryption key) within the packet, but the RTP protocol will treat the packet as dropped for statistical purposes. Also, if the length of the buffer rtp_pkt_stream is too small to hold the entire packet, then the entire packet is cleared from the socket buffer and the error RTP_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER is returned.

If the user wishes to perform further processing on the packet that has arrived, they can call RTPPGetRTPPacket() or RTPPGetRTCPPacket() on the received stream to respectively convert the stream to the RTP / RTCP structure.

It should be noted that for the RTCP protocol to function correctly, it must keep track of all RTP and RTCP packets received. Thus, the user should always select on both RTP and RTCP sockets, and call RTPReceive on either socket. These functions do not require a context parameter, and therefore a context need not be created in order for these functions to be used. They can therefore be used to parse streams into RTP / RTCP packets outside of an RTP session established by the library (using RTPCreate(), etc.)

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_CANT_CALL_FUNCTION: RTPReceive has been called from a callback function, which is illegal.
  3. RTP_SOCKET_MISMATCH: RTPReceive has been called with a socket that is not valid in any context.
  4. RTP_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: The buffer passed to RTPReceive is not large enough to hold this packet.
  5. RTP_BAD_PACKET_FORMAT: The packet is not a valid version 2 RTP packet.
  6. RTP_PACKET_LOOPBACK: Received an RTP or RTCP packet which was generated by the library for the local member.


The format of the call is:

rtp_packet RTPGetRTPPacket(char *rtppacket, long pktlen);

rtppacket is a pointer to a buffer, containing a packet placed there by RTPReceive.

pktlen is the length of the packet in the packet buffer

This function converts a byte stream, representing the RTP packet, into a structure that provides access to the RTP header and payload. This function should be used instead of accessing the fields directly as it performs byte ordering conversions when needed.

Note that no copies are done in the operation of this function. The data present in the buffer rtppacket is cast into the rtp_packet structure, and the appropriate byte reordering is done.

Error Codes:

This function does not return error codes. It returns a structure containing the parsed packet.


The format of this function call is:

u_int32 RTPPacketGetCSRC(rtp_packet *rtppkt, int csrc_no)

rtppkt contains an rtp_packet structure, obtained by calling RTPGetRTPPacket.

csrc_no is the index of the CSRC which is desired.

RTPPacketGetCSRC() returns the CSRC of the csrc_noth item in the CSRC list in the packet, where the numbering of CSRCs starts at 0. CSRC values should always be accessed through this function because it performs any byte reordering required.

The number of CSRC in the CSRC list can be known by examing the cc field in the rtp_packet structure.

Error Codes:

This function does not return any error codes. It returns an SSRC.


The format of this function call is:

int RTPSplitCompoundRTCP(char *rtcppacket, char *indpkts[], long len);

rtcppacket holds the byte stream representing the RTCP packet to split. This byte stream is generated by calling RTPReceive.

indpkts is an array of byte pointers. The array must be allocated by the application. When the function returns, the array is written with pointers to the beginning the each compound RTCP packet in the actual RTCP packet.

len is the length of the packet in the buffer rtcppacket.

RTPSplitCompoundRTCP() takes in a compound RTCP packet and returns the number of individual RTCP packets that make up the compound. indpkts[i] points to the start of the ith compound packet (indexed from 0). It is assumed that the caller of the function has allocated sufficient memory for indpkts to store pointers to each individual RTCP packet. This function is needed to extract individual RTCP packets for processing by subsequent RTCP processing functions.

Note that most applications will not need this function. It is needed only if special RTCP processing by the application is required, which requires access to the RTCP packets directly.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. It returns the number of RTCP packets found in the compound packet.


The format of this function call is:

rtcp_packet RTPGetRTCPPacket(char *rtcppacket)

rtcppacket holds a pointer to the byte stream representing the RTCP packet to access. This pointer is obtained by calling RTCPSplitCompoundRTCP, which returns pointers to individual packets.

RTPGetRTCPPacket converts a byte-stream into a packet of type rtcp_packet. The rtcp_packet structure contains the common header fields to all RTCP packets (including the type), and a union representing the information specific to individual RTCP types.For information about this structure, see rtp_api.h.

Most applications will not need this function.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. Instead, it returns an rtcp_packet structure which contains a parsed RTCP packet.


The format of this function call is:

rtcp_report_block RTPGetReportBlock(rtcp_packet *rtcprrsr, int blockno)

rtcprrsr holds a pointer to an RTCP RR or SR, for which a report block is to be extracted. The rtcp_packet structure is obtained via RTPGetRTCPPacket.


contains the index of the block number desired from the RTCP packet.

RTPGetReportBlock returns a receiver report block from an RTCP SR or RR packet. Both these packet types contain a variable number of reception report blocks. The number of these blocks can be obtained from the rtcp_packet structure. This function is used to obtain the blockno-th block from the SR or RR. The block is returned in an rtcp_report_block structure.

