GIVER: right eh from start position ... you move down past the camera shop to the bottom left corner . FOLLOWER: right right , the camera shop's ri-- directly below the start position right ? GIVER: yes , you move down to l-- ... past the left-hand side of the camera shop . FOLLOWER: no right . GIVER: and have you got parked van marked there ... beneath the camera shop ? FOLLOWER: no . GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: no-- it's just allotments to the eh right , and slightly below . GIVER: you move , well approximately three inches below the camera shop you make an arc and then move up ... up and around the left-hand side of the allotments . FOLLOWER: and where do i stop ? GIVER: stop just at the bot-- ... the top right corner of the allotments just above that little shed . FOLLOWER: right , right . GIVER: then you move in an angle slo-- ... sloping slightly upwards ... to approximately a third of the way across the page from the right ... and stop . FOLLOWER: so what is this ... eh there's a flight museum here on the ? GIVER: it's not marked on my map . FOLLOWER: oh right , ehm it's eh on the same level as the start position ... basically . GIVER: slightly below approximately on level with the top of the camera shop . FOLLOWER: right , so you make an angle and that's a straight line ? GIVER: a straight line yes . FOLLOWER: right , from there to just above the camera shop ? GIVER: yeah , approximately two thirds away t-- from the right-hand side of the page . FOLLOWER: uh from the right-hand side of the page ? GIVER: no sorry , one third away from the right-hand side of the page . FOLLOWER: right , that's just below the flight museum , okay ? GIVER: well pu-- , have you got yacht club marked bottom right corner ? FOLLOWER: yes uh-huh . GIVER: well it's just ... slightly to the left of the yacht club ... on a level with the camera shop roof . FOLLOWER: okay , and where do we go after that ? GIVER: you turn straight up the page ... and ... make ... a straight line which curves over and around top of the disused monastery , have you got that mark ? FOLLOWER: what on top of the monastery ? GIVER: above the monastery . FOLLOWER: and t-- uh right okay ... that's okay . GIVER: to the left ... up the to the right and then curves over to the left . FOLLOWER: right , so we're going from like above the allotments to ... just above the yacht club ... no just above but ... ehm ... about ? GIVER: approximately three inches , three four inches . FOLLOWER: same level as the camera shop basically ? GIVER: yeah . FOLLOWER: and then eh from there going to disused monastery ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: curving around the top of the disused monastery . FOLLOWER: yeah right , right , so curve around the disused monastery then where ? GIVER: and stop on the level with the base of it ... ... then the curve reverses itself ... and goes approximately ... li-- ... like it was before ... and then ... goes vertically up the side of the gr-- ... the alpine garden . FOLLOWER: right , could you just say that again ? GIVER: right from the disused monastery ... the left-hand side of disused monastery the curve ... makes a dip ... rather than a rise ... a trough . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and stops level with the left-hand side of the alpine garden . FOLLOWER: right , so it's a ... a curve eh pointing upwards to get to the disused monastery ? GIVER: no , a curve poin-- going ... down the way ... ... uh . FOLLOWER: that's what i mean , i mean eh ... the ... apex of the curve is higher than the two base points basically ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right , and then a ... the reverse of the concavity of the thing to come round to the alpine garden ? GIVER: yeah , you stop ... on a level with the m-- disused monastery to ... slightly to the left of the alpine garden . FOLLOWER: right , right . GIVER: then you go up vertically ... 'til just above the alpine garden , then you mak-- ... go right to the end of the alpine garden , then vertically again to the top of the youth hostel . FOLLOWER: there is no youth hostel . GIVER: then about three inches . FOLLOWER: where was the youth hostel ? GIVER: youth hostel was ... t-- ... upwards and to the right of the alpine garden if you go up from four inches from where you stopped at the alpine garden ... vertically . FOLLOWER: right , right ... ... i think i know where it is , right ... ... ehm ... where where would i be going after that ? GIVER: after where ? FOLLOWER: after the this youth hostel . GIVER: after ... youth hostel , you'd be going ... an inch to your right and then a diagonal line sloping at approximately ... eh ... what'd it be now ... hundred and thirty five degrees from vertical . FOLLOWER: right , eh ... can you give me a name of an object i'll be going to ? GIVER: the telephone box . FOLLOWER: right okay ... ... uh ... right , so i go up just below th-- ... just to below the parked van , have you got a parked van ? GIVER: no , you go to about t-- ... two inches below the parked van . FOLLOWER: right , right , and then from there ? GIVER: you go . FOLLOWER: so it's ? GIVER: two inches right ... from that ... and then a straight line diagonally 'til ... underneath the telephone box . FOLLOWER: right , all right , underneath the telephone ... telephone box ? GIVER: yes . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: not directly underneath it . FOLLOWER: ehm . GIVER: you're going to draw a s-- you're going to have to draw a straight line adding on to that ... that passes underneath the telephone box . FOLLOWER: right ... right ... okay , okay . GIVER: then there's a straight line going under the telephone box . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and a vertical line going up the right-hand side of the telephone box . FOLLOWER: and where does it go to ? GIVER: it ... stops about level with the top of the telephone box , then there's a ... sort of ... exponential curve that goes up to your right ... ... from that point ... and it ... starts to ... become vertical ... to the left of the telephone ... box on a l-- ... line left of the telephone box . FOLLOWER: and where's it going to is it going to the level crossing ? GIVER: it's going , not marked on my map , it's going ... to the right ... to the left of the thatched mud hut ... and . FOLLOWER: i don't have a thatched mud hut . GIVER: no . FOLLOWER: whe-- have you got an east lake ? GIVER: yes , it stops approximately th-- ... on a line through the middle of the east lake . FOLLOWER: mm right , ehm well i've got a level crossing just below the the ... ... the ehm ... east lake . GIVER: it'll probably mean go through that then . FOLLOWER: through the level crossing , ehm ... ... aren't we meant to eh ... avoid ... obstacles ? GIVER: avoid them ? FOLLOWER: yeah . GIVER: right ehm . FOLLOWER: i need to go ehm ... ... ... where where is it going is it going to eh eh parked van or some place ? GIVER: ehm no . FOLLOWER: eh ... where ? GIVER: it's going to ... the ... right of the parked van underneath the lef-- the very left-hand ... point of the east lake . FOLLOWER: right , so it's between ... ... ehm ? GIVER: it's on a level with the picket fence , have you got that top left corner ? FOLLOWER: yeah i've got that . GIVER: the finish point is on a level with that ... underneath the most left point of the east lake . FOLLOWER: right , r-- i'll go round it the level crossing , okay ? GIVER: right . FOLLOWER: is it a straight line or a curve ? GIVER: it curves , eh if the telephone box is there it curves up and then goes like that . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: from ... that's from seen from my point of view . FOLLOWER: and that's from the right-hand side of the telephone box ? GIVER: from the right-hand side of the telephone box it goes to the left-hand point . FOLLOWER: right , well i can't do an exponential so . GIVER: that's the path marked there . FOLLOWER: i'll see what i can do , right . GIVER: that you at the finish point ? FOLLOWER: i'm just at the eh ... ... left-hand bottom corner of the east lake . GIVER: the left-hand bot-- corner , you go ... just about an inch to your left . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: and that's the finish point . FOLLOWER: right . GIVER: on a level with the picket fence . FOLLOWER: on a level with the picket fence .