Name: Tatyana Steinberg UserId: ts2049 PowerPoint capture and transmission Project: List of submited files - Sender related: 1. 2. 3. startupSender.bat - Client related files 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. startupClient.bat - Capture Shown add-in 11. - Documentation 12. Documentation folder - Testing images 13. samplerun.png 14. banner.png 15. README.txt Description: 1) The a stand alone java application which monitors a PNG file creation in pointed directory by IMG_DIR parameter in startupSender.bat script 2) The a stand alone java class which implements functionality of streaming PNG file by squares 32x32 which differ from previous square of the same location. The streaming is implemented by RTP packets creation. 3) startupSender.bat script starts ImageServer java stand alone application. IMG_DIR paramenter should reflect PNG images location directory created by PPT add-in. IMG_DIR argument can be sent from command line if different from C:/tmp defined as default by the script. SENDER_PORT parameter should match the same parameter in startupClient.bat script. By default port 6000 setup in both startup scripts. The following are commands to start Sender application: a) startupSender.bat b) startupSender.bat [IMG_DIR] [SENDER_PORT]. example: startupSender.bat C:/COlumbia 6000 4)-9) Client related files are java classes used by Client stand alone application which recieves rtp packets from sender and dispalyes them in png format in JFrame. 10) startupClient.bat script starts ImageClient java stand alone application. SENDER_HOST paramenter reflects host machine of the Sender running machine SENDER_PORT parameter should match the same argument/parameter as it was given to startupSender.bat script. The following are commands examples starts Sender application: a) startupClient.bat b) startupClient.bat [SENDER_HOST]/[SENDER_PORT] example: startupClient.bat localhost/6000 11) - Capture Shown add-in - created by Shyam Pillai is downloaded from for PowerPoint 2000 or later. 12) Documentation folder contains final report HTML report and javadoc related files for the all java classes of the project 13) samplerun.png image shows test for square streaming functionality. 14) banner.png was created for display first time a client connected 15) README.txt provides breif description for all files. Note: logger and jnotify .jars are also included and used by the application. Also, after testing it appeared that the Client application shows images with Bit Depth equals 24 (for pixel) which gets generated in Power Point 2000. However later versions of PowerPoint (tested 2003) generates PNG file with Bit Depth = 32. That caused an error in the current Client application.