GIVER: erm ... we're start ... oop-- ... starting ... down , that's the end of that , erm starting above the telephone kiosk . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: and ... we're going ... on ... the ... let's see left-hand side of that ... as i'm looking at it ... ... and come directly down . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: below the stone circle ... and we come up . FOLLOWER: i don't have a stone circle . GIVER: you don't have a stone circle ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: ah , right okay , if you come down ... almost ... to the bottom ... of the map that i've got . FOLLOWER: uh-huh , to to the left of the telephone kiosk ? GIVER: yes , to my what was my left ... as i'm looking at it here . FOLLOWER: right , okay . GIVER: erm and come directly down . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: and ... almost to the bottom . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: and then ... come across , hmm , do you have a farmer's gate ? FOLLOWER: no , i have a broken gate . GIVER: ah ... right okay , erm ... come across as far as that but still at the bottom . FOLLOWER: yeah ... i've got it . GIVER: and then head up towards the left-hand side of the gate . FOLLOWER: right , i've gone a bit too far then , okay . GIVER: right , come across ... a-- th-- ... come round ... and ... across the top of the gate . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: erm ... and walk above ... steadily ... or gradually heading upwards but only slightly ... ... up to above the meadow ... if you've got that . FOLLOWER: yeah , but the meadow's below my broken gate ? GIVER: right ... yes , but come over the broken gate and then ... head over towards that . FOLLOWER: that's it , yeah . GIVER: erm ... once you're ... above that ... head upwards ... to the right-hand side of the ruined monastery ... if you've got that . FOLLOWER: that's m-- ... away up ? GIVER: mmhmm , head up to the right-hand side of that ... but avoiding the ... the dead ... tree . FOLLOWER: yeah w-- , have you got a , right . GIVER: if you'll ... ... erm come above that ... over towards the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: round down towards the top of the west lake . FOLLOWER: i don't have a west lake . GIVER: you don't have a west lake at all ? FOLLOWER: no , i've got i've got an east lake but i haven't got a west lake . GIVER: oh . FOLLOWER: have you got a stile ? GIVER: i've got a stile ... yes . FOLLOWER: is it anywhere near that ? GIVER: it's ... j-- it's directly below that . FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: erm ... if you come d-- just loop down ... below the stile and round to the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: then ... come up ... across it ... to the far side of the ... the drawing of the stile ... or ... the stile ... ... erm head upwards ... erm ... on the map it's maybe about an inch . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: if i'm allowed to use that , erm and then head diagonally down ... towards ... the bottom of the dead tree . FOLLOWER: i have don't have a dead tree i have a dutch elm . GIVER: erm ... it whereabouts is that is that on ? FOLLOWER: it's r-- ... far ... eh way over on the right-hand side about just up from the middle of the map . GIVER: right okay well that i well i assume that's the same thing . FOLLOWER: is it about right , have you got a popular tourist spot ? GIVER: erm ... no i haven't . FOLLOWER: 'cause at the moment if i head diagonally i ... i bump into the popular tourist spot . GIVER: i've got , oh , i've got a great viewpoint ... eh ... ... above the tree ... eh just below the east lake . FOLLOWER: oh no , i've got a rocket launch just b-- just below the east lake . GIVER: erm ... well . FOLLOWER: are we heading towards the dutch elm then ? GIVER: i would say so yes . FOLLOWER: yeah ... okay right ... i suppose that . GIVER: and head down below that . FOLLOWER: right ... okay ... right . GIVER: now loop round that on the right-hand side . FOLLOWER: yeah ... got it . GIVER: and ... come over gradually to the far ... to the ... left-hand side of the tree . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: sloping slightly upwards . FOLLOWER: yeah got it . GIVER: and then ... come round , well i've got a great viewpoint here ... ... just below the east lake . FOLLOWER: oh i've got a great viewpoint right in the top left-hand corner . GIVER: i've got that as well . FOLLOWER: ah okay . GIVER: so like , erm what have you got ... underneath the east lake ? FOLLOWER: rocket launch . GIVER: well i think we'll need to ass-- ... assume that's . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: to be avoided anyway . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: so ... if you come round to the right-hand side of that and head ... upwards towards the east lake . FOLLOWER: so i just come round ... on top of the dutch elm ? GIVER: right , you're above ... the ... e-- ... the elm . FOLLOWER: on the left-hand side ? GIVER: on the left-hand side if you head directly upwards towards the east lake ... ... on ... the right-hand side . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: oh oh it's on the right-hand side of my great viewpoint . FOLLOWER: okay ... yeah . GIVER: right ... eh , go almost to the edge of the lake . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: and then ... head eh left . FOLLOWER: right , so i'm i'm i'm g-- like on the bank on the bank of the east lake ? GIVER: uh , yeah , maybe slight-- ... just slightly back from it but above ... what i've got as a great viewpoint . FOLLOWER: okay , yeah . GIVER: and that's ... my ... the finish . FOLLOWER: that's it , right , so what-- what ... would we end just underneath the east lake do we ? GIVER: yep ... yep . FOLLOWER: right