The function should be called with blockno less than the number of blocks in the RTCP packet.

Most applications will not need this function.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. Instead, it returns an rtcp_report_block structure which contains a receiver report block.


The format of this function call is:

rtcp_bye_block RTPGetByeBlock(rtcp_packet *rtcpbye, int blockno)

rtcpbye holds a pointer to an RTCP BYE packet, for which a bye block is to be extracted. The rtcp_packet structure is obtained via RTPGetRTCPPacket.


contains the index of the bye block number desired from the RTCP packet.

RTPGetByeBlock returns a bye block from an RTCP BYE packet. The BYE packet contains a variable number of BYE blocks, each for a user mixed together by some mixer. The number of bye blocks can be obtained from the rtcp_packet structure. This function returns the blockno-th bye block structure.

The function should be called with blockno less than the number of blocks in the RTCP packet.

Most applications will not need this function.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. Instead, it returns an rtcp_bye_block structure which contains a bye block


The format of this function call is:

rtcp_sdes_item InitSDESItemIter(rtcp_packet *rtcpsdes)

rtcpsdes holds a pointer to an RTCP SDES packet, for which one of the SDES items is desired.

InitSDESItemIter() initializes the iterating process for RTCP SDES packet rtcpsdes, and returns the first SDES field for the first SSRC. GetNextItem() returns the SDES item that follows prev_item. These functions will return items of type 0, which indicate the end of the item list for the current SSRC. The sdes_item structure provides the current SSRC as well as the current chunk number. These fields are available to the user so that when the user receives an SDES item of type 0, they can then compare chunkno to the SDES packet's source count (SC) field to determine whether there are any more SDES chunks in the packet.

Most applications will not need this function.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. Instead, it returns an rtcp_sdes_item.


The format of this function call is:

rtcp_sdes_item GetNextItem(rtcp_sdes_item *prev_item)

prev_item holds a pointer to an SDES item. The function will return the SDES item which follows the given item in the SDES packet.

InitSDESItemIter() initializes the iterating process for RTCP SDES packet rtcpsdes, and returns the first SDES field for the first SSRC. GetNextItem() returns the SDES item that follows prev_item. These functions will return items of type 0, which indicate the end of the item list for the current SSRC. The sdes_item structure provides the current SSRC as well as the current chunk number. These fields are available to the user so that when the user receives an SDES item of type 0, they can then compare chunkno to the SDES packet's source count (SC) field to determine whether there are any more SDES chunks in the packet.

Most applications will not need this function.

Error Codes:

This function does not return an error code. Instead, it returns an rtcp_sdes_item.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetStatus(context cid, person p, memberstatus *s, senderstatus *sender );

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

s is written with the user's member status.

sender is written with the user's sender status.

This function retrieves the member and sender status for a particular user.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetSDES(context cid, person p, memberinfo SDES_field,	
	char *the_info);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

SDES_field contains the SDES field identifier.

the_info contains a string with the desired value of the given SDES field.

The library will take the string in the buffer the_info and copy it into the internal SDES storage for the particular member. Note that SDES fields can only be set for the local member (person 0) or users placed on the contributor list.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_SDES: An attempt was made to set an SDES item type which does not exist.
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set an SDES item for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetSDES(context cid, person p, memberinfo SDES_field,
	char *the_info);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

SDES_field contains the SDES field identifier.

the_info contains a pointer to a buffer which will be written with the value of the desired SDES field.

the_info points to the buffer in which the SDES item data should be placed. The buffer must be allocated with sufficient memory to hold the SDES item. The library will copy the SDES item into the buffer. If the SDES item does not exist, the library will set the string to "" (this is NOT the same as a NULL pointer).

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_SDES: An attempt was made to get an SDES item type which does not exist.
  3. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetRTPAddr(context cid, person p,
                                 char *addr, char *port);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

addr is a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with the dotted quad string representation of the transport address a particular user is sending from.

port is a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with a string representation of the port number a particular user is sending from.

This function returns the address and port a user is sending RTP packets from. If the user is a contributor, the address is that of the mixer sending the packets.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetRTCPAddr(context cid, person p,
                                  char *addr, char *port);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

addr is a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with the dotted quad string representation of the transport address a particular user is sending from.

port is a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with a string representation of the port number a particular user is sending from.

This function returns the address and port a user is sending RTCP packets from. If the user is a contributor, the address is that of the mixer sending the packets.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetNTP(context cid, person p, 
			     ntp64 NTP_time);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

NTP_time contains the value of the NTP timestamp which should be set for the given user.

This function is used to set the value of the NTP timestamp which will be retrieved when calling RTPMemberInfoGetNTP. It is largely a no-op, and included for completeness.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetNTP(context cid, person p,
			     ntp64 *NTP_time);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

NTP_time contains a pointer to a buffer which will be written with the NTP timestamp for a particular user.

