GIVER: right , s-- straight down ... south ... quite a bit and you'll pass ... um ... some cliffs on the east . FOLLOWER: sandstone cliff ? GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: mm oh aye . GIVER: cliffs on the east . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: then keep going down ... and you'll pass a forge ... on the east ... as well . FOLLOWER: forge , no . GIVER: well keep going down ... past the cliffs . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then ... um , you go east ... in a curve ... curve down towards the east , and then back up again and you sh-- ... ... go past ... um ... a pine on your right . FOLLOWER: dow-- , down below that ? GIVER: up above it . FOLLOWER: up above it ? GIVER: past the side of it , keep it on your right ... right and go up ... ... 'til you get ... just p-- above the top of it . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , and then go due east . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and , start going down southeast ... ... ... you go past a pine forest on your right . FOLLOWER: keep to ... ... ... my left ... or what ? GIVER: mmhmm . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right ... um , down curve ... under it towards ... east ... curve under it ... slightly don't go past the edge of it though ... the ... the fu-- ... far away edge ... and then . FOLLOWER: edge of the fine ... pine fore-- ? GIVER: the pine forest uh-huh , and then down south . FOLLOWER: mm . GIVER: um ... and then curve to the east ... above a bakery . FOLLOWER: no so you ... ... ... ... do you want me to go right ... round ... pine forest ? GIVER: no , just 'til you're underneath it and then go south when you're underneath it . FOLLOWER: like have you got a forest stream ... th-- ? GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: right , so i've to go ... above the bakery down ... and ... and round ? GIVER: mmhmm . FOLLOWER: top of the bakery ? GIVER: uh-uh ... 'til you're above the bakery . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , and then curve round about ... the bakery like to the east . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right ... so you're underneath the bakery ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , and then go west . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: reach a canal ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: um ... ... right , and then go south . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and there's a crane bay . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: right , now , curve ... to the west like ... above the crane bay like following the edge of it . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: right , 'til you you're coming to like ... ... going away from the edge of it . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: and then it's ... southwest ... slightly ... going round about ... underneath wheatfields . FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: right underneath the wheatfields , and ... ... ... ... keep going west ... 'til you're ... just about past the wheatfields . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , and then ... go down ... southwest . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , towards the edge ... of the ... map . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then south ... and then curve back round again southeast 'til you come to the lighthouse . FOLLOWER: well . GIVER: so you went south and then you're ... going ... ... southeast ... you're going towards the east more or less . FOLLOWER: see it ... does that mean ... like if you ... ... between the caves and the ... the warehouse ... um , i'll just ... get to the lighthouse . GIVER: mmhmm , take it to the lighthouse . FOLLOWER: is that how it finish ? GIVER: uh-huh and that's it finished . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right ? FOLLOWER: right .