FOLLOWER: go . GIVER: okay we're going to start above th-- ... directly above the telephone kiosk . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: do you have that ? FOLLOWER: i've got the start yeah . GIVER: okay , you're going to ... move around the left of the telephone kiosk ... the same distance as you are above it , you're about ... what half an inch above it ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: okay . FOLLOWER: downwards ? GIVER: downwards ... ... sort of skipping . FOLLOWER: to the left-hand side ? GIVER: yeah , down ... ... until you're about ... ... an inch from the bottom of the page ... ... you should be skipping the edge of the page by about half an inch , okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: now ... ... take it do you have a stone circle at the bottom ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: no you don't , okay , now ... are you like ... ... if you come in a wee bit ... so that you're ... ... about ... an inch away from both edges . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: if you get to that point , now move along ... about an inch . FOLLOWER: to the right ? GIVER: to the right , directly horizontally across . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay , now ... curve ... up ... and out a wee bit and then straight up . FOLLOWER: up and ... up and left or right ? GIVER: so that you're , see where your farmer's gate is ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , we're going to come up ... on the left-hand side of that ... ... you'll just skim it by about a centimetre , okay ? FOLLOWER: up ... and to the right ? GIVER: up to the left-hand side of it yeah ... until you're at the top left-hand corner of the drawing . FOLLOWER: of the broken gate ? GIVER: of the broken gate that's correct . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay , now , you're going to move ... right , you know where the meadow is ... in the bottom right-hand corner ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: okay , see the third seagull along ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: okay , now ... go upwards ... until ... you're level ... with the point you're at at the f-- ... the broken gate . FOLLOWER: sorry have i to go round the top of it ? GIVER: no no , don't ... don't draw anything yet , just like say with your finger ... an imaginary point . FOLLOWER: above the third seagull ? GIVER: above the seagull ... so that ... both ... like your pen . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and your finger are level . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: now ... if you raise your right ... this imaginary point up ... about three quarters of an inch say , okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: see the point you're at there , draw a diagonal line ... linking these two points . FOLLOWER: okay , right . GIVER: okay , now , do you have a ruined monastery ? FOLLOWER: eh not near where i am just now , it's in the middle of the page . GIVER: yeah , right up at the middle of the page ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: okay , now ... if you ... say put ... make a point that ... that's just ... off ... the top right-hand turret ... or whatever it is you know just the top right-hand edge of that . FOLLOWER: okay yeah . GIVER: it's about a centimetre off it . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay , if you draw a kind of diagonal line ... curving yourself . FOLLOWER: round the monastery down to where i was ? GIVER: eh just from that edge ... to where you were . FOLLOWER: right ... okay , do you have the overnight accommodation ? GIVER: no , but you can go through that . FOLLOWER: okay , okay okay . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: now ... do you have the west lake down to your left ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: okay , right if you draw ... like ... a curved arch ... from the point you're at ... eh over the top of the ... the ruins . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , back down to like say a point that's level only on the other side , okay ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right , what you're going to do is you're going to continue your downward line ... for about ... another inch ... moving ... down ... towards ... let me see in ... a compass direction it would be southwest . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: right just continue ... down the way . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: moving both ... outwards and downwards . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , now ... skim ... ... a line ... that's pointing diagonally up ... if you take a point ... about ... an inch and a half from the edge of the page . FOLLOWER: level with where i am ? GIVER: level from where you are , okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: then move that point ... up half an inch ... so you've got a kind of diagonal line again . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay ... this is the left-hand edge of the page yeah ? FOLLOWER: yeah ... okay . GIVER: okay . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: if you connect these two points , do you have a stile ... above you ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: okay , are you downwards and slightly to the left of the stile ? FOLLOWER: i'm down and about an inch to the left . GIVER: an inch to the ... okay , you could come in a wee bit so that ... ... when you go up ... you uh ... you go up to the top left-hand corner of the stile ... but you're only say about a centimetre from the edge so that's your line . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: your point should be downwards ... you probably got the distance correct ... down the way but ... that'll be your ... route . FOLLOWER: up to the top of the stile ? GIVER: yeah , top left-hand corner . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: now if you like sort of draw a line along the top of that as if we're skirting round the ex-- ... the edge of it . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: again ... ... now we're going to move ... straight up ... about ... an inch and a half . FOLLOWER: from the right-hand corner of the stile ? GIVER: i've , uh-huh , do you have an obstacle there ? FOLLOWER: i've got a popular tourist spot slightly to the right ... and up from the stile . GIVER: okay , now ... we go up , right so you're at a point ... that's probably about ... two to three inches away from both the top edge ... and ... the left-hand side edge ... is that correct ? FOLLOWER: no ... not at the moment . GIVER: no , right ... can you see that point ... well if you imagine a point ? FOLLOWER: up in the top left-hand corner ? GIVER: right the top left-hand corner , if you come down about three inches . FOLLOWER: aye right okay . GIVER: okay ? FOLLOWER: i've got i've got . GIVER: and you come in about three inches okay there's a point . FOLLOWER: i've got a great viewpoint there . GIVER: oh wait a minute . FOLLOWER: okay ? GIVER: no ... no , i've got a great viewpoint away up in the top left-hand corner . FOLLOWER: yeah , that's what i thought you were talking about . GIVER: no , if you diagonally if you came in the same distance again , do you get it sh-- , oh wait a minute what would that be hold on , one two three ... say four inches ac-- ... in fact chris . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: four inches away from the top edge four inches away from the ... ... the edge on the left-hand side . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: now ... on my map that should be ... ... that's like ... up from the stile . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay , now if you're at that point ... ... do you have a ... a dead tree it's an elm tree down to your ? FOLLOWER: yeah , right over the other side of the page ? GIVER: okay , now see there the letter "d" ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: that one oh ... i've got dead tree you've got elm tree . FOLLOWER: i've got dutch elm . GIVER: is it , dutch elm , is it written underneath the tree ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: okay , see the first letter of dutch say ? FOLLOWER: mmhmm . GIVER: okay ... about a centimetre below that ? FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay if you draw a line ... is that a ... can you ha-- have a diagonal line going from where you are ... right down ... to . FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: yeah , do you go through anything ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: okay , see the popular viewpoint what happened to it did we go round it or what ? FOLLOWER: no we just stayed away from it . GIVER: oh ... never went anywhere near it ? FOLLOWER: no w-- well we went round the popular tourist spot we avoided the great viewpoint . GIVER: yeah okay ... went round that ... that's fine , okay you're going to curve ... half a circle around that tree . FOLLOWER: up the way ? GIVER: up the way , so that , see the third branch from the left ? FOLLOWER: uh-huh . GIVER: until you're say above that that's your half circle . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay ... you've done a "u" turn , now , if you draw like a kind , let's see , see where you have the east lake at the top ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right if you draw a line ... if you go from the "e" in lake ... down the way , okay ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: on to the edge of the lake . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and then say about half a centimetre from the edge of the lake ... ... ... if you connect those two points . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: now ... skirt the edge of the lake ... to the left ... move left along the edge of the lake . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: for about ... three inches . FOLLOWER: to the corner ? GIVER: yeah to the corner . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: so you're just past go past that co-- don't go up or anything like that just go past the corner for about an inch . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and finish there , you . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: okay .