This function is used to retrieve the NTP timestamp last reported in a sender report from the particular user. This timestamp is needed to achieve inter-media synchronization. The value of the timestamp is written into the buffer pointer to by NTP_time. This buffer must be allocated with sufficient space to hold the structure. The function should only be called for users which are CONFIRMED senders. The value of the timestamp for non-senders is undefined.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetRTP(context cid, person p, 
		int32 rtp_stamp);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

rtp_stamp contains the value of the rtp timestamp that should be set for the user.

This function sets the value of the RTP timestamp returned by RTPMemberInfoGetRTP. This function is largely a no-op, and included for completeness.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetRTP(context cid, person p,
	 int32 *RTP_time);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

RTP_time points to an int32 which will be written with the latest RTP timestamp reported by the user in a sender report.

This function retrieves the RTP timestamp reported in the last RTCP sender report for the particular user. Along with the NTP timestamp, it is used for inter-media synchronization. This function should only be called for user's which are listed as CONFIRMED senders. The value of the timestamp is undefined if it is called on a non-sender.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetPktCount(context cid, person p, 
		int32 count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains the value of the RTP packet count which is to be set for this user.

This function sets the packet count which will be returned in the RTPMemberINfoGetPktCount function. It is largely a no-op, and included for completeness.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetPktCount(context cid, person p,
	 int32 *count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains a pointer to an int32 which is written with the value of the RTP packet count reported in the last sender report from the given user.

This function returns the packet count reported in the last sender report from the given user. This function should only be called for users who are CONFIRMED senders. Operation on non-confirmed senders is undefined.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetRTCPPktCount(context cid, person p, int32 count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains the value of the RTCP packet count which is to be set for this user.

This function sets the packet count which will be returned in the RTPMemberInfoGetRTCPPktCount function. It is largely a no-op, and included for completeness.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetRTCPPktCount(context cid, person p, int32 *count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains a pointer to an int32 which is written with the value of the RTCP packet count reported in the last sender report from the given user.

This function returns the number of RTCP packets received from the given user so far.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetOctCount(context cid, person p, 
		int32 count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains the value of the octet count which is to be set for this user.

This function sets the octet count which will be returned in the RTPMemberINfoGetOctCount function. It is largely a no-op, and included for completeness.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetOctCount(context cid, person p,
	 int32 *count);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

count count contains a pointer to an int32 which is written with the value of the RTP octet count reported in the last sender report from the given user.

This function returns the octet count reported in the last sender report from the given user. This function should only be called for users who are CONFIRMED senders. Operation on non-confirmed senders is undefined.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetSSRC(context cid, person p, 
		u_int32 ssrc);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

ssrc contains the ssrc to be set for the user.

This function sets the SSRC for a particular user. It can only be used for either the local member or a contributor. This function should almost never be used, as the SSRC for these members is managed through other functions.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. RTP_PERSON_DATA_PROTECTED: An attempt was made to set information for a member who is either not the local member, or not on the contributor list.


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetSSRC(context cid, person p,
	 u_int32 *ssrc);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

ssrc contains a pointer to an int32 which will be written with the SSRC for a particular user.

This function gets the SSRC for a particular user. The SSRC returned may change from call to call if a collision has occured.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo(context cid, person p, 
		void* info);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

info contains a void pointer which is stored by the library.

This function sets the user info field for a particular member. This field is never used by the library. It is provided as a convenience to application developers, allowing them to use the library's member management structures to store application specific information. The void pointer set through this function is retrieved with the RTPMemberInfoGetUserInfo function call.

The user is also responsible for destroying this information before the member is destroyed. The member will be destroyed immediately after the callback function that signals an expired member, a member that is leaving, or a member that is reverting back to a previous ID.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of the function call is:

rtperror RTPMemberInfoGetUserInfo(context cid, person p,
		void** info);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be set.

info contains a void pointer which is stored by the library.

This function retrieves the user info field for a particular member. This field is never used by the library. It is provided as a convenience to application developers, allowing them to use the library's member management structures to store application specific information. The void pointer retrieved through this function is set with the RTPMemberInfoSetUserInfo function call.

The user is also responsible for destroying this information before the member is destroyed. The member will be destroyed immediately after the callback function that signals an expired member, a member that is leaving, or a member that is reverting back to a previous ID.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSenderInfoGetFirstReceiverReport(context cid, person p,
	 receiver_report_iterator *the_iterator, receiver_report *report);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the receiver report information is desired.

the_iterator contains a pointer to an iterator structure. It must be allocated by the application, and is written by the function call.

report is a pointer to the first receiver report for the given sender. The space must be allocated by the application, and is written by the function call.

