GIVER: okay , shall we begin now ? FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay , ehm shall we call ... eh north ... ... ehm ... the top of the page ? FOLLOWER: right okay that's fine . GIVER: okay , ehm ... go straight down south ... past the diamond mine ... ... 'til you get ... just ... to where the words ... diamond mine start . FOLLOWER: mm okay . GIVER: go round ... ehm horizontally underneath diamond mine ... and along past ... the graveyard sort of up in a sort of slightly diagonal line to where the "d" is in the graveyard , okay ? FOLLOWER: eh graveyard . GIVER: have you got the graveyard written down ? FOLLOWER: no i don't have a graveyard on this one . GIVER: do you have diamond mine ? FOLLOWER: yes i've got a gold mine . GIVER: ah s-- , you don't have diamond mine though ? FOLLOWER: no , it's a gold mine according to this one , presumably that's the same . GIVER: well i've got a gold mine as well you see . FOLLOWER: i see ... mm that's interesting . GIVER: ehm ... oh dear , ehm ... do you have a graveyard ? FOLLOWER: no no graveyard , got eh ... carved stones at the top of the page , and directly below the diamond ... sorry just beyond diamond mine ... below the diamond mine is the gold mine . GIVER: right , so you've got a diamond mine and a gold mine ? FOLLOWER: sorry yes yes the diamond mine we've just gone past . GIVER: right so we're down past the diamond mine ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: and along underneath the diamond mine ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: along , ehm ... could we ... ehm ... up we want to go ... north through ... the graveyard and round and a-- above the carved stones . FOLLOWER: above the carved stones okay . GIVER: ehm ... ... straight down for a while , do you have indian country ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: do you ... indi-- . FOLLOWER: i've also got a ravine ... below the carved stones . GIVER: right , i don't have a ravine . FOLLOWER: right okay , i'll need to avoid that . GIVER: right , i want to go straight down , do you ... you have indian country ? FOLLOWER: yes got indian country . GIVER: ehm ... we want to go ... ... ehm ... we don't want to go underneath indian country we want to go above it . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: sort of d-- do you have a great rock ? FOLLOWER: yes got a great rock . GIVER: yeah , you want to go between the indian country and the great rock and actually diagonally so you're underneath the great rock . FOLLOWER: right , so going down to indian country ? GIVER: uh-huh , and then up ... diagonally . FOLLOWER: above indian country ? GIVER: above indian country , diagonally down to ... un-- ... h-- ... horizontally underneath the great rock . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: okay ... i-- . FOLLOWER: so beneath the great rock ? GIVER: right beneath the great rock , ehm you have the gold mine next ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right , ehm round above horizontally over above the gold mine . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: and straight down ... ehm ... ... do , do you have a trout farm ? FOLLOWER: yes i've got a trout farm . GIVER: uh-huh , ehm ... a sort of ... ... south down ... and ... to horizontally along ... underneath the trout farm ... ... so you're going down ... and then ... along to the trout farm underneath the trout farm . FOLLOWER: and then along to the trout farm , okay . GIVER: do you have the cavalry ? FOLLOWER: no there's no cavalry on this map . GIVER: cavalry , mm ... ehm ... underneath the trout farm i've got some , so if you go ... ehm ... horizontally 'til about ... an inch from the end of the page . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and straight down 'til about two inches from the bottom of the page , do you have cattle stockade ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: right , straight down ... 'til you get to that and then underneath it . FOLLOWER: right , okay . GIVER: do you have bandit territory ? FOLLOWER: yes got a bandit territory . GIVER: right , along , eh ... af-- are you underneath the cattle stockade ? FOLLOWER: yes . GIVER: ehm if you go ... ... sort of ... up ... a sort of a t-- a hill . FOLLOWER: have you got a , have you got a parched river bed ? GIVER: no i don't . FOLLOWER: right i better not avoid that . GIVER: yeah , but if you just just stay p-- we're just at the , we're nearly finished , ehm if you go ... under cattle stockade and then ... loop up slightly ... and then down under bandit territory . FOLLOWER: right , okay . GIVER: and up t-- eh up ... from bandit territory to finish . FOLLOWER: i don't have a finish marked on mine . GIVER: right , okay ehm ... bandit territory ... go ... to ... your ... left of bandit territory ... and ... ... just ... above it ... put a cross for finish . FOLLOWER: right , right , so just above bandit territory ? GIVER: ehm about ... ... well i'd say about ... ... eh ... an inch and a half left ... from bandit territory just above it . FOLLOWER: okay . GIVER: that's where the finish is .