GIVER: right , at the very top of the page ... there's a cross . FOLLOWER: yep . GIVER: do you have ... a diamond mine just below it ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: about ... an inch to your right ... draw a line ... straight down . FOLLOWER: right , c-- ... start from the cross yeah ? GIVER: 'til it's abo-- ... 'til it's an inch below ... the diamond mine , right , do you have a wagon-- ? FOLLOWER: it's directly down yeah ? GIVER: yeah , do you have a ... a wagon wheel just to the right of the ... the diamond mine ? FOLLOWER: mm ... no ... i haven't got any wagon wheel . GIVER: what's the f-- next thing to its right ? FOLLOWER: to the right i've got ... eventually a cactus . GIVER: you don't have a rift valley ? FOLLOWER: oh i've got a rift valley above that . GIVER: yeah ... okay . FOLLOWER: y-- you've got the rift valley right up at the top right-hand side ? GIVER: you're drawing your line down ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: underneath ... draw a line ... to your right ... and straight along ... ... at ... a slight angle rising up ... towards the back of the corner of the page . FOLLOWER: towards the right-hand ... corner ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: ehm ... ... that's going to take me f-- ... pretty near to the cactus ... thing ... ... so i'm trying to avoid that . GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: hang on hang on right , an inch ... to the right of the diamond mine ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: yeah ... and then straight down ... to an inch below it ? GIVER: should be now ... yeah if your line's below the diamond mine you should be okay . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: and then go st-- ... straight along to ... my right which is your right as well go straight along to ... the right . FOLLOWER: okay , to ... right to the edge of the page ? GIVER: no , to about halfway ... to page about ... four inches off ... before the page . FOLLOWER: er right okay , that takes me to . GIVER: then go s-- ... up ... to almost the very top of the page . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: right , and then to your right again , well but . FOLLOWER: okay hang on , have you got the rift valley there , 'cause i've got the rift valley right up in that r-- ... top right-hand corner . GIVER: yeah , you're going to actually go through the rift valley , like ... the rift valley's like a half moon ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: you're going to go ... ... and you're going to come right through you're going to like ... intersect ... right almost at the midpoint of the rift valley . FOLLOWER: right , go through the centre ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: i'll just take it up and go through the centre yeah . GIVER: like right through the sort of midpoint like through the it's like a "u" ... and you're going right through the midpoint ... you want to be down into the "u" as though you were going ... ... ... if you know what i mean . FOLLOWER: right okay , erm ... i'm not that so i should be below there when i'm taking the line up ? GIVER: yeah below , and then like into the ... rift valley , and right through . FOLLOWER: okay ... right , i'll have to t-- i'll i'll ... have to kind of ... change it slightly 'cause i've taken it on the wrong side of this cactus thing i think ... ... i'll just do a slight detour , right , and just take it straight through ... towards the top of the page ? GIVER: straight through ... yeah , and you want to go to the sort of midpoint of the rift valley you want to intersect in the midpoint of the rift valley ... going down the way . FOLLOWER: alright there we go . GIVER: do you know what i mean ? FOLLOWER: not quite . GIVER: right , you've got in you're above the rift valley first of all right ? FOLLOWER: was i ? GIVER: yeah , above the rift valley . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: you go above the rift valley ... and then you start coming down as in ... into the rift valley ... and you ... intersect ... like the line of the rift valley ... ... in the midpoint . FOLLOWER: mm ... ... that's not where i am now , right so where ... hang on right so ? GIVER: your rift valley is "u"-shaped yeah ? FOLLOWER: yeah , in a c-- ... like as ... the two ends are pointing up towards top of the page ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: right , and i was supposed to start above it there ... and come down through it ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: well , i've done it back to front but never mind right , eh so i should now be below it ? GIVER: yeah , through the midpoint , below your rift valley about four inches down do you have rocks ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: and ... do you have a stone creek ? FOLLOWER: erm ... no , i've got the rocks ... i've got like two rocks . GIVER: uh-huh . FOLLOWER: and ... again ... a couple of inches below that i've got ... outlaws' hideout . GIVER: yeah , i've got that . FOLLOWER: but i haven't got anything else round about that area . GIVER: you've got nothing to like the left of it ? FOLLOWER: er ... right over ... i've got rapids ... about ... three inches across from the rocks . GIVER: well i've got a stone creek there , see in between , you want to go from the rift valley right down ... in between the rocks . FOLLOWER: thr-- ... through the centre of the two rocks ? GIVER: no , no not sorry , i i i don't mean through the two rocks i mean like ... ... to the left of the two rocks about an ... inch . FOLLOWER: right okay , so is it , well ... okay alright ... ... i think i've got this , the first part of this is a total state . GIVER: do you have white water ? FOLLOWER: er ... well that'll be the rapids . GIVER: yeah that's true , and you don't have a stone creek above your white water ? FOLLOWER: no i've got . GIVER: or a swamp to its left ? FOLLOWER: i've got the swamp . GIVER: to its left ? FOLLOWER: and like directly above the rapids i've got a diamond mine . GIVER: well that's a ... a stone c-- ss . FOLLOWER: but you know right right back at the start . GIVER: oh no aye yeah , you don't have like ... above the the rapids to its s-- slightly to its right ... you don't have a stone creek ? FOLLOWER: nope . GIVER: no ... ... well , take your line right down to your rapids ... which is my white water ... ... and just like . FOLLOWER: am i going above or below here ? GIVER: above . FOLLOWER: at the moment i'm ... at at the moment i'm just slightly to the left ... of the rocks . GIVER: right okay . FOLLOWER: so where's where do i go from there ? GIVER: right round the white water or right round the rapids . FOLLOWER: taking it round from the top or ? GIVER: from the top , but stay quite close 'cause you don't ... otherwise you're going to be in that stone creek . FOLLOWER: right okay , right , so i'm now ... at ... the ... top left-hand corner of the rapids . GIVER: right okay , come down come straight down to ... below that ... ... like ... j-- a straight line down ... but take it to at least two inches below your outlaws' hideout ... ... not like you mean like s-- straight down but like . FOLLOWER: oh i see what you mean ... yeah . GIVER: in like length further down from that on the page . FOLLOWER: have you got a manned fort ... below the rapids ? GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: 'cause i've got that interrupting ... er ... like dir-- ... almost directly below it ... ... slightly to the left i've got a manned fort . GIVER: you got another stone creek ? FOLLOWER: eh oh right . GIVER: and stone slabs ? FOLLOWER: yeah it's right the way down below the manned fort , have you not got anything in between the rapids and the stone creek ... down at the bottom ? GIVER: no , well yeah , slightly to its right there's some stone slabs . FOLLOWER: yeah no in right in between the two of those i've got a manned fort . GIVER: no , how far down's the manned fort ? FOLLOWER: er about ... two inches ... maybe ... two and a half . GIVER: take it further down go right under the manned ... go under your manned fort ... and between your stone creek . FOLLOWER: the ... stone creek and the stone slabs ? GIVER: no , go r-- ... go down ... under your manned fort ... and then . FOLLOWER: which way do you want me to go round the r-- ... left or the right-hand side of that ? GIVER: go round the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: right okay . GIVER: and then , when you get to the b-- ... when you get below it ... ... go up ... towards your ha-- outlaws' hideout ... and sort of take the line s-- sloping up so it's like going straight up towards the outlaws' hideout ... or it's going close to the hideout it's like you're so you're going to the other side of the page . FOLLOWER: right so , it's a diagonal ... across the page ... towards that ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: that sounds a bit drastic , right . GIVER: right ... below your outlaws' hideout a good bit below do you have a noose ? FOLLOWER: yeah , have you got a gold mine there as well just ? GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: just to ... below and to the right ... of the ... outlaws' hideout i've got a gold mine . GIVER: no i've got nothing . FOLLOWER: i'm going to be quite wealthy i've got all the mines . GIVER: do you have a swan pond ? FOLLOWER: erm ... no . GIVER: no , do you have a saloon bar ? FOLLOWER: er i've got a saloon bar ... right ... down on the left-hand side . GIVER: head for that and we'll be okay . FOLLOWER: short cut . GIVER: no ehm ... ... ... ... see the outlaws' hideout ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: you're right up beside that ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm ... ... i'm , ju-- well i've got it at the moment i'm slightly below it but . GIVER: you've got a gold mine a gold mine you got a gold mine ... below that ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: far below it ? FOLLOWER: erm . GIVER: directly below it ? FOLLOWER: not directly below it , just ... ... just ... below the "u" ... ... if you take it down from the hideout ... ... er that ... that's just ... that's just at the left-hand side . GIVER: aye , that'll be where my s-- ... that'll be where my stone labs , that'll be where my stone ... slabs are , i would imagine . FOLLOWER: but are your stone slabs not ... kind of at the other side of that , 'cause my stone slabs are like ... ... maybe what ... two and a half inches below and ... to the ... left . GIVER: aye right okay , so ... you're saying they're ... it's to the right then this thing ? FOLLOWER: the gold mine is . GIVER: right above the noose ? FOLLOWER: mm aye ... directly above the noose that's a better description . GIVER: okay , well-- , from ... where that line is that you've drawn ... ... go straight down ... 'til you pass the noose ... ... and you're passing the noose ... like ... on its right-hand side ... by a wee bit . FOLLOWER: on its right-hand side ? GIVER: if you know what i mean , yeah . FOLLOWER: so that's like ... towards the edge of the paper here ? GIVER: mmhmm . FOLLOWER: right there we go , i've come right down below that ? GIVER: yeah , then you don't have anything else down like ? FOLLOWER: i've got the saloon bar ... and i've got the stone creek ... directly across ... to the left ... of the noose ... er but i've got nothing else in that area at all . GIVER: uh-huh , right . FOLLOWER: you know like ... below that i should say i mean ... in the m-- ... in the middle and to b-- above them and the stone slabs . GIVER: okay , right , you know how the ... like ... on line with the saloon bar ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: about ... two inches along ... i've got a swans pond . FOLLOWER: right , so i've to avoid that ? GIVER: you want to avoid that , so . FOLLOWER: so ... go above it ? GIVER: need to go ... go up above it , and then down ... ... and under the saloon bar ... to the finish . FOLLOWER: phoar . GIVER: is that you ? FOLLOWER: that's it ... yeah . GIVER: yee-ha , okay , home boy let's see you done . FOLLOWER: what the first bit of that was a total disaster . GIVER: he'll probably kill me here . FOLLOWER: 'cause i came through the rift valley the wrong way i was supposed to come from the top and go down 'til ... like down through it . GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: 'cause i well i came from underneath ... don't know what i was doing down there .