This function is used to obtain a list of receiver reports from various session members about a particular sender, p. The function initializes an iterator structure, and copies the first receiver report structure into report. The user p must be a valid sender in the session. If there are no receiver reports for this sender, the function returns RTP_END_OF_LIST.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. NO_SUCH_SENDER: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a session sender.
  4. RTP_END_OF_LIST: No receiver reports are available for this sender.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSenderInfoGetNextReceiverReport(context cid, person p,
	 receiver_report_iterator *the_iterator, receiver_report *report);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the receiver report information is desired.

the_iterator contains a pointer to an iterator structure.

report is a pointer to the first receiver report for the given sender. The space must be allocated by the application, and is written by the function call.

This function is used to obtain a list of receiver reports from various session members about a particular sender, p. The function takes an iterator structure, obtained from RTPSenderInfoGetFirstReceiverReport, and returns the next receiver report for that sender. The function updates state in the iterator, so that subsequent calls return the next receiver report for the sender. The function copies the receiver report structure into report. The user p must be a valid sender in the session. If there are no more receiver reports for this sender, the function returns RTP_END_OF_LIST.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. NO_SUCH_SENDER: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a session sender.
  4. RTP_END_OF_LIST: No receiver reports are available for this sender.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPSenderInfoGetLocalReception(context cid, person p,
	 receiver_report *report);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the unique identifier for the member about which the information is to be obtained.

report contains a pointer to a report structure. Reception information is written into this structure, so space must be allocated by the application.

This function is used to obtain the reception quality the local member has observed about a particular sender. In contrast, the previous functions are used to obtain reception reports sent by other members, reporting on reception quality for a particular sender. The receiver_report structure returned is what a receiver report for that particular sender would look like, if it were to be generated immediately by the local member. The user p must be a valid sender in the session.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a valid session member
  3. NO_SUCH_SENDER: The unique ID listed does not correspond to a session sender.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPFindMember(context cid, memberinfo mi, char *sdes_field,
		 person *p);

cid holds the context for the session.

mi contains the member information field which is to be used for a match.

sdes_field contains the text which is to be matched.

p is a pointer to a person structure. The structure is written with the unique id of the person whose memberinfo matched the given text.

This function is used to obtain a handle to a person by searching based on a specific criteria, such as email, phone, cname, etc. It is useful mostly for finding users based on CNAME for correlation across multiple sessions. Member lists can be generically obtained by using the RTPSessionGetMemberList() function.

If more than one match is found, the result returned is the first match. If no matches exist, an error is returned and *p is not modified.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: No user matched the given text for the given memberinfo field.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMostRecentRTPTime(context cid, person p,
			      struct timeval *the_time);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the member for whom the most recent time is desired.

the_time is a pointer to a timeval structure. It must be allocated by the application. It is filled in by the function with the time of the most recent RTP packet received from the particular member.

This function is used to obtain the time of the most recent RTP packet from a particular user.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique id is not valid for any member of the given session.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMostRecentRTCPTime(context cid, person p,
			       struct timeval *the_time);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains the member for whom the most recent time is desired.

the_time is a pointer to a timeval structure. It must be allocated by the application. It is filled in by the function with the time of the most recent RTCP packet received from the particular member.

This function is used to obtain the time of the most recent RTCP packet from a particular user.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: The unique id is not valid for any member of the given session.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMostRecentRTPPerson(context cid, person *p);

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains a pointer to a person structure. It is written with the unique ID of the session member who sent the last RTP packet received by the library.

This function is used to obtain the unique ID of the user who was the last to send an RTP packet received by the library.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: No packets have been received yet by the library.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMostRecentRTCPPerson(context cid, person *p){

cid holds the context for the session.

p contains a pointer to a person structure. It is written with the unique ID of the session member who sent the last RTCP packet received by the library.

This function is used to obtain the unique ID of the user who was the last to send an RTCP packet received by the library.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_NO_SUCH_PERSON: No RTCP packets have been received yet by the library.


The format of this function call is:

rtperror RTPMostRecentAddr(context cid, char *addr, char *port);

cid holds the context for the session.

addr contains a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with a dotted quad representing the IP address from which the last RTP or RTCP packet was received.

port contains a pointer to a string buffer, allocated by the application. It is written with the port number of the most recent packet received by the library.

This function is used to obtain the address of the user who was the last to send an RTP packet received by the library.

Error Codes:

  1. RTP_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT: An attempt was made to access a context that is either unknown or has been previously destroyed.
  2. RTP_BAD_ADDR: No packets have yet been received by the library.


The format of this function call is:

char *RTPStrError(rtperror err);

err holds the numerical error code for which the string is desired.

This function is used to obtain a human readable string describing the error which caused a function to return an error. The string is returned by this function.

Error Codes:


Example Code

Example applications can be found in the code example1.c and example2